It is a well known fact that aging brings various erectile dysfunctions. Only around 2% of cases of erectile dysfunction in men between 25 and 35 have organic origin. When men reach 60 this percentage rises on 25% and when they reach 70 the percentage is amazing 80%. When we talk about organic causes of erectile dysfunction we are primarily talking about congenital malformations located in the sexual organs, endrocrinological and neurological disorders and problems, diseases and effects of different drugs.
There is no reliable and scientifically proven method that can recognize organic causes of impotence. In the moment, the most reliable method is measuring the volume of the penis during REM stadium of sleep and EMG (electromyography) and micro EMG of the pelvic muscles are two other efficient methods. Another really simple (but not that reliable) method is to keep track of sudden morning and nocturnal erections. Men with psychogenic erectile dysfunctions usually experience this type of erections while those suffering from organogenic erectile dysfunctions don’t. This so-called differential diagnosis is hard to set up in older men and that’s why many experts consider it to be unreliable. As an additional parameter for this type of diagnosis doctors usually take the state of erection during masturbation.
There are many reasons why erectile dysfunction occurs. It could be a combination of organic and psychological factors. In many cases the difficulties of organic nature are accompanied by men’s lack of self-confidence which stays even when the organic causes are eliminated. Psychological factors are certainly more numerous. According to many psychoanalysts, male erectile dysfunction is a result of neurotic disorders. Therefore, in their opinion the reason for its occurrence must be sought in subconscious problems, attitudes, conflicts and fantasies which have their roots in the man’s past especially in their experiences that took place in the early childhood. For example, fear of women and their genitals, few for one’s own genitals, abnormal identification of the sex partner with his own mother etc.
According to another group of experts erectile dysfunctions in young men occur when certain events take place. These events are easy to spot and this problem is easy to solve. According to them erectile dysfunctions occur because of one or several events:
– Because of fear, sexual nature, that build up together with sexual intercourses – fear of pregnancy, fear of being caught, traumas that have their origins in sexual intercourses etc.
– Because of problems that are non-sexual in their roots but problems that are directly linked with sexuality like fear of failure, personal insecurity etc.
– Because of connecting masturbation and other sexual behavior with the feeling of guilt.
This group of experts believes that the main reason for these dysfunctions is anxiety. They have come up with a conclusion that anxiety directly affects sexual behavior – lack of sex drive, acceleration of ejaculation (premature ejaculation), late ejaculation etc. The more anxious one man feels the more sexual difficulties he can expect.
Non-psychogenic difficulties can be cured with medications.