Tag Archives: lack of sex drive

Sex and parenthood

Being a parent is one of the best experiences that can happen to any man or woman. But many people are wondering why parenthood simply pushes out sex from our lives? Of course, many people will almost immediately say that the time that they spend for taking care of their children takes them a lot of time and energy too. But this can’t be the only reason for lack of sex. Many other factors affect the sex life of young parents. They either have lack of sex or the quality of sex is not on the same level as before.

Few extra pounds gained during the pregnancy

Many women are obsessed with their physical appearance after they give birth. It is a well known fact that after the woman gives birth she will actually weight less. It is also a fact that women are not in the same shape as they were before. Many women often look themselves in the mirror and they are not very certain if they are attractive to their partners. Asking your partner won’t help much because he will probably tell you that you look perfect but what each woman can do is taking more care for her. This means regular exercising and practicing a healthy diet. By doing these things you will increase the lost self-confidence and you can be sure that the reflection you see in the mirror will become more likeable and there is a great chance that if you are disciplined you can expect to look even better than before!

Mother figure

There are some men that simply lose sexual desire to have sex with their partner when their partner becomes a mother. For reasons that are unknown for experts, they change their own attitude toward her and they don’t want to get involved in sexual activities. Probably the best option in situations like these is to have open conversations. In case this doesn’t work it is good to advise your partner to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist that can help him find the source of his problem and help him overcome this unpleasant sex problem.

Postpartum depression

Besides being worried about the physical appearance women should probably pay more attention on their emotional state. The symptoms that something is wrong can be spotted easily. Things like sudden mood changes, unusual behavior and lack of sex drive are common for postpartum depression. This is a serious condition and in case you notice these symptoms you should seek appropriate professional help without any delays.

During and after pregnancy lack of sex drive is a very common occurrence. This is completely normal, so you should not b worried because once the body is relived fro the stress caused by the pregnancy everything will get back to normal.

The things we have mentioned in this article can truly worsen your sex life and even complicate your relationship. One easy and very efficient tool for solving these problems is communication.

Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

It is a well known fact that aging brings various erectile dysfunctions. Only around 2% of cases of erectile dysfunction in men between 25 and 35 have organic origin. When men reach 60 this percentage rises on 25% and when they reach 70 the percentage is amazing 80%. When we talk about organic causes of erectile dysfunction we are primarily talking about congenital malformations located in the sexual organs, endrocrinological and neurological disorders and problems, diseases and effects of different drugs.

There is no reliable and scientifically proven method that can recognize organic causes of impotence. In the moment, the most reliable method is measuring the volume of the penis during REM stadium of sleep and EMG (electromyography) and micro EMG of the pelvic muscles are two other efficient methods. Another really simple (but not that reliable) method is to keep track of sudden morning and nocturnal erections. Men with psychogenic erectile dysfunctions usually experience this type of erections while those suffering from organogenic erectile dysfunctions don’t. This so-called differential diagnosis is hard to set up in older men and that’s why many experts consider it to be unreliable. As an additional parameter for this type of diagnosis doctors usually take the state of erection during masturbation.

There are many reasons why erectile dysfunction occurs. It could be a combination of organic and psychological factors. In many cases the difficulties of organic nature are accompanied by men’s lack of self-confidence which stays even when the organic causes are eliminated. Psychological factors are certainly more numerous. According to many psychoanalysts, male erectile dysfunction is a result of neurotic disorders. Therefore, in their opinion the reason for its occurrence must be sought in subconscious problems, attitudes, conflicts and fantasies which have their roots in the man’s past especially in their experiences that took place in the early childhood. For example, fear of women and their genitals, few for one’s own genitals, abnormal identification of the sex partner with his own mother etc.

According to another group of experts erectile dysfunctions in young men occur when certain events take place. These events are easy to spot and this problem is easy to solve. According to them erectile dysfunctions occur because of one or several events:

–          Because of fear, sexual nature, that build up together with sexual intercourses – fear of pregnancy, fear of being caught, traumas that have their origins in sexual intercourses etc.

–          Because of problems that are non-sexual in their roots but problems that are directly linked with sexuality like fear of failure, personal insecurity etc.

–          Because of connecting masturbation and other sexual behavior with the feeling of guilt.

This group of experts believes that the main reason for these dysfunctions is anxiety. They have come up with a conclusion that anxiety directly affects sexual behavior – lack of sex drive, acceleration of ejaculation (premature ejaculation), late ejaculation etc. The more anxious one man feels the more sexual difficulties he can expect.

Non-psychogenic difficulties can be cured with medications.

How to deal with low sex drive?

Decrease in sexual desire and sex drive in people who are in a serious relationship can lead to various problems. The causes of reduced sex drive can be a disease, but very often they are a result of seemingly small business, family or psychological problems. The good news is that these problems can be solved relatively easily.

People have been working to increase male libido from the ancient times. Different nations had different methods to achieve greater sex drive. For example, ancient Greeks believed that bull testicles can increase their potency while ancient Romans used various means against impotence including sea food like oysters. Other people used means that were considered to be magical, and although these means might not physically improve their performance it was enough to make a psychological boost and increase sexual desire. Some of these aphrodisiacs included the horns of certain animals, various spells, pickled bugs etc. Since ancient times, people have experimented with different types of food that were considered to be helpful for the libido. Food like truffles, cinnamon, celery, kefir, giner, herbalk teas and other were used regularly. American Indians for example used the plant called Tumer which is now part of many medications that are used to increase potency.

Lack of sexual desire is present in both sexes equally and it surely affects the stability of the relationship in a very negative way. Sexual weakness in men is manifested with diminished erection, delayed or premature erection and overall lack of sexual desire. Women tend to have different type of problems like vaginal dryness, having trouble to achieve sexual arousal and or difficulties with reaching and experiencing orgasm.

So what exactly causes these problems? Causes of problems related to love life can be a variety of diseases like high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, hormonal disorder, impaired circulation, side effects of certain medications, diabetes and other medical conditions. Furthermore, vices like tobacco, alcohol or drugs can have very negative impact on sexual desire and the sexual power of both women and men. There are few other causes that can produce serious problems with the libido like depression, stress, irregular sleep and insomnia, unhealthy diet, chronic fatigue, improper communication, lack of time, modern lifestyle, busy schedule at the workplace, some serious family problems and similar issues.

Fortunately, if not all, most of these problems that cause lack of sex drive can be reduced and even completely solved. Of course in order to get rid of these problems they should be taken seriously by both partners and they need to have intention to solve those problems. For example, diseases that can cause lack of sex drive can be treated with proper therapies. Problems linked with everyday activities can be solved by better organization of your life and obligations. Trust, love and regular communication will certainly help you deal with sex drive problems.

If your sex drive is reduced because of some serious medical issue or some other very serious problem you should consult an expert. There are a lot of counseling services that will give you directions how to overcome your problems and help you with your sex life.

Sexual Problems In Women

Having sexual problems means that sex is not an satisfying and positive experience for those who practice it. When it comes to women, most common sexual problems include lack of interest in sex, orgasmic problems and/or arousal problems. Some women experience pain during the sexual intercourse.

Many women have sexual problems in some period of their lives. However some women have a permanent problem. In order for the symptoms to become problem they need to start to interfere your normal sexual life. Of course there is no such thing as general normal sex life. What is normal for one person is not normal for another when we talk about sex. Another thing to consider is that our bodies are changing with the process of aging and we can’t expect to have the same shape of our organs or the same sex drive.

So, we can conclude that women’s sexuality is very complex. When there is a problem in the emotional or physical aspect of life, you can expect sexual problems to appear.

Some physical causes include pain from injuries, medical conditions such as arthritis or diabetes or various problems connected with hormonal balance.

Emotional causes can be as bad as physical cause and some of them are – stress, depression, anxiety, unhealthy relationship, sexual trauma etc.

The process of aging can cause sexual problems both from emotional and physical aspect.

Taking certain types of medications can also cause these problems. These medications affect some of the vital functions of our body that are needed for uninterrupted sexual intercourse like blood pressure for example.

The symptoms are easy to spot and they usually include lack of sex drive, problems with arousal, inability to achieve orgasm and pain during the sex.

Women often recognize a sexual problem when they notice a change in their sexual desire or satisfaction during the sexual intercourse. When this happens, it is necessary to look at what is happening in the body and in life in general. Things like instable relationship, lack of time for intimacy and relaxation, painful memories about previous sexual intercourses or some non-sexual disease can all change the level of sexual desire and ruin the satisfaction. Whatever is the cause for this situation; women should detect the problem and try to solve it. Visiting a doctor can be very helpful and although some women might find these conversations about sexual life uncomfortable keep in mind that doctors are professionals and they can help you.

When the cause for these problems is located it is easier to treat them. Sometimes there can be more than one cause for these sexual problems. The good thing is that almost all of them can be treated successfully.

Successful treatment requires a high level of trust and confidence between you and your doctor. Ideally, you and your partner will be able to talk openly about sexual issues. Some causes of sexual problems, such as medical conditions, may not be within your control. But the emotional and psychological states are equally important.

That’s why you need to take care of your overall physical and emotional health. Don’t be afraid to talk with your partner about your problems. Try to find methods to relax. Enjoy the tenderness and intimacy and remember that everything you hear and read about other people’s fantastic sex may not be true.

Ways to Cure Impotent

If you are concerned of becoming impotent as you grow older, you should stop worrying and put a smile on your face, we are about to put your worries about impotent to rest. It’s not written anywhere that as you grow older, you have to expense your sex life.

Impotent also known as loss and lack of sex drive often occurs in 50% of men and 30% of women as they age. However, there is a common myth that goes round which purports that impotent is another unavoidable part of aging, no it’s NOT!

The truth is, the foods we eat highly affect our bodies entirely and that means our sexual health as well. The average Western World diet is ridiculous rich in artery clogging foods that lessen sexual function and are known for boosting health reproductive complications including ovarian and prostate cancer.

The modern processed diets we consume wholly makes many become impotent thus presenting a threat to health and vitality. Fortunately, we have nabbed three main perpetrators that threaten sexual vitality and are known to be major causes for impotent.


For healthy, vigorous energy flow during a love making session, every partner needs to eat in accordance to their natural body types. Science has it that the energetic qualities of nutrition play an important role in the nutrition by upholding a healthy balance between female and male energies.

A diet that is high in inundated fats makes the body lose its flexibility and will more than likely block the energy flow into reproductive organs thus causing the make to suffer from premature ejaculations. Unfortunately in the modern times we live in, excess beef and chicken are meals that are responsible for creation of overly contracted denser and harder bodies.

These foods cause energy flow through the now tight bodies to block and finally individuals end up being impotent or frigid. Women that have natural soft bodies will end up being less sensitive to coitus and for their counterparts (muscular men) their bodies harden up and they encounter premature ejaculation.

Dairy Products

A majority of dairy products consumed by humans, have a proper nutrition that is required for a developing calf, however, the nutrition is not good for human ingestion. Other than the colossal amount of saturated fats, dairy products upsets the body’s natural balance.

Soft dairy products especially ice cream make men’s hard bodies soft and this grossly affects the sex drive. Moreover, artificial high oestrogen levels in the modern dairy products hamper hormone balance and are responsible for affecting the sexual functions in both women and men.

Refined Sugars

Refined sugars weaken immune systems and are known to create a disease friendly environment in the human body. Refined sugars also block sex drive. Unfortunately, men that consume loads of refined sugar will more than likely have problems maintain an erection.

Women who ingest high levels of refined sugars will on the other hand find it extremely hard to experience orgasm.


As much as the idea of popping pills or resulting to surgical procedures to treat sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation and impotent, the results is not only ineffective, they are non-long lasting as well.

It gets worse, these approaches can cause your kidneys to weaken and your reproductive organs in the whole run will deplete your sex drive way further. If you want to recover from impotence, a wholefood diet comprised of cooked whole grains, veggies is a natural and critical ways which you can use in regaining the pleasures of intimacy again!