Tag Archives: breast cancer

Low Testosterone Treatment

One way of treating Low Testosterone is buy use of Activ Homme, a medication indicated for treating males diagnosed as having Low T or none at all. Even so, the medication is contraindicated for use by males below 18 years, children and women for safety reasons. This is the only topical Low testosterone medication applied under the arms. Results of clinical trials undertaken so far indicate that men diagnosed as having Low T have their testosterone levels restored to the required level in approximately two weeks.

As topical medication, Activ-Homme containing testosterone. Its use therefore requires proper handling. This is not only to prevent its misuse but for you to use it safely as well. In regard to personal safety, it is advisable that you apply antiperspirant on deodorant several minutes before applying the medication. This serves to prevent the medication from penetrating the skin. You should be able to realize positive results when you apply the medication at the same time every morning. How much medication to apply and for how long varies from one individual to another. Your doctor should advice you appropriately on how much and how long to apply Activ-Homme.

Actual application of Axiron must also follow a clear pattern. Application should be by swiping from above the underarm going down to the lower part. You should not apply the medication by swiping or rubbing with your bare fingers. For safety reasons, you need to clean the applicator cup with warm running water and soap. You also need to let your underarms dry before dressing. These measures are very necessary since the medication is not supposed to come into contact with any other part of the skin.

You cannot underestimate the need to let your armpits dry before dressing. This is because you can easily transfer the medication from your body to another person through contact. Any accidental exposure of any other part of your skin or another person’s skin can cause such undesired symptoms as pubic hair (in children). In order to prevent such accidental transfer, it is highly recommended that you only apply the medication to your armpits, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dress up once the medication has dried up. The fact that Axiron remains flammable when wet also makes it necessary to handle it with care in addition to letting it dry completely before dressing up.

Apart from males below 18 years, children and women, Axiron is not recommended for use by those diagnosed with prostate cancer or breast cancer. Likewise, one should inform his doctor if he is taking any other prescription or non-prescription medications for necessary advice before using Axiron.

Like with any other medication, Axiron causes various side effects, some of which can be very serious. Some of the most common side effects include skin irritation in the armpits, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, increased count of red blood cells and unusually frequent penile erection that can last for long periods. Maxidus boost sexual enhancement.

Serious Axiron side effects that you not only need to watch out for but also report to your doctor immediately include swellings on your ankles, feet and/or body, enlarged breasts that become painful and difficulty in breathing particularly when sleeping. Other serious but non-visible side effects include lower sperm count and enlarged prostate gland.