Tag Archives: cure impotence

Impotence – Constant Fear Of Sexual Dysfunction

Having low self-esteem linked with sexual impotence can truly disturb every man and what is even more frightening is that this unpleasant situation can affect different aspects of their lives. In situations like these failures become something inevitable.

There are many reasons why this is happening and different psychologists have different conclusions. However there are few things that seem to repeat in these cases of impotence among men.

Men tend to equate their masculinity with their sexual power, although masculinity is reflected in many different things not just sexuality. Furthermore they equate their sexual power with erectile power, which allows normal and uninterrupted sexual intercourse with the partner. Men can be manly and impotent at the same time although some of them don’t realize how that is possible. There are many causes why impotence occurs. For example there can be natural causes, when impotence occurs because of sclerotic changes in the blood vessels. Certain neurological diseases can also cause impotence – for example multiple sclerosis. The list is even longer when we add, diabetes, various medical interventions (prostate surgery, aortic surgery, tumors around and on the genitals…), various medications that we consume (antihypertensives , psychopharmaceuticals), on it. Mental disorders are on this list too. For example depression can lower sex drive in addition to impotence. These mental disorders can cause even more problems than some of the medicaments.

There are some side causes that can also affect the appearance of impotence. On the top of this list are bad relationships followed by distancing of the partners, hostility and hatred and even open aggression. Sometimes some unexpected events in our lives can also affect our sexual health. Things like death of a partner, fear from a newly discovered disease. fear of divorce, troubles at work; they can all worsen the situation.

In many cases the cause of sexual impotence is of psychological nature. After a few failures in a row, which might be caused by some unfortunate events, a man can develop fear of failure. This fear is interfering erection and lowers the quality of the sexual intercourse.

In these cases men tries to focus on their own performance instead of focusing on the physical attractiveness of the women they are with. Sometimes these causes have deeper roots which can be traced in the early childhood.

The unstoppable process of aging can also affect the sexual power of men. After the age of 50 erections might not occur as often as previously. Men are usually physiologically strongest in their 20s and after the 40s they slowly begin to lose interest in sex and their levels of testosterone are lowered. In some cases the sex drive is present but the man is not able to achieve erection so easy.

Every case of impotence should be examined separately. Depending on the causes impotence can be treated with drugs, surgery and even with psychotherapy in cases of psychogenic impotence.