Tag Archives: erectile dysfunction treatment

The Reason You Fail To Maintain Hard Erection

At some point in life; a majority of men experience episodes where they are unable to get and sustain an erection. Well; if you are at this point; do not be alarmed. Some of the reasons why you are unable to maintain hard erection include:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Tiredness

That said, however; if you have problems with your erection; it’s time you went for a check-up for erectile dysfunction (ED) which is also known as being impotent.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the irregularity of achieve and maintain hard erection. Maybe when you masturbate, you achieve an erection; however, when you are with your partner you fail to keep it.

It is crucial to recall that ED is a symptom and not an illness. The best way to get rid of it is by establishing what may be causing it, in the first place.

Who and When Suffers Impotence (ED)?

Impotence affects men at any given age. Erectile dysfunction, on the other hand; is a common symptom in men especially when growing older. Research approximates that half of all menfolk of the ages 40-70 to some extent have ED symptom.

Erectile Dysfunction causes both physical and psychological causes. At times; it is a combination of these two things.

Some physical causes of ED include:

  • Prescription medicine and drug use
  • Hormonal conditions including thyroid problems
  • Blood vessels in the penile region contracting; the narrowing is linked to cardiovascular, diabetes and high blood pressure

Some Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction include:

  • Fear of failing during sex
  • Depression
  • Mental health problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Anxiety

Soft Erection Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction treatment is administered to counter the leading cause of ED. Should ED arise from a medical condition; treating the condition is likely to resolve the problem.

ED symptoms are often improved by making significant changes to your lifestyle. Some of the changes that are known to help revert ED include:

  • Losing Weight and matching your BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Steering clear of all kinds of drugs unless prescribed to you
  • Drinking moderately
  • Regular exercises

Medical Advice

If you suspicions that you may have ED related symptoms; book an appointment with your general practitioner. You may also visit a genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM). The staff at the hospital will evaluate you and find out whether you require any treatment.

Do not be embarrassed to talk about the medical condition with your doctor. ED is a significant problem for more than half the population of men world over. Kindly remember the importance of identifying the cause of your symptoms.

Remember, ED is at times diagnosed as an early sign of another medical condition such as cardiovascular disease.