Tag Archives: increase libido

How to deal with low sex drive?

Decrease in sexual desire and sex drive in people who are in a serious relationship can lead to various problems. The causes of reduced sex drive can be a disease, but very often they are a result of seemingly small business, family or psychological problems. The good news is that these problems can be solved relatively easily.

People have been working to increase male libido from the ancient times. Different nations had different methods to achieve greater sex drive. For example, ancient Greeks believed that bull testicles can increase their potency while ancient Romans used various means against impotence including sea food like oysters. Other people used means that were considered to be magical, and although these means might not physically improve their performance it was enough to make a psychological boost and increase sexual desire. Some of these aphrodisiacs included the horns of certain animals, various spells, pickled bugs etc. Since ancient times, people have experimented with different types of food that were considered to be helpful for the libido. Food like truffles, cinnamon, celery, kefir, giner, herbalk teas and other were used regularly. American Indians for example used the plant called Tumer which is now part of many medications that are used to increase potency.

Lack of sexual desire is present in both sexes equally and it surely affects the stability of the relationship in a very negative way. Sexual weakness in men is manifested with diminished erection, delayed or premature erection and overall lack of sexual desire. Women tend to have different type of problems like vaginal dryness, having trouble to achieve sexual arousal and or difficulties with reaching and experiencing orgasm.

So what exactly causes these problems? Causes of problems related to love life can be a variety of diseases like high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, hormonal disorder, impaired circulation, side effects of certain medications, diabetes and other medical conditions. Furthermore, vices like tobacco, alcohol or drugs can have very negative impact on sexual desire and the sexual power of both women and men. There are few other causes that can produce serious problems with the libido like depression, stress, irregular sleep and insomnia, unhealthy diet, chronic fatigue, improper communication, lack of time, modern lifestyle, busy schedule at the workplace, some serious family problems and similar issues.

Fortunately, if not all, most of these problems that cause lack of sex drive can be reduced and even completely solved. Of course in order to get rid of these problems they should be taken seriously by both partners and they need to have intention to solve those problems. For example, diseases that can cause lack of sex drive can be treated with proper therapies. Problems linked with everyday activities can be solved by better organization of your life and obligations. Trust, love and regular communication will certainly help you deal with sex drive problems.

If your sex drive is reduced because of some serious medical issue or some other very serious problem you should consult an expert. There are a lot of counseling services that will give you directions how to overcome your problems and help you with your sex life.