Tag Archives: erectile problems

Chronic Illness and Sexuality

Diseases can strongly affect and complicate everyday life and that includes sexuality too. However, sexuality should not be forgotten even when someone is suffering from some chronic illness.

Every chronic illness or pain in general will certainly lower your sexual desire and sexual endurance. If you are recovering from some acute disease you will also notice that your libido is affected. In addition, the medications that you have to take in most cases have negative effect on your sex drive and sexual activity. Furthermore, if you are practicing unhealthy lifestyle you will soon feel the negative effects when it comes to your sexuality. Heavy drinking and smoking for example can lead to erectile problems. Besides physical health, mental health is very important too. Depression for example brings some devastating effects to our self-confidence and ultimately leads to low sexual desire and erectile problems too. Certain health problems cause specific sexual difficulties but the good news is that there is a solution for all those problems.

Diabetes mellitus can cause erectile dysfunction and these difficulties are getting more complicated as the patient grows older. The best advice is to stick to a healthy diet and never miss a meal. This is the best way to postpone possible erectile problems that diabetes brings. Another good advice is to stop worrying too much, because you can develop emotional problems and blockage too. The more you think about your problem the more worried you will get and that doesn’t bring anything good. If you are too worried and you don’t follow the advice from your doctor, you may even completely lose interest in sex.

Erectile problems are very often present before a heart attack and a certain period after a person survives a heart attack. The cause for these erectile problems is the reduced blood flow in the genitalia. The penis needs sufficient blood flow in order to get hard and easily penetrate into the vagina. Those who have survived a heart attack usually face mental problems because of the fear that they can experience another heart attack during the sexual intercourse. This mental pressure is usually present in older men who are trying to have sex with younger women. There is no need to panic because if your doctor has confirmed that you are ready to engage in physical activity again then it is perfectly safe to have sex again. If you are worried that you might get too excited, it’s a good idea to masturbate some time before you have sex. Men who have experienced heart attack should be very careful if they are having sex with a new partner because the whole atmosphere brings a lot more tension.

Those who are suffering from multiple sclerosis should be prepared for erectile problems. They usually have reduced feeling of stimulation and some of them lose the ability of ejaculation. The best thing to do in such case is to stimulate your own erection and continue with the sexual intercourse.