Tag Archives: erection

Activ Homme Can Help Men To Finally Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

When a St. Louis, Mo. man realized, at the age of 24, that he had problems attaining and keeping an erection, he knew there was something physically wrong.

57-year-old Steve Thompson has suffered with erectile dysfunction for the majority of his adult life. He said many people viewed the issue has a psychological problem, thinking it was just too uptight or didn’t know how to properly have sex. Thompson said these folks, not once, considered the fact that there was a physical problem – maybe something wrong with the circulatory system.

Due to his unrelenting problems and aggravation with erectile dysfunction (ED), Thompson had problems dating. His urologist, who he Thompson had been seeing for 15 years, prescribed all kinds of oral erectile dysfunction medications – Cialis and Viagra to name a couple – but no medication worked for the 57-year-old. Finally after years of trying other methods, Thompson decided to speak with a sexual medicine specialist.

And, this is where he found relief from ED.

Thompson’s specialist decided to run some blood flow tests and discovered something other doctors had missed: due to a buildup of scar tissue, the arteries in his penis were blocked. The specialist recommended, in 2007, that Thompson try Activ-Homme. The results Thompson got made him happy.

In fact, for the first time since his mid-20s, Thompson could get and keep an erection for a full 60 minutes. His doctor showed Thompson how to carefully inject the drugs himself so there was no need for a doctor’s visit each time he wanted to engage in the sexual act.

Has Thompson injected the drugs himself yet and had sex? Not yet! However, he’s eager to try it. He said some people will take a toothbrush with them on a date. He said when he goes on a date, he brings a vial, syringes and swabs.