Tag Archives: male impotence

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction without Pills

Although apparently there are dozens of different cures available to treat male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction. This condition may not require medications or special treatments. Depending on the cause of the problem, it is possible that few changes to the lifestyle of a man are all you need to solve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

Of course, there may be many factors, both physical and psychological that are the root of impotence. Studies have shown that a large number of cases are caused by factors that can be treated quite simply. Three of the main causes of erectile dysfunction are the snuff, alcohol and drugs.

One of the primary and worst effects of smoking on the body is reducing the ability of the vasculature (blood vessels) to circulate blood throughout the body. Because male potency requires a good supply of blood to the sexual organ of a man, smoking can be a contributing factor for impotence. If that is the case, quitting smoking is likely to resolve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

The reason why alcohol can contribute to erectile dysfunction is because prolonged beverage can lead to reduced level of testosterone in man. Without a high enough amount of this important male hormone in your system, it may lead to decrease in libido and sexual stamina.  Once again, the symptoms can be alleviated by an alteration in lifestyle as simple as a change in the habits of drinking.

Intake of some other medicines may also be a factor causing impotence, especially if you are taking certain drugs for conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or depression. If you fall into either category, a consultation with your doctor may be all it takes to solve the problem of impotence.

Other factors of impotence

Even if you do not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol in excess or use drugs, poor diet, physical inactivity and other unhealthy living conditions may be causing your impotence.

For good health in general, especially for those who approach middle age; it is important to take a vitamin supplement and do at least thirty minutes of exercise three times a week. This will not only help combat erectile dysfunction, but also reduce potential health risks. Ever heard of a good heart equals to a good erection? A hard erection needs a good blood flow to ‘support’ it, so a good heart condition is important.

It is only after all of the above factors have been ruled out; one could resort to opting for herbal products or medicines to cure erectile dysfunction.