Tag Archives: sexual trauma

What is Psychological Erectile Dysfunction and how to overcome them?

The psychological reasons for the problem of erectile dysfunction are responsible for about 10-20% of cases of erectile dysfunction. In most cases it is a secondary reaction to a primary cause. Psychological causes may be due to child abuse or related to bad sexual experiences and traumas. The main factors of psychological erectile dysfunction are the following:

Stress: It may be related to stress from work, stress for financial reasons, or even because of marital problems and discussions.

Anxiety: From the time that erectile dysfunction occurs first, the man is very worried that it may happen again. Thinking so will lead to “performance anxiety” – the fear of not satisfying your partner which causes erectile dysfunction almost without fail.

Feeling guilty: The man may feel guilty for not satisfying his partner.

Depression: The most common cause for erectile dysfunction is depression that affects a man both physically and psychologically. Depression can be the cause of erectile dysfunction even when a person feels comfortable in sexual situations. The medications and drugs that are prescribed to treat depression may also cause male impotence.

Low self-esteem: Self-esteem may be due to a previous episode of erectile dysfunction that makes men feel inadequate or due to other non-sexual trauma.

Indifference: Indifference may be the result of an age or diminished interest in sex, which may be the result of medications or due to marital problems between the couple.

Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency, has the problem for many years. This problem can worsen over time because psychological factors may begin to increase. In these cases, there is a strong tendency to avoid sexual contact and create feelings of anger, helplessness or disillusionment with the companion fails to inspire.

However, there are some exercises that the person suffering from this problem can do for his or her partner. These are divided into three steps:

a) First step: In order to rediscover, the couple should bet on strokes in different parts of the body except the genital region, to arouse the desires of the partners. This stage can last as long as necessary for the couple.

b) Second step: In this step, make more intimate contacts, being allowed to touch the genital region. This step can also last as long as necessary for the couple feel at ease.

c) Third stage: In this stage the penetration can occur, but must respect the time and mode of each partner.

When it comes to the conclusion that the patient is suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction, it is recommended a consultation with a sexologist should be done as quickly as possible for the person to start the treatments.

Sexual Problems In Women

Having sexual problems means that sex is not an satisfying and positive experience for those who practice it. When it comes to women, most common sexual problems include lack of interest in sex, orgasmic problems and/or arousal problems. Some women experience pain during the sexual intercourse.

Many women have sexual problems in some period of their lives. However some women have a permanent problem. In order for the symptoms to become problem they need to start to interfere your normal sexual life. Of course there is no such thing as general normal sex life. What is normal for one person is not normal for another when we talk about sex. Another thing to consider is that our bodies are changing with the process of aging and we can’t expect to have the same shape of our organs or the same sex drive.

So, we can conclude that women’s sexuality is very complex. When there is a problem in the emotional or physical aspect of life, you can expect sexual problems to appear.

Some physical causes include pain from injuries, medical conditions such as arthritis or diabetes or various problems connected with hormonal balance.

Emotional causes can be as bad as physical cause and some of them are – stress, depression, anxiety, unhealthy relationship, sexual trauma etc.

The process of aging can cause sexual problems both from emotional and physical aspect.

Taking certain types of medications can also cause these problems. These medications affect some of the vital functions of our body that are needed for uninterrupted sexual intercourse like blood pressure for example.

The symptoms are easy to spot and they usually include lack of sex drive, problems with arousal, inability to achieve orgasm and pain during the sex.

Women often recognize a sexual problem when they notice a change in their sexual desire or satisfaction during the sexual intercourse. When this happens, it is necessary to look at what is happening in the body and in life in general. Things like instable relationship, lack of time for intimacy and relaxation, painful memories about previous sexual intercourses or some non-sexual disease can all change the level of sexual desire and ruin the satisfaction. Whatever is the cause for this situation; women should detect the problem and try to solve it. Visiting a doctor can be very helpful and although some women might find these conversations about sexual life uncomfortable keep in mind that doctors are professionals and they can help you.

When the cause for these problems is located it is easier to treat them. Sometimes there can be more than one cause for these sexual problems. The good thing is that almost all of them can be treated successfully.

Successful treatment requires a high level of trust and confidence between you and your doctor. Ideally, you and your partner will be able to talk openly about sexual issues. Some causes of sexual problems, such as medical conditions, may not be within your control. But the emotional and psychological states are equally important.

That’s why you need to take care of your overall physical and emotional health. Don’t be afraid to talk with your partner about your problems. Try to find methods to relax. Enjoy the tenderness and intimacy and remember that everything you hear and read about other people’s fantastic sex may not be true.