Tag Archives: suffering from erectile dysfunction

Emotional and Interpersonal Impact of Erectile Dysfunction

It is estimated that erectile dysfunction – also known as impotence could be affecting about 30 million men in the United States, with a higher incidence in older men, though not necessarily all older men suffer from sexual dysfunction. A study published in 1994 – made ​​in a sample of healthy men between 40 and 70 years by the Massachusetts Male Aging Study found that about 52% of men surveyed had experienced some degree of (minimal, moderate or complete) erectile dysfunction.

Often, erectile dysfunction is only a symptom of other serious illness that must be addressed, such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. However, few men attending doctor for erectile dysfunction is treated. Only in recent years, with the emergence of drug called “sildenafil” (Viagra®), and similar drugs, it has generated greater awareness among the public about the need to address this sexual difficulty, probably because of the hope that the Science has made to overcome this problem.

These emotional and interpersonal effects of erectile dysfunction are a clear indication that it is also important to enlist the help of a doctor and a psychotherapist to fully overcome the effects of this sexual difficulty.

Emotional impact and self-esteem

A man suffering from erectile dysfunction may feel less happy and desirable than a man who is living a perfect sexual life. Many men experience anxiety, depression and low self-esteem as a result of erection problems. The emotional impact of ED is often a heavy burden, since usually they tend to express their feelings and emotions less than women. Much less when they feel their personal worth has been affected by the difficulty in erection.

The ability to achieve an erection is one of the most important symbols of masculine identity. Losing this ability directly affects self-esteem and self-image of a man. Therefore, it is not easy to talk about this subject with your partner or go to the doctor promptly. According to some research, in the hierarchy of signs of masculinity in sexual activity, the ability to achieve an erection is on top of the list followed by the ability to penetrate, sexual desire and finally, the ability to ejaculate. The inability to have an erection can have a serious impact on the identity, psychological stability and the role that a man plays in the outside world – including their relationship – and thus, in what society thinks of it. Thus, the ability to perform sexually is very important for a man.

Impact on relationship

Every relationship has its unique characteristics, and a way of living sexuality that is very intimate and private. When a man suffers from erectile dysfunction, the relationship is affected, and he as an individual often experience shame, humiliation and guilt. Often these emotions become barriers to talk to your partner about the problem. The man ends up falling back emotionally and physically by fear of failure, which further undermines the relationship. The fear of any form of physical contact becomes a requirement of intercourse by the couple, often generates avoidance of intimate contact. The performance anxiety worsens and man can fall into states of deep depression and end up feeling disinterest in any kind of sexual activity.

Some researchers estimate that the disorder in erection is involved in one in five failed marriages. The impact on the relationship can be very large, affecting trust, intimacy and closeness with your partner. Meanwhile, the woman may believe that her partner has lost interest in her, and think that this is the cause of the lack of erection problem. As a result, it is perceived less attractive, low self-esteem, and end up feeling rejected and abandoned. Also, she may be afraid that her partner is being unfaithful and believe that he is sexually involved with other women. This creates various fears and misunderstandings when it actually needed is that the couple communicate openly about the relationship and the impact that erectile dysfunction are causing both. At this point, turning to sex therapy may be helpful for the patient and the partner.

Impact in the workplace

Erectile dysfunction can also affect how a man interacts with his circle of friends and colleagues. This sexual difficulty affects self-esteem, joy of life and morality, though it remains outside appearance of strong man. Productivity tends to decrease as a result of the impact on self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. Feeling alone with their problems tends to also be isolated from colleagues and friends.

On the other hand, failure at work also has an impact on male sexuality. Unable to the expected promotion, having financial problems or not having the respect of colleagues, are examples of situations that may affect sexual performance of a man and generate episodes of erectile dysfunction. These difficulties to be situational nature have better prognosis, since when the work related problem goes away, the man usually returns to a normal sexual response. However, when erectile dysfunction undermines labor productivity, the impact is much more serious. When the impact reaches the workplace, a man can experience a blow in his personal identity, especially when the race takes centre stage in your life, which is common in most men. Recourse to psychotherapy at this point should not be viewed as an option but a necessity.

Having a strong erection is not enough

Recent studies presented by famous scientists have shown that certain pills can prolong penis erection for even 2 or 3 times even in men with certain health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia and similar conditions. Although most men occasionally suffer from some form of erectile problems, when the sexual intercourse is no longer satisfying neither for the woman nor the man the consequences are multiple and very often devastating. According to official statistics more than 150 million men around the world are suffering from erectile dysfunction and the predictions are that this number will grow to 320 million in the next 10 years.

The hardness of strength of erection is considered as the most important factor that contributes to a successful intercourse and this is something that people have taken for granted since ancient time. However, scientific studies and testimonies of many men have confirmed that erection alone is not enough for complete sexual satisfaction for couples. Longer duration of erection is certainly a requirement for a longer sexual intercourse and it surely plays important role in achieving sexual satisfaction for both partners.

Few recent studies performed by reputable pharmaceutical companies have evaluated the erection as a measurement to confirm the efficiency of their medications. Instead of focusing only on the male partner in the intercourse they have included both partners in the study. These studies have proven that many sex enhancement pills like Maxi2 for example can prolong the duration of erection even in men suffering from different kinds of diseases known for their negative effect on erection. According to American sexual therapists it is desirable to have a sexual intercourse that last between 7 and 13 minutes. They also believe that a sex that lasts for a couple of minutes is too short while a sexual intercourse that last more than 20 minutes is just too long. The average duration of sexual intercourse in healthy men without any erectile problems is between 9 and 10 minutes. On the other hand, men with erectile dysfunctions and diseases we have mentioned before have an erection that lasts as short as 30 or 60 seconds. By using male enhancement pills people can prolong their erection for three more minutes compared to healthy men. Some pills can provide even three times longer erection than before.

While we are talking about erection and erectile dysfunction it is good to point out that many men consider the sexual intercourse to be more important than foreplay. 9 out of 10 men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction believe that the duration (or the satisfactory length of intercourse) is equally important as the strength of erection. The fact that longer erection is a prerequisite for a longer sexual intercourse was confirmed by many scientific studies. According to these studies the probability of female orgasm is directly linked with the duration of the vaginal sexual intercourse and not with the duration of foreplay. Of course, the foreplay had its role, but people should focus on the duration and quality of the sexual intercourse itself.

Smoking And Sexual Health

Most anyone knows that smoking is bad for you. It can damage the lungs, the heart, the brain, the kidneys and most any organ of the human body. A whole lot of diseases have extremely higher potential to appear in a person that’s actively smoking. But even though people know this, some of them go on with the bad habit. Trying to convince these people to quit smoking is like trying to convince an elephant to play basketball. But either way, we must push on with the battle to eradicate this horrible habit that’s endangering the lives of millions upon millions of hapless people.

And the nail in coffin might just prove to be… the effect of smoking on sexual health. We all know by now that smoking steadily destroys the heart and its capacity to pump out blood effectively. This translates into many bad symptoms that a body experiences, but not to say the least it is harmful for the sex life. There have been dozens of credible scientific studies that confirm this notion. One of these studies measured the sexual potential of men that were smoking while the research was conducted, and the potential of non-smokers.  What they found out was that the smoker group had 73% higher chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction – a bad condition that may very well destroy a man’s self-esteem.

Moreover, once achieved, the quality of the erection faltered as well. This meant that the erection was of lower strength and size, and lasted for a shorter time period. This can spell death to your sex life. However, if you’re a smoker, don’t get so disappointed and think that it’s impossible to improve your sex life from now on. Namely, there was a third group in the aforementioned study, and it consisted of men who were smokers when the research begun, but had given their best to quit smoking at the end of the study. The results were again fascinating – this new group of men have improved their chances of achieving and maintaining a firm, hard erection by a whopping 65%!

So quit smoking while you still can, because it will serve you in the long run. Your sex life will thank you for it, among many other aspects of your life that will be improved as well.

However, some people find smoking actually stimulating in a sexual way. While smoking can do nothing but harm for the body, it sure can make the mind horny. Some people actually have a cigarette fetish and get turned on when they see a member of their opposite sex smoking. There’s nothing wrong in this per se, it just is.  But if you’re one of these people that get turned on by cigarettes, try to think about the tenfold increase in mortality risks and many diseases risks for a smoker, when you’re up about it. It will definitely shake you up out of that mentality.

In the end, we’ll agree that smoking is bad. If you just decide to lose the habit, then you’ll find out your life improving in many ways. And finally, you’d be able to have better sex!

What is Psychological Erectile Dysfunction and how to overcome them?

The psychological reasons for the problem of erectile dysfunction are responsible for about 10-20% of cases of erectile dysfunction. In most cases it is a secondary reaction to a primary cause. Psychological causes may be due to child abuse or related to bad sexual experiences and traumas. The main factors of psychological erectile dysfunction are the following:

Stress: It may be related to stress from work, stress for financial reasons, or even because of marital problems and discussions.

Anxiety: From the time that erectile dysfunction occurs first, the man is very worried that it may happen again. Thinking so will lead to “performance anxiety” – the fear of not satisfying your partner which causes erectile dysfunction almost without fail.

Feeling guilty: The man may feel guilty for not satisfying his partner.

Depression: The most common cause for erectile dysfunction is depression that affects a man both physically and psychologically. Depression can be the cause of erectile dysfunction even when a person feels comfortable in sexual situations. The medications and drugs that are prescribed to treat depression may also cause male impotence.

Low self-esteem: Self-esteem may be due to a previous episode of erectile dysfunction that makes men feel inadequate or due to other non-sexual trauma.

Indifference: Indifference may be the result of an age or diminished interest in sex, which may be the result of medications or due to marital problems between the couple.

Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency, has the problem for many years. This problem can worsen over time because psychological factors may begin to increase. In these cases, there is a strong tendency to avoid sexual contact and create feelings of anger, helplessness or disillusionment with the companion fails to inspire.

However, there are some exercises that the person suffering from this problem can do for his or her partner. These are divided into three steps:

a) First step: In order to rediscover, the couple should bet on strokes in different parts of the body except the genital region, to arouse the desires of the partners. This stage can last as long as necessary for the couple.

b) Second step: In this step, make more intimate contacts, being allowed to touch the genital region. This step can also last as long as necessary for the couple feel at ease.

c) Third stage: In this stage the penetration can occur, but must respect the time and mode of each partner.

When it comes to the conclusion that the patient is suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction, it is recommended a consultation with a sexologist should be done as quickly as possible for the person to start the treatments.

Care That Every Man Should Take To Avoid Erectile Dysfunction

According to the latest data of the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU), through a study, 44% of the men have erectile dysfunction. The disease can be defined as the inability to maintain a hard erection which enables a satisfactory penetration and intercourse for both involved. Furthermore, it was discovered that 56% of the men who suffer from the problem stated hypertensive, 19% diabetic, 13% have high cholesterol and 12% of them are heart patient.

According to experts in erectile dysfunction, there is no single cause, much less a standard treatment for the problem. The efficient solution is to analyze the background and calm the patient’s problem, because the disease affects people of various ages and conditions. However, there are scientifically proven causes of erectile dysfunction. Know them and know how to avoid the problem.

1. Sleep well

According to a study of UNIFESP, patients suffering from impotence woke more during the night and had fragmented sleep, unable to reach the deep sleep state. In addition, lack of sleep increases the chances of cardiovascular problems and diabetes, promotes weight gain, factors that contribute to impotence. Another associated problem is the self-medication remedies for impotence, which can negatively affect sleep.

2. Drugs

A study of the Royal College of London confirms that smoking increases the risk of impotence. Men who smoke are at 40% higher risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction. And the greater the number of cigarettes smoked, the greater the chance of having problems in sexual performance. Even those who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day have a chance to suffer which increased by 24%. This is because the cigarette has substances that clog the microcirculation, which also affects the penis and erection. A study of UNIFESP also found that among users of alcohol, cocaine, crack and ecstasy, 47% have premature ejaculation, decreased libido and impotence. The problem is also related to vascular changes caused by prolonged use of these substances. In addition, drugs such as antidepressants and for alopecia can affect erection.

3. Bruises

Many young people, who do not know the origin of their erection problem, may have suffered a trauma in the penis region. Many men suffer with erectile dysfunction, had taken a bite of a partner in the penis. In these cases, in general, do surgery. Trauma is also often caused during sports. If you have suffered an accident, no matter how small, is worth an evaluation with an urologist or specialist physician.

4. Bicycle

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine warns that cyclists, particularly men, should take care of the bicycle seats they choose, giving preference to those who did not have a pronounced tip. Many previous studies have shown that cyclists were more likely to have impotence because of pressure caused by the bike seat on the perineum.

5. Diabetes

The penile arteries are very sensitive to vascular changes caused by diabetes. About half of diabetic patients have erection problems. And these patients can not be treated with the most known drugs like Viagra because they have no effect. But there are other forms of treatment. Simply find a specialized professional help as soon as possible.

6. Belly

A survey conducted by the School of Public Health Harvard showed that obesity and a sedentary lifestyle increase the chances of erectile dysfunction. The study also noted that obese people suffer more from impotence. Obesity has weakened their circulatory system. Moreover, hypertension and high cholesterol are also related to the problem of erection. Waist circumference is not a direct cause of erectile dysfunction, but obesity can cause some real sexual problems.

How to Maintain Hard Erection for Longer

There are many factors that affect penile erection. Aspects related to the vascular circulation, which involve the endocrine system and hormone-related psychological stimuli that produce excitation are most involved in this process. This article will give you some tips that are related to your habits and its relation with how to keep erection for longer and thus improve your sex life.

The erection is dependent on healthy nerves and cardiovascular systems. The sexual stimulus activates the nerve to open the arteries in the penis, allowing increased blood circulation system. Neurological and cardiovascular problems may hinder this process. There are several other ways to maintain erection. First, adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and then try supplements.

Don’t Smoke and Eat Less Meat and Cheese

Smoking and a diet rich in animal fat (sausage for breakfast, pizza for lunch and burger dinner) are like hell for the cardiovascular system. They fill the bloodstream with oxygen ions that damage artery walls and install fat and cholesterol rich plaques. Further, the plates grow and restrict blood flow within the arteries.

When it affects the arteries in the heart, the result is a heart condition, while in the genitals, is erectile dysfunction. Studies have proven that compared to the rest of the population, most smokers suffer from erectile dysfunction and cholesterol levels increase.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fortunately, the harm that these free radicals cause can be prevented with antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and the minerals selenium and zinc.

These antioxidant supplements can help, but nutritionists and public health experts believe that the best way to get them is in foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and various other grains. That is the reason to be recommended in meals with at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day. There are not many studies of diets based on antioxidants and sexual satisfaction, but this relationship is biologically irrefutable. When consumption increases, the healthiest blood begins to flow through the body, including your penis, helping to maintain hard erection. Start eating at least 5 meals a day of fruits and vegetables – fruit for breakfast, a salad and / or vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Do Exercise Regularly

Exercise keeps the cardiovascular system pumping blood to the penis. Several studies show that when physical activities increase, erectile dysfunction decreases. Specialists recommend the equivalent of at least half an hour of walking per day.

Lose Weight, Prevent Diabetes

Regular exercise and a diet rich in antioxidants is also the basis for permanent weight control and the prevention of diabetes. Some studies show that weight loss is strongly associated with the facility to maintain erection. Diabetes, according to other research, is a high risk factor for erectile dysfunction and healthier. Good lifestyle prevents disease and can even restore erectile function and help maintain the erection.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol provokes the desire but takes away the performance. It is a powerful depressant. A drink encourages relaxation, but from two and more, the adverse effect of it begins to stress on the penile erection. Alcohol is the leading cause of sexual dysfunction in today’s life.

Try Ginseng

Ginseng dilates the arteries, including those that carry blood to the penis. Korean researchers, as part of their research, gave 90 men suffering from erectile dysfunction, one of three treatments: placebo, an antidepressant or ginseng. The groups that received placebo and antidepressant show 30% improvement to maintain hard erection while ginseng showed 60% improvement.

Another group of Koreans repeated the experiment giving placebo or ginseng (2,700 mg / day) for 45 men with erectile dysfunction. After eight weeks, the group receiving ginseng reported firmer erections. However, ginseng used in bulk may cause nervousness and insomnia.

5 Easy Ways to Help Your Man Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

The aging process causes a lot of changes in the body one of which is increased possibility of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. ED can manifest itself in different ways including premature ejaculation where your man reaches orgasm when you are not sexually satisfied. This can be just before vaginal penetration or soon after. It can also manifest itself in form of your main failing to attain erection or in case he does, the erection is weak to a point where vaginal penetration becomes impossible.

You definitely will not want to find yourself in the above picture. This is because your man’s sexual health will not only have deteriorated but will continue to deteriorate to a point where sex in your relationship becomes a big issue. Caused by several factors including long-term use of specific medications, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, vascular disease, neurological disease, diabetes, poor diet and prostate-related treatments, ED affects about 75% of men, which makes it very necessary that you help your man prevent it at all costs. This you can do in several easy ways:

  • Walking – Many consider walking as a waste of time, choosing to travel by car even for short distances. They do not realize that walking is a unique form of exercise that has a positive effect on sexual performance. According to a study undertaken at Harvard University, walking for just 30 minutes everyday goes a long way in minimizing the risk of ED by up to 41%. You need to spare some time to take a walk with your man as one effective way of helping him prevent ED. Celebrity trainer David Kirsch, trainer for Kate Upton and Jennifer Lopez also encourage people to do more walking than just cardio, it’s easier to do it on a daily basis.
  • Appropriate diet – The need for appropriate diet for healthy living cannot be understated. A Massachusetts Male Aging Study revealed that a regular diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fish and fruits minimizes the risk of ED in men. The fact that absorption of vitamin B12 becomes poor as a man ages makes it necessary to ensure that your man consumes a diet composed of foods fortified with vitamin B12. Note that vitamin B12 deficiency in a man’s body easily leads to ED.
  •  Good vascular health – Poor vascular health is a major contributor to occurrence of ED. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, high blood pressure and high blood sugar cause damage to arteries in the body, leading to heart attack, stroke and ED among other serious health conditions. It is therefore very important that you encourage your man to go for medical check up to determine levels of the above indicated issues. This is one of the easiest and best help that you can offer your man if you want him to continue maintaining good sexual health in particular.
  • Help your man cut weight – Excess body weight including obesity increases the risk of ED by a big percentage. Obesity causes two health problems that are major causes of ED; diabetes and vascular disease. Excess fat deposits in the body also interferes with smooth production and functioning of sexual hormones, leading to ED. You need to help your man cut down on excess body weight to remain sexually healthy. It is indeed indicated that men with 32-inch waistline stand a lower risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction compared to men with 42-inch and above waistline measurement.
  • Exercise – Like with appropriate diet, the need for regular exercise must be emphasized. Performing exercises helps in burning fat deposits in the body, flushes out toxic substances from the body through sweat in addition to strengthening body muscles. Performing Kegel exercises in particular strengthens pelvic muscles, which goes a long way to improve sexual performance. It is important that you encourage your man to partake in regular exercises including Kegel exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction.