Tag Archives: penis fracture

Things You Need To Know About Your Penis

Have you noticed that sometimes your penis gets an erection in some awkward situations and without your will? This comes as a result of the system that controls your penis and that is the nervous system. The nervous system is not always under our control and that is why things like that are happening.

In many cases sexual arousal is not voluntary. In fact most of sexual arousal appear in the sympathetic nervous system. Furthermore, impulses that come from the brain during the so-called REM phase of sleep can cause erections if you are dreaming about sex or some unpleasant situations. Stretching the stomach and lifting heavy weight can also cause erections so you should be prepared for that.

Another interesting fact is that the penis appears bigger when you feel happy and relaxed.

As you know penises grow while they are in the state of erection, but there is no consistent ratio between a relaxed penis and erected penis. It can grow from 1,5 cm to 9 cm. The only thing that might be consistent is that smaller penises increase more while they are erected (sometimes even two times more) while people with bigger penises don’t have this level of increasing.

Although we only see the exterior of the penis, this organ is a lot larger. Imagine it as a tree and you can’t see the roots of that tree. The penis has a boomerang shape and it goes inside the pelvis and continues to the pubic bone. One of the methods of surgical interventions to increase penis is cutting the ligaments within the pelvis where the root of the penis is located. This ligament is called suspensory ligament and it regulates the erection (it makes it stronger). By cutting that ligament the erected penis loses it upward angle and starts hanging. Lack of stiffness can lead to penis injuries.

As we probably all know there are no bones in the penis but yet it can be broken. This occurrence is called penis fracture and when this happens a sound of cracking can be heard. The penis becomes blue or black and a strong painful sensation occurs.

Luckily penis fracture happens rarely and it is usually present in young people because of their very stiff erection.

In order to avoid this kind of fracture don’t use your penis too rough or reckless. The most often reason for this fracture is quick sex and forcing the penis into the partner. In this way the penis might hit the tailbone and brake. Women that are on top during the sexual intercourse and make rapid and uncontrolled movements can also damage the penis.

Peyronie’s syndrome is usually linked with older people. This comes as a result of weaker erection that appears among older people. The penis is bending more during the sex and minor tissue damages can occur. After a while the penis can get bended appearance followed by some health issues. But remember that not all types of bending can cause problems.