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Health Benefits of Having Sex

Sex no doubt brings pleasure to your senses and helps in lighting up your mood. It has a positive effect on your thinking; these facts are known to all. Any person who is familiar with sexual relationships in life will know these facts buy personal experience. But did any one of you know that sex can benefit your health in certain surprising ways. Since sex involves physical implementation therefore, your body will experience a stimulation resulting in a positive effect on you.

Sex intensifies the immune system

According to renowned sex experts, people who are sexually active tend to have comparatively fewer sick leave. Though you will have to follow a disciplines life to maintain a healthy immune system but still then, having sex at regular interval will help you develop an even stronger immune system. Having sex enriches the body with higher level of antibody, protecting your body against the attacks of the diseases causing germs and viruses. According to a study conducted on Wilkes University of Pennsylvania, students having sex, twice or thrice within a week haven proved to be more immune compared to those who have lesser number of sexual experiences within a week.

Increases libido

If you are experiencing problems of lower libido then, have sex often can help you solve your problem. Once you start having sex, you will come up with ideas of having better sex, which will positively help you to boost your libido. Most of the doctors and sexologists will agree on this method. In case of the women who are suffering from the problem of low libido, sex will increase the lubrication of the vagina, the blood flow in the pelvic muscles will also be increased thereby making you feel sex better, and which will leave you with craving for more sex every time.

Intensifies bladder controlling in women

According to study, three out of every ten women will suffer from uncontrolled bladder at some point of life. Having orgasm during sex causes contraction and expansion of the pelvic muscles, acting as a work out to strengthen the pelvic floor, thereby helping in keeping the bladder in control.

Keeps blood pressure under control

Having sex helps in controlling the blood pressure. Many of the researches conducted on the patients suffering from high blood pressure have proven this fact. Having sex often controls the systolic blood pressure that is the first number in any blood pressure test report.

Good form of exercise

Most of the physicians consider sex as a helpful type of exercise. Though it would not help you in losing calories like the one that you can do though a treadmill, but sill a considerable amount of calorie can be burnt by this physical pleasure. While having sex you will be able to lose five calories per minute, it also helps you in pumping more blood to your heart. Moreover having sex increases the estrogen and testosterone levels in the body that helps in controlling diseases like osteoporosis and lowers risks of heart attack.