Tag Archives: sexual relation

Low testosterone levels and sex drive

Male sex drive is affected by many things, but low levels of testosterone are one of the main reasons for low sex drive and this situation can cause a lot of trouble in the sexual relations. Furthermore, if people don’t react timely it can lead to total loss of sexual interest and problems with erection. The good news is that there are a lot of things that you can do for prevention and treatment when it comes to testosterone level.

Researchers have not yet established the direct link between the level of testosterone and sex drive but they have come to a conclusion that with the process of aging men lose their interest in sex and at the same time their levels of testosterone are getting lower. This is a completely natural process. The period when the libido is strongest is during the teenage period and in the 20s and after that it slowly fades. However not all men are the same and every man feels different sex drive. In addition it is not only the nature that can affect the libido, the lifestyle is also very important – level of stress, diet, sleep problems etc. That’s why we can’t talk about “normal” sex drive. Furthermore the levels of testosterone are not always a direct reason for loss of sex drive. There are many men with low levels of testosterone that have regular sexual intercourses. Nevertheless it is confirmed that with every change in the levels of testosterone men feel a lack of sex drive. Besides testosterone levels there are many other things that affect the sex drive like stress, diseases, depression etc.

Although many people think that erectile dysfunctions are closely related with the levels of testosterone that’s wrong. These two things are linked in small number of cases. Erectile dysfunctions are caused by a disease called atherosclerosis (a disease that affects the muscle arteries). Because of the damage caused on these arteries, the blood vessels that supply the penis cannot expand and cannot provide high blood flow. At the same time, lack of testosterone is very often accompanied with atherosclerosis and that’s why men should check if they are suffering from both of them. Lack of testosterone is also linked with few other conditions that eventually lead to erectile dysfunction such as obesity, diabetes or/and cardiovascular syndrome.

Luckily there are some very effective solutions for this problem. One of these highly effective solutions is a testosterone therapy, that has a very positive impact on the sex drive and at the same time on the sexual life overall. Keep in mind that before you start using this therapy that long term effects and possible side effects have not yet been fully researched, so maybe it is best to use it as a short term solution. Another option that you can consider is bringing changes in your life and starting to live a healthier life – get rid of the tobacco, stop drinking, be careful with your diet, start exercising and the results will come.