Prevention And Protective Measures Against Chlamydia

Sexually transmitted diseases, including Chlamydia infection, are transmitted via sexual intercourse. This means that only persons that are sexually active are at risk. The chance to get a sexually transmitted disease is defined by the person’s sexual activity and behavior.

Each individual can protect its own health by avoiding risky sexual intercourses and by using protection (condoms) during those intercourses.

Having sex early in the relationship and huge number of sexual partners during lifetime certainly increase the risk of these diseases and their unpleasant consequences. Sometimes changing the partner means higher risk, because when you have sex with someone new that means that you are having sex with everyone with whom that person has slept before.

So how can we lower the risk? Permanent and mutually faithful relationship between two healthy persons and abstinence from sexual activities are the only two measures that are helpful in the process of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. In other cases, people can protect themselves by avoiding dangerous sexual behavior and by applying condoms during sexual activities.

Primary prevention based on education and behavioral change is the key to prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia infections. Changing behavior such as increased use of condoms, delaying the start of sexual life and reducing the number of sexual partners, in response to a campaign to prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, are associated with reduction of Chlamydia infections and complications.

These are few practical tips that will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases:

–      Always use latex condoms from the very beginning of the sexual intercourse to the end no matter what type of sex are you practicing (anal, vaginal or oral)

–      Before engaging into sex with your new partner, try to estimate how risky he is.

–      If you use lubricant agents try those who are based on water, because those that are based on oil can damage the condom.

–      It is important to prevent any kind of damage on the skin and membranes in the genital area or the anus, which can lead to bleeding. These bleedings can cause entrance of some sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.

Measures of protection against sexually transmitted diseases are the same measures that can be applied against Chlamydia. In cases where the patient has recovered from Chlamydia it is extremely important for the patient to do everything he or she can to prevent re-infection. Reappearance of Chlamydia increases the risk of infertility. Once again, people who have intercourse are strongly advised to use latex condoms during the whole intercourse.

Regular and proper use of latex condoms is the best method of protection against Chlamydia infections in sexually active persons. Do not forget that the risk of Chlamydia increases with the number of sexual partners. People who are at risk of infection with Chlamydia should consult a doctor and take medical exams to determine if any of the causes of sexually transmitted diseases are present. Risk factors include sexual activity during adolescence, multiple sexual partners, not using condoms and previous infection that can cause some other sexually transmitted disease.

How Do Birth Control Pills Affect The Body?

The first birth control pills were produced around 50 years ago and they were received very well by the public, especially among couples that were afraid of unwanted pregnancy. However these pills can affect on almost everything on your body, from the muscles and the brain to the sex drive.

These birth control pills work in a way that deceives the body with the help of artificial female hormones like estrogen and progesterone. They prevent the appearance of ovulation or in other words they stop the release of eggs. The process sounds very simple but the truth is that all those hormones are making a lot more than prevention of pregnancy.

Recent studies have shown that birth control pills can affect appearance, but not that much as previously because the new types of pills are having low levels of hormones and they are significantly improved. This is a short list of things that are usually affected by birth control pills.


Some studies suggest that taking birth control pills can lower the density of the spine, especially if those pills have low levels of estrogen in them. Natural estrogen stimulates the growth of bone tissue and pills maintain the normal level of estrogen. What is still uncertain is what happens when someone decides to stop taking those pills. However there is no proof that birth control pills cause any diseases related to the bones such as osteoporosis.


The link between breast cancer and birth control pills is still unclear. Few studies have shown different results and some suggest that there is a link while others suggest that there is absolutely no link between breast cancer and these pills. When it comes to cancer you should always be aware of family history of the disease, to consult a gynecologist or other doctors that can help you prevent it. What is interesting is that some scientist claim that women who take birth control pills lower their chances of getting uterine and ovarian cancer.

Sex Drive

It is well known that birth control pills reduce the level of testosterone in the body. Luckily, some women have high level of testosterone and taking pills does not affect their sexual desire. If you think that your sex drive is lowered because of the pills, consult a gynecologist who will look for another way to protect you against pregnancy.

Increased Weight

In the past there were cases where birth control pills made women gain weight while taking them. The main cause for this was the high level of estrogen which prevented the kidneys to excrete water from the body and what is interesting is that they have also stimulated a growth of the breasts. Modern birth control pills have low level of hormones (including estrogen) and don’t cause weight gain. Besides that they are even more effective when it comes to prevention of pregnancy compared to the pills from the past.


These pills can help you with acne and pimples because of the artificial estrogen that they contain. The estrogen reduces the level of testosterone which is responsible for the production of sebum that clogs pores and causes the formation of pimples.

Few Things About Intensive Menstrual Bleeding That Every Woman Should Know

Every woman occasionally experience menstrual bleeding that is more intensive than regular menstrual bleedings. Luckily, most often what they think is intensive is not intensive enough to be qualified as menorrhagia – abnormally intensive menstrual bleeding.

But how can we actually tell if the menstrual bleeding is intensive? The easiest method is to track how often you need to change the tampons or pads. If your menstrual bleeding is so intensive that you have to change the tampons or pads on every couple of hours or your menstruation lasts for a week or longer than you might be suffering from menorrhagia and these are the most common causes of abnormally intensive menstrual bleeding:

Fibroid tumor of the uterus

The most common tumors are so-called benign (non-cancerous) tumors and they usually occur in women that are in their thirties or forties. The reason for the appearance of uterine fibroid tumors is still unknown, but what is clear is that there is some kind of connection with estrogen levels. There are several types of surgery that can remove the fibroid tumors of the uterus (ablation, myomectomy, hysterectomy and uterine artery embolization). Progesterone was very successful in the treatment of this tumor in some women. If the situation is not very serious, the doctors usually recommend waiting until the menopause when the tumor is cut and pulled without any difficulties.


This is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease that can appear on several parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. The cause of lupus is unknown, but some researchers believe that the genetic predisposition is the main factor for it and that things such as environmental factors, infections, stress, hormones, UV exposure and certain types of antibiotics can cause the formation of lupus.

Uterus Cancer

This type of cancer affects the inner part of the uterus (the endometrium). It occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow uncontrollably and can also affect other organs. This type of cancer usually affects older women. It is treated with hysterectomy or chemotherapy.

Cervical cancer

This type of cancer appears when cells of the cervix begin to grow uncontrollably. More than 20 % of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It can be treated by removing the affected body parts or with extensive chemotherapy.

Cervical polyps

Cervical polyps are small growths that are usually benign and appear on the surface of the lining of the cervix. The cause of cervical polyps is still not clear but it is thought that they occur under the influence of increased estrogen levels or blocked blood vessels of the uterus. These polyps occur in women older than 20 years who have already given birth.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance during puberty or menopause is the most common cause of intensive menstrual bleeding. During puberty it occurs after the first menstrual period and several years before a woman enters the menopause. The level of hormones in the body significantly affects the entire cycle including the very period. It can be treated with therapy and medications.