Tag Archives: maintain an erection

A Few Widely Believed Myths about Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, it is a far more common problem than we all think. Throughout their lives, most men experience certain problems with their erection which may negatively affect their self-esteem and relationships.

In the past, people thought that emotional problems are the sole cause of erectile dysfunction, but recent medical research has shown than the causes can be both physical and psychological. Unfortunately, this is a taboo in many societies. This is exactly why there are many people who don’t understand the nature of this problem completely, and there are so many myths surrounding this topic. In order to understand what’s true and what’s fantasy, we are here presenting you few widely believed myths about this unpleasant condition.

  1. Erectile dysfunction is a basic element of the aging process

Whilst it is true that erectile dysfunction is quite common in the elderly, this dysfunction is not part of the normal aging process. This is a health problem that can have serious impact on the overall health of men, no matter how old they are. Besides that, this dysfunction can be a sign of other hidden health problems. That’s why you need to find a way to cure erectile dysfunction regardless of your age.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects men only

Without any doubts, erectile dysfunction is bad for both partners. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, depression, low self-respect and self-esteem. Due to the occurrence of this problem, many relationships are going through rough times. If the problem remains, this situation can affect all relationship in man’s life – work, family friends etc.

  1. Tight underwear leads to ED

Wearing tight underwear is often associated with male infertility, because this type of underwear increases the temperature in the testicles and prevents proper creation of sperm. However, there is still no valid medical research that can confirm the thesis that wearing tight underwear is related to erectile dysfunction.

  1. Erectile dysfunction can be related to problems in the relationship

Problems related to the relationship can certainly affect the sex drive in both men and women, but most causes of erectile dysfunction are physical not psychological. On the other hand, untreated erectile dysfunction can often lead to further complication of these problems in the relationship, which is just another reason to approach this problem with the necessary seriousness and attention.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects older men only

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but the fact is that it can appear in any men regardless of their age. Certain medical issues like diabetes, obesity, heart disease or high blood pressure that can increase the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Smoking and abusing alcohol can also increase the chances.

  1. Using drugs (like Cialis or Viagra) is the only way to treat erectile dysfunction

Cialis, Viagra and few other drugs can be very successful with the process of treatment, but changing lifestyle can be very effective too. So, try to make a combination of these two activities for faster and permanent results.

What Are the Main Male Sexual Dysfunctions?

Both men and women experience sexual difficulties at some point in their lives. It could be something temporary, resulting from a particular situation that affects our relationship; pressures at work, or circumstances which dismiss energy to our sex life, like being caring for young children or elderly parents. Whether external factors, psychological factors or health problems, if you are experiencing any sexual difficulties described here, you may need medical help and / or psychological, as well as incorporating your partner to treatment.

According to Dr. Helen Kaplan, sexual dysfunction occurs when the reactions in the sexual response or any of its components suffer deterioration. In men, as in women, the first stage of sexual response is the genital vasocongestion, which in this case produces an erection due to congestion of the blood vessels of the penis. The second part of the male sexual response is orgasm, which consists of a series of involuntary clonic contractions of the genital musculature, which is usually accompanied by ejaculation.

Below you will find an overview of the main male sexual dysfunction:

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

It refers to the inability in men to achieve an erection or maintain an erection strong enough to achieve penetration and have intercourse. All men often experience erectile dysfunction at different times throughout their life, and usually common in children and older adults (elderly). On the other hand, it is normal to experience difficulties in achieving a new erection after intercourse or masturbation.

Impotence can have physical foundations and erection is a neurovascular reflex that depends on the correct hormone levels, healthy penile anatomy, adequate vascular supply, and an intact and in good working nervous system. However, researchers agree in saying that the vast majority of cases of erectile dysfunction have psychological causes. Autonomic reflexes governing the erection are delicate and are indeed affected by relationship problems (conflicts of power, deception towards the other) and by emotions such as fear and anxiety caused by traumatic failures in the early sex or severe religious beliefs. However, many other cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by simple and easy to correct emotional factors, such as performance anxiety, fear of rejection of women blame for the sexual enjoyment or excessive preoccupation with satisfaction of the woman.

Sex therapy is effective in the latter cases involving simple causes. For cases of internal conflict or with partner, an additional psychotherapy will be required. Impotence organic or physiological causes require medical attention. However, when making love, the best scenario is that the man is in a calm and free emotional state of conflict, in addition to adequate support from partner, so that their erectile reflexes operate without interference.

Premature ejaculation

Researchers say that a man has premature ejaculation when ejaculation occurs before penetration or few minutes thereafter, where the couple fails to experience pleasure or orgasm during intercourse time. In this sense, experts argue that “a man has a problem of premature ejaculation when during intravaginal introduction, cannot control ejaculation long enough to satisfy your spouse even in 50% of sexual contacts”.

Sometimes rapid exchanges during adolescence sexual condition in men such ejaculatory pattern may persist in other stages of life. Therefore, premature ejaculation is more common in young men with little sexual experience, although it is normal to happen in men of all ages after a long period of abstinence. Over the years, usually man learns to control his ejaculatory reflex enough to satisfy partner and achieve full for both intercourse time.

For some men the ejaculatory control can become difficult. The impact on the relationship is usually high, so it is important to seek professional help and involve in the therapeutic process. Unlike reflex erection that cannot be subjected to voluntary control, a man can usually come halt or delay ejaculation and orgasm whenever he wants. Dr. Kaplan holds that man posing premature ejaculation has not learned to control ejaculation because he is not aware of prior to orgasm sensations. And this happens because you experience some anxiety, for example, sexual performance anxiety, which distracts him at that time. Premature ejaculation is usually easily treated with sex therapy techniques.

Delay ejaculation

The man in this situation may feel sexual arousal and achieve and maintain an erection long yet has difficulty or is unable to ejaculate and experience orgasms while receiving stimuli strong enough. This sexual difficulty is less frequent than the previous two and is analogous to the female orgasmic dysfunction.

The orgasm reflex is normally under the control of the will. However, emotional factors can inhibit it, which results in an unconscious one control excess resulting in the inability to release ejaculation and orgasm. Emotional causes may be different in each person, some face such as performance anxiety, and other deeper as severe religious beliefs and family values, fear of commitment to the partner or fear of pregnant, and as a way to “punish” the couple, among others. Organic causes include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and use of certain drugs, especially drugs against depression and hypertension. To treat delay ejaculation sex therapy is necessary in conjunction with psychotherapy, for cases with deeper emotional inhibition. The cases of delay ejaculation organic or physiological causes require medical attention. Also must be addressed the relationship because it is fundamental to the success of the therapeutic process and get the man to relax, release control and experience easy and pleasurable orgasms.

Ways to Cure Impotent

If you are concerned of becoming impotent as you grow older, you should stop worrying and put a smile on your face, we are about to put your worries about impotent to rest. It’s not written anywhere that as you grow older, you have to expense your sex life.

Impotent also known as loss and lack of sex drive often occurs in 50% of men and 30% of women as they age. However, there is a common myth that goes round which purports that impotent is another unavoidable part of aging, no it’s NOT!

The truth is, the foods we eat highly affect our bodies entirely and that means our sexual health as well. The average Western World diet is ridiculous rich in artery clogging foods that lessen sexual function and are known for boosting health reproductive complications including ovarian and prostate cancer.

The modern processed diets we consume wholly makes many become impotent thus presenting a threat to health and vitality. Fortunately, we have nabbed three main perpetrators that threaten sexual vitality and are known to be major causes for impotent.


For healthy, vigorous energy flow during a love making session, every partner needs to eat in accordance to their natural body types. Science has it that the energetic qualities of nutrition play an important role in the nutrition by upholding a healthy balance between female and male energies.

A diet that is high in inundated fats makes the body lose its flexibility and will more than likely block the energy flow into reproductive organs thus causing the make to suffer from premature ejaculations. Unfortunately in the modern times we live in, excess beef and chicken are meals that are responsible for creation of overly contracted denser and harder bodies.

These foods cause energy flow through the now tight bodies to block and finally individuals end up being impotent or frigid. Women that have natural soft bodies will end up being less sensitive to coitus and for their counterparts (muscular men) their bodies harden up and they encounter premature ejaculation.

Dairy Products

A majority of dairy products consumed by humans, have a proper nutrition that is required for a developing calf, however, the nutrition is not good for human ingestion. Other than the colossal amount of saturated fats, dairy products upsets the body’s natural balance.

Soft dairy products especially ice cream make men’s hard bodies soft and this grossly affects the sex drive. Moreover, artificial high oestrogen levels in the modern dairy products hamper hormone balance and are responsible for affecting the sexual functions in both women and men.

Refined Sugars

Refined sugars weaken immune systems and are known to create a disease friendly environment in the human body. Refined sugars also block sex drive. Unfortunately, men that consume loads of refined sugar will more than likely have problems maintain an erection.

Women who ingest high levels of refined sugars will on the other hand find it extremely hard to experience orgasm.


As much as the idea of popping pills or resulting to surgical procedures to treat sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation and impotent, the results is not only ineffective, they are non-long lasting as well.

It gets worse, these approaches can cause your kidneys to weaken and your reproductive organs in the whole run will deplete your sex drive way further. If you want to recover from impotence, a wholefood diet comprised of cooked whole grains, veggies is a natural and critical ways which you can use in regaining the pleasures of intimacy again!

Cure Erectile Dysfunction

When two persons are in a relationship, they both hope and try to make the best out of it. They spend time with each other, they talk, they eat together and many others things. In this relationship a very important part is sex relationship, as it is a thing which affects many things and develop faith and make the bond between the couple more stronger. But sometimes humans are helpless in front of problems which are not under their control. Erectile dysfunction is one of those problems which comes under the category of ‘Making human helpless’. So before we go for the solutions let understand what exactly erectile dysfunction is.

Erectile dysfunction is a very rare type of dysfunction. The man suffering with this dysfunction is not able to develop or maintain an erection of his penis during sex. Which becomes the reason for unsatisfaction in the sex relation. So this problem not only affects a person physically but also interrupts his and his partner’s life. So read below and understand this enemy more clearly and also the way to cure it.

So to understand what happens in this disease let us first understand the mechanism of erection. When a penis get erected actually what happens is that blood is transferred in the penis by the body and there is a sponge like muscle in the penis which grow and get hard when get in contact with the blood and the blood flow is under the control of our mind, and so during a sexual arousal its the body’s way to respond. So now there are several reasons that why this mechanism works properly and hence become erectile dysfunctional-

1. Psychological- A man may not get an erection even in younger age if he is not psychologically prepared for the sex like he is getting nervous about his first time or the pregnancy thing or overwork, as these reason become the barrier for the sexual arousal.

2. Drugs or eating/drinking habits- One of the major reasons of impotence is something we ate or drank. Things like alcohol, nicotine and other drugs mostly become the reason for this state. Sometimes even the diabetes and obesity is the reason for impotence.

3. Aging- The last and very common reason is aging, when a person crosses his 60’s his muscles get weak and the whole body don’t function like before and same for the penis, so in the old age impotence is very common.

Now as the reasons are clear lets see what you as a victim can do to prevent impotence.

1. So if you think it’s because you are not psychologically prepared or your mind is not playing its part or its because of something you ate or drank then the best way is to consult a psychiatrist/doctor without hesitation because this is also a medical condition only.

2.  Changing the lifestyle also helps a lot, doing a moderate amount of exercise and having a good healthy diet will surely help a lot.

3. Activ-Homme- Its a tablet which will help you to develop sexual desire and will force the mind to play its part.

4. Herbal Remedies- Asian ginseng and Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) are believed to treat erectile dysfunction in some men. However, consult a doctor before taking any herbal supplements to ensure they are safe.

So these things will help you but remember to consult the doctor first and never hesitate to do so because this will save you from a lot of trouble.