Tag Archives: pregnancy

A Few Ways To Keep Yourself Safe From Infertility

Modern technology is developing fast, but even the most sophisticated device cannot be compared to the human body. There is no doubt that our body is a fascinating “device”. However, in order to have full control of your body and use it to the maximum, you must take proper care of it. If you have a healthy body you can overcome many problems and achieve many goals. Pregnancy is one of the most important and beautiful experiences that every woman can have. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who find conception and pregnancy difficult no matter how hard they are trying. It looks like that modern lifestyle has made conception more difficult than ever. The improper diet, lack of physical activity and few other practices have significantly affected fertility in both men and women. In case you want to stay safe from infertility and enjoy one of the greatest gifts of life, you should keep reading this article because we will share a few recommendations.

Quit smoking – In case you didn’t know, there is more than one scientific study that has shown that smoking is bad for the human body and that it can reduce the ability to conceive a baby in both women and men. According to the same studies, in case a woman smokes about 20 cigarettes on a daily basis, she can lower her natural fertility for up to 25%. In addition, smoking tobacco also boosts the chances of miscarriage at any phase of pregnancy. When it comes to men, smoking slows down the movement of sperm and reduces sperm count.

Regular physical activity – While it is true that lack of physical activity is bad for fertility, it is also true that getting involved in extreme physical activity can also have negative impact. There are many women who are dealing with menstrual disorders as a result of over-exercising. On the other hand, men can notice problems too because too much physical activity can increase the temperature in the testicles and ruin the sperm count and properties.

Reduce alcohol intake – Excessive drinking of any type of alcohol is bad for fertility both in men and women. Sperm can’t stand alcohol and if this practice continues for a long time, sperm count will be reduced. In women, alcohol affects hormonal balance and boosts the chances of experiencing miscarriage.

Take care of your weight – In case you are overweight, you will significantly reduce the chances of conceiving a baby. That’s why it is crucial to lose weight right away. Remember that the main objective is to follow a healthy, balanced diet.

Stay away from polluted areas – Any area where you may get exposed to heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals should be avoided. In addition, check whether some of the pills you are taking affect your fertility.

Use folic acid – Even a relatively small amount of folic acid can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Additionally, folic acid supports the proper development of fetuses.

Birth control and breastfeeding

The first ovulation after childbirth comes in a different period in very woman. There is no general rule when will ovulation happen but it is a well known fact that breastfeeding plays an important role in this process. If the mother is breastfeeding her baby, the first menstrual cycle should occur in around six months. Otherwise, ovulation usually occurs between four and six weeks after childbirth. But, the fact is that the menstrual cycle occurs just two weeks after ovulation so chances are that you can be fertile right after childbirth without being aware of that fact.

Those who believe that breastfeeding is a safe method of preventing pregnancy are not playing safe. It is a well known fact that during breastfeeding, the mother’s brain secretes a hormone called prolactin which is responsible for milk production. The bigger the amount of this hormone in the system the later you can expect ovulation. However, even a small break between breastfeeding that last more than 5 hours may be just enough to reduce the level of prolactin and the ovulation process can begin. This is why even mothers who are breastfeeding should start thinking about birth control.

In these cases, birth control pills are not recommended because the estrogen that they contain can stop the production of milk. Furthermore, these hormones can be transferred to the child through the milk. The high amount of estrogen that is usually found in these pills can cause negative effects in the child’s development. After childbirth, natural birth control methods are not that effective. The menstrual cycle after childbirth should stabilize after a while.

Between the 6th and 8th week after childbirth you can use an intrauterine device. This is the period when the uterus gets back to its natural form. Besides that you should wait for the vaginal discharge to stop in order to avoid infections. The biggest advantage of using intrauterine devices is the fact that the woman shouldn’t worry about pregnancy in the next 5 years. Of course, side effects are always present and things such as injuries during insertion, losing the IUDs and changing its position are possible. Some women can also experience bleeding. There are certain IUDs that can decrease the intensity and duration of bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

So-called mini pills and three-month injections don’t contain estrogen (they only contain gestagen) and they are another good birth control option during breastfeeding period. These pills don’t stop milk production and flow which makes them perfect for breastfeeding mums. The hormones can reach the baby’s body through the milk but experts claim that the hormones used in these pills are harmless. The only disadvantage of these pills is that they need to be consumed every day at the same time. The three-month injections are better because they are used once in three months. But, they contain more gestagen.

Finally, you can always try the traditional barrier methods like using condoms or a diaphragm. These methods are perfectly safe for breastfeeding mothers.

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Sex and parenthood

Being a parent is one of the best experiences that can happen to any man or woman. But many people are wondering why parenthood simply pushes out sex from our lives? Of course, many people will almost immediately say that the time that they spend for taking care of their children takes them a lot of time and energy too. But this can’t be the only reason for lack of sex. Many other factors affect the sex life of young parents. They either have lack of sex or the quality of sex is not on the same level as before.

Few extra pounds gained during the pregnancy

Many women are obsessed with their physical appearance after they give birth. It is a well known fact that after the woman gives birth she will actually weight less. It is also a fact that women are not in the same shape as they were before. Many women often look themselves in the mirror and they are not very certain if they are attractive to their partners. Asking your partner won’t help much because he will probably tell you that you look perfect but what each woman can do is taking more care for her. This means regular exercising and practicing a healthy diet. By doing these things you will increase the lost self-confidence and you can be sure that the reflection you see in the mirror will become more likeable and there is a great chance that if you are disciplined you can expect to look even better than before!

Mother figure

There are some men that simply lose sexual desire to have sex with their partner when their partner becomes a mother. For reasons that are unknown for experts, they change their own attitude toward her and they don’t want to get involved in sexual activities. Probably the best option in situations like these is to have open conversations. In case this doesn’t work it is good to advise your partner to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist that can help him find the source of his problem and help him overcome this unpleasant sex problem.

Postpartum depression

Besides being worried about the physical appearance women should probably pay more attention on their emotional state. The symptoms that something is wrong can be spotted easily. Things like sudden mood changes, unusual behavior and lack of sex drive are common for postpartum depression. This is a serious condition and in case you notice these symptoms you should seek appropriate professional help without any delays.

During and after pregnancy lack of sex drive is a very common occurrence. This is completely normal, so you should not b worried because once the body is relived fro the stress caused by the pregnancy everything will get back to normal.

The things we have mentioned in this article can truly worsen your sex life and even complicate your relationship. One easy and very efficient tool for solving these problems is communication.

Common sexual issues a teenage girl faces

Teenage days look good, but come with its set of problems. Teenagers have to deal with the hormonal imbalances in their body which forces them to look good to the opposite sex and some other sexual problems. Teenaged girls have to deal with their sexual problems, but their mum can help them in dealing with it. Not all moms are free to talk to their daughters about sex and sexual issues.

Psychologists, time and again suggest that talking about sex and sexual habits to their teenage son and daughter would only do well than bad. Parents must understand that you are their first teacher and if you fail to educate them, they may end up screwing their lives or resort to internet to get their dose of information. Internet is a wide world in itself, so teenagers start finding something there and end with totally different page. Below are the few sexual problems and issues which teenaged girls usually face:

First time sex:

According to a survey, young girls have their first time when they are in their early teens. The results of this survey must have disappointing for many parents, but that’s not a big deal. World has become more modern and people are open about sex. The thing that parents must be concerned is to educate their young ones with the pros and cons of healthy sex life and the need to use protection.


If you are unlucky and not educated in sex then you end up having an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can be devastating. This is one major problem which gets sticky to deal with. Abortion is the only option left if you are very young, but it would have a bad impact on your body in the longer run. Parents must educate their kids with safe sex advices and young girls should insist on condoms if they are having sex.

Sexually transmitted diseases:

When the hormones are at their highest peak, it becomes really difficult to control those desires to have sex. Some young girls end up having sex with infected strangers unknowing the consequences. Every young girl must know what sexually transmitted diseases are and how painful they are. Some sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and some are life threatening as well. Teenagers can refer to the internet to know some of the worst STD’s and also precautions that they must ensure while having sex.


Teenagers must be educated on different precaution methods so that they keep themselves safe from unwanted STD’s and pregnancies. It is important that the parents talk to their little ones on their own or seek the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist.

Teenage is a crucial age in life where the hormones control their lives. You cannot stop or control your young ones at this stage. They become rebellious and that could worsen the condition and also break the bond that you share with them. It is important to educate them so that they care of themselves. Teach them the right ways to keep them safe.

3 Commonly Asked Questions People Have About Sexual Activity and Pregnancy

Congratulations! You just found out that you’re going to have a baby.  While this should be your happy time, you may have questions about your sex life. Is it okay to have sex while you’re pregnant? Should abstain from having sex for a period of time or the entire pregnancy?

Well, you’ll be delighted to know that your sex life doesn’t have to stop the fun in the sack, so long as your doctor doesn’t advise against. That’s right! You can have sex anytime of the day or night you want.

In fact, unless there is some kind of medical issue you’re suffering with, having sex and experiencing in orgasm while you’re pregnant will not put the baby in danger. The reason is that your body’s amniotic fluid, which envelops around them, protects the baby in the uterus.

If you’ve suffered miscarriages in the past, your doctor may advise you to refrain from sex early on in the pregnancy.  You may also be unable to have sex if you suffer pregnancy-related complications: bleeding, pre-term labor, etc.  It’s imperative that you talk to your doctor to clarify what he/she means when they tell you no sex.

  • Does it mean no penetration?
  • Does it mean no orgasms?
  • Does it mean no sexual arousal?

The reason is that each pregnancy-related complication has its own restrictions.

How To Be Comfortable With Sexual Activity While You’re Pregnant?

As you go through the pregnancy trimesters, you may notice that one sexual position doesn’t work near as well as it did before.  Switching positions is common during pregnancy. You may notice that lying on your back makes you feel sick or dizzy after you reach the fourth month in your pregnancy. This stems from the fact that the growing uterus’ weight is pressing on the key blood vessels.

You may also feel drier than normal, meaning you may need the assistance of a water-based lubricant while you have sex.

Pain is not normal during sex. Yes, your uterus is going to contract when you have an orgasm. However, if you notice regular or painful contractions, stop all sexual activity and call the doctor right away. If you notice your water has broken or you see heavy vaginal bleeding, call the physician at once.

Be sure you and your partner talk about how each one feels about sex during pregnancy. Address the concerns you have and how you can best stay comfortable while having intercourse. If you see your partner’s responses to you change, make sure you talk about them. Communication is essential in helping each other understand the desires and feelings of the other partner.

Does Pregnancy Affect Sexual Desires?

Your hormones are going to fluctuate wildly when you’re pregnant. Therefore, how you feel about sex before you were pregnant could be dramatically different afterwards.

For instance, some women who didn’t mind the occasional romp in the bedroom may want to have sex more often during their pregnancy. Some women who were sex maniacs may find they are not as interested in the act after getting pregnant.

It’s not uncommon, in the first trimester, for many women to lose all interests in sex because they’re uncomfortable and drained of energy (tired). This doesn’t affect all women, but it can happen to many of them.

How Can You Keep A Partner Happy When You Don’t Feel or Can’t Have Sex?

If you’ve been told by your doctor to refrain from having sex or limit the amount of sex you have, or you just don’t feel like it, you still need to be intimate with your partner. Intimacy doesn’t just mean having sex – you can express your love and affection in various other manners including but not limited to:

  • Backrubs
  • Foot rubs
  • Candlelight dinners
  • Walks on the peach
  • Walks in the park
  • Movies

Yes, it’s possible your pregnancy will change things in the bedroom, but it doesn’t have to lead to a decline in romance.

Improve your fertility in a natural way

A lot of couples today have problems conceiving a child. Couples who try to conceive for a longer period, become depressed and frustrated because no matter how hard they try that can’t succeed. This situation can even lead to problems in the relationship.

Luckily there are some things that can help every person when it comes to conceiving. The good news is that all these things are natural and easy to perform.

First of all, your partner and you should quit smoking. There are numerous studies that have proven that smokers have lower sperm quality and less sperm in general. Smoking affects women too. Women smokers have bigger chances to become infertile. When it comes to fertility therapies, smokers have to follow therapies with more medications than non-smokers. Even passive smoking can be very bad for your health and that’s why both partners must stay away from tobacco. No matter when you have started smoking, you should know that once you quit smoking your health will start to improve. So, stay away from cigarettes and you will conceive much faster.

Many people don’t see the connection between their diet and conceiving. The truth is that food is really important in this process. It is a known fact that many couples who don’t eat properly have troubles conceiving a baby. Many people are not aware that their diet is wrong because they don’t feel bad. However you should be sure that there are plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These products act as antioxidants which are especially important in our body’s fight against free radicals. Besides that, men should consume more vitamin E and C, vitamins that increase the number of sperm cells and their flexibility. When we talk about women, those women who are overweight should consider losing some pounds because obesity could be a serious problem in this process. Every few pounds that you lose will increase the chance of conceiving.

Don’t forget to relax. Stress is becoming number one factor for appearance of all kind of diseases and it also affects fertility in a negative way. Find a way to relieve stress. Learn how to cope with stress and use some relaxation methods.

According to some experts having sex at least three times a week is the perfect routine if you want to get pregnant. Ovulation can vary and that’s why It is sometimes hard to tell when is the best time for conceiving. If you practice sex at least three times a week you will be sure that you won’t miss that period.

If you are taking some medications make sure that they don’t affect your fertility. The only logical thing to do in such cases is to replace one medication with another and see the results. Try to see if there are some alternatives that include zinc and folic acid in them.

Having a good night sleep is another proven way to increase chances of pregnancy. So make sure you get enough sleep during the night and occasionally take a nap during the day.