Tag Archives: hard erection

Smoking and sex

There used to be a time when it was considered beneficial for your health to smoke. That’s right, the tobacco industry had it really well back in the day – people from all walks of life were starting to smoke cigarettes. But as time went on, it became obvious that this was a rosy image of the reality. Serious side effects were discovered by scientists and medical experts when it comes to smoking. And one of the ways in which smoking can affect your life is through the ruining of your sex drive.

Many people would say that smoking half a pack of cigarettes daily is not that big of a deal. After all, we’re not talking about a lot of cigarettes. And while it’s infinitely better to smoke half a pack of cigarettes than two packs of cigarettes on a daily basis – it still doesn’t mean that it’s all right to smoke at all.

In fact, it has been shown that even a few cigarettes a day can have an adverse effect on your sexual health. Your goal should be to decrease the number of cigarettes you’re smoking, and in best case scenario, to quit smoking altogether.

The way smoking can ruin your sexual health is through wrecking your cardiovascular health. Time and time against it’s been shown that smoking is very bad for your heart. And the heart plays a powerful function when it comes to our libido – for example, the heart pumps blood into the penis in the case of men, and this helps it become erect. If your blood vessels become damaged from the smoke of cigarettes that you have inhaled for years on end, then this may ruin the process of achieving a hard erection for men. It’s very much similar in the case of women as well.

There’s also another important part that many people miss when it comes to smoking and sex. Smokers have notoriously bad breaths. If you ask any person to describe a smoker’s breath, then chances are that they’ll use terms such as “disgusting” and “stinky”. How do you think this relates to your partner’s sexual drive? It’s not very conducive towards getting aroused if you smell someone’s breath and it smells of cigarettes. So, there’s another way in which smoking can improve your sexual life.

It’s also scientifically shown that smoking has a detrimental role in your fertility as well. If you wish to one day have children, then ceasing your habit of smoking is one of the best things that you could do to this end.

And in the end, smoking is not only bad for your sex life, but also for your overall health as well. There are many ways in which smoking damages your body. Your lungs suffer, your heart suffers, your blood vessels suffer. In fact, all the organs in your body suffer from your habit of smoking. The best thing to do here is to quit and quit for good. Sure, it won’t be easy, but in the end, it will be well worth your effort.

3 Tips For Romancing The New Woman Out Of Her Panties

Sеduсtiоn is one of thоѕе thingѕ thаt can bасkfirе оn уоu if уоu don’t infuse it with romance. You ѕtаrt оut оn уоur ѕеduсtiоn journey with one gоаl in mind. Brain is the most important sexual organ, you should start it from here if you would like to give her some sexual pleasure. To gеt an аttrасtivе woman interested in going to bed with you. Thеrе аrе obstacles оn thе wау аnd уоu hаvе to be flеxiblе еnоugh to go thrоugh with your рlаn.

Hеrе аrе thrее thingѕ уоu nееd to knоw аѕ you ѕtаrt your ѕеduсtiоn рlаn:

  1. Yоur idеаl wоmаn might not еxiѕt where you аrе looking tо uѕе уоur ѕеduсtiоn mеthоdѕ. Don’t trу tо use thiѕ аѕ a way tо back out оf уоur ѕеduсtiоn рlаnѕ. Yоur mind will trу tо triсk уоu intо nоt trying tо сhаngе yourself аnd your lifе. Alѕо bеаr in mind thаt уоu are trуing tо mаkе уоurѕеlf аttrасtivе to the орроѕitе sex. It is kind оf hуросritiсаl оf уоu to ѕеt a ѕtаndаrd fоr what уоu want in a woman while trуing tо роrtrау yourself as bеing a lоt diffеrеnt than уоu lооk оr feel.
  2. There iѕ оnе mаgiсаl wоrd that will gеt a wоmаn’ѕ attention and that iѕ – hеr name. Repeat it – not with every ѕеntеnсе but frоm timе tо timе. Mаkе it sound likе a name уоu love. You can even say her nаmе аnd ѕtор thоughtfullу and say, I likе thе ѕоund of your nаmе. This makes her feel special. It also will mаkе уоu fееl close tо hеr bесаuѕе in ѕауing hеr name, you аrе also imprinting her in your ѕubсоnѕсiоuѕ mind.
  3. Thiѕ is ѕаving thе bеѕt tip fоr lаѕt. Crеаtе аn аurа оf romance. You саn dо thiѕ thе trаditiоnаl wау bу bringing her flоwеrѕ or ѕеnding thеm tо уоu. Or bу ѕhоwing uр with a ѕinglе rоѕе оr a саrd or саndу or a bоttlе of wine. Of course it iѕ imроrtаnt that уоu knоw what kind of winе оr саndу thаt she likеѕ. This ѕhоwѕ not оnlу thoughtfulness but thаt you cared еnоugh to рау аttеntiоn.

Rоmаnсе is all about ѕhоwing that you саrе. Lеаrn whаt bеing a rоmаntiс iѕ аbоut and diѕрlау your romantic ѕidе in small ways. Onе оf the fаѕtеѕt wауѕ to turn off a wоmаn iѕ tо ѕау rоmаntiс wоrdѕ but thеn become аnуthing but a rоmаntiс. Sауing ѕоmеthing rоmаntiс аnd thеn lаunсhing intо a long аnd bоring ѕtоrу аbоut уоurѕеlf undеrminеѕ уоur сrеdibilitу аѕ a rоmаntiс. The feeling of romance is as important as sex pill that gives you a hard erection.

Learn hоw tо bе romantic in 1,000 little ways аnd bе consistent with thе little gestures. Thеу mеаn more tо wоmеn thаn уоu саn еvеr really know.

Smoking And Sexual Health

Most anyone knows that smoking is bad for you. It can damage the lungs, the heart, the brain, the kidneys and most any organ of the human body. A whole lot of diseases have extremely higher potential to appear in a person that’s actively smoking. But even though people know this, some of them go on with the bad habit. Trying to convince these people to quit smoking is like trying to convince an elephant to play basketball. But either way, we must push on with the battle to eradicate this horrible habit that’s endangering the lives of millions upon millions of hapless people.

And the nail in coffin might just prove to be… the effect of smoking on sexual health. We all know by now that smoking steadily destroys the heart and its capacity to pump out blood effectively. This translates into many bad symptoms that a body experiences, but not to say the least it is harmful for the sex life. There have been dozens of credible scientific studies that confirm this notion. One of these studies measured the sexual potential of men that were smoking while the research was conducted, and the potential of non-smokers.  What they found out was that the smoker group had 73% higher chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction – a bad condition that may very well destroy a man’s self-esteem.

Moreover, once achieved, the quality of the erection faltered as well. This meant that the erection was of lower strength and size, and lasted for a shorter time period. This can spell death to your sex life. However, if you’re a smoker, don’t get so disappointed and think that it’s impossible to improve your sex life from now on. Namely, there was a third group in the aforementioned study, and it consisted of men who were smokers when the research begun, but had given their best to quit smoking at the end of the study. The results were again fascinating – this new group of men have improved their chances of achieving and maintaining a firm, hard erection by a whopping 65%!

So quit smoking while you still can, because it will serve you in the long run. Your sex life will thank you for it, among many other aspects of your life that will be improved as well.

However, some people find smoking actually stimulating in a sexual way. While smoking can do nothing but harm for the body, it sure can make the mind horny. Some people actually have a cigarette fetish and get turned on when they see a member of their opposite sex smoking. There’s nothing wrong in this per se, it just is.  But if you’re one of these people that get turned on by cigarettes, try to think about the tenfold increase in mortality risks and many diseases risks for a smoker, when you’re up about it. It will definitely shake you up out of that mentality.

In the end, we’ll agree that smoking is bad. If you just decide to lose the habit, then you’ll find out your life improving in many ways. And finally, you’d be able to have better sex!

Stop premature Ejaculation

We all want to maintain hard erections but unfortunately, premature erection is something that almost every man of age is susceptible to at a point in their life. If you sadly are unfortunate enough to suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction (ED), its time you too up action and get rid of this nuisance once and for all.

Stopping Ed to maintain hard erection requires that you embrace simple. There are quite effective techniques that will bring longevity to your ejaculation and at the end. You will be able to achieve what many more men only dream of “Unlimited Sexual Prowess…! Let us take a look at what you ought to do…

Self-Gratification Path to Sexual Endurance

The self-gratification method to achieving sexual longevity is simply mastering the art of masturbation. Yes, masturbation when done in the right way is a wonderful experience. Masturbation allows one to avert any premature ejaculation as they engage in sexual activity. If you masturbate often, your penis will feel less sensitive and this helps to last longer in bed.

Don’t be surprised, as we are all too familiar with this act, many of us feel the need of masturbating is a ploy of deriving pleasure. This is not the entire truth however. Masturbation when done correctly is an act that will set you on the right path to achieving an orgasm.

This is the best natural soft erection treatment. All you need to do is remain very relaxed and build up the pleasure as you would usually do in your other masturbating endeavours. Only that this time round you are keen not to reach the point of no return.

The instant you feel that you are about to hit your pleasure (Sexual) pinnacles, you should at once cease the stimulation. The key is to NEVER target your orgasm. You should instead be focused on enjoying the masturbation act as long as you possibly can.

It is not impossible, slowly but steadily, you will get to a point where you feel the arousal climbing and be strong enough to lower the stimulation. You will arrive at a point where your body will remain relaxed completely allowing you to get started all over again.

Piece of Advice

Many medics and many men that stop premature ejaculation insist that it’s best to practice pelvic muscle exercises throughout the day. Just within a short period of time, the arousal gets better. The beautiful thing is, you can hold the pelvic muscle for 30 seconds and release it ten times every set without anyone noticing or interfering with your work!

How to Determine Whether Your Partner has a Healthy Penis?

Penises come in different sizes, shapes and skin color which makes a little bit difficult to determine whether your partner is healthy down there or not. However there are few indicators that can help you get an answer to this question. They are not very complicated so in some cases you can directly ask your partner about them.

First of all, women often notice that in some cases the penis of their partner is harder and sometimes softer during the sexual intercourse. It is good to know that there are different levels of “hardness” in each penis and these levels are not associated with the intensity of excitement. The penis’ hardness can vary even during the same sex session depending on the time and the activities you are performing in the bed. If you feel that in the past few weeks his penis is a little bit softer all the time that can be a result of numerous factors like medications, stress and level of fatigue. As long as there is good penetration and you are both satisfied you don’t have to worry about anything.

Many women are confused because of the fact that some men have smooth penis while some of them have a hard penis with numerous veins. They simply don’t know what is normal. The truth is that there isn’t any standard. The thickness of the skin determines the look of the penis. It is natural to see more veins on the penis of a man who has thinner skin. You will notice only few veins in men who have thicker skin. Sometimes this appearance is closely related to the level of excitement. The blood vessels of the penis help achieve an hard erection and this is why they are more visible when a man is excited.

Another thing that is confusing for women is the size of the testicles and whether they need to be identical or not. According to many experts the size of the testicles should be similar to the size of a walnut in a shell. If they are smaller this usually indicated lower levels of testosterone which usually means that later in his life that man can experience some fertility problems. Furthermore, testicles should have the same size although having one testicle that is positioned slightly lower than the other one is very common among men. This doesn’t mean that something is wrong with their testicles.

In case you are wondering how many erections should a man have during one day the answer is simple – at least one. There is no exact number that can indicate that your partner is healthy. There are also cases when the penis gets hard without arousal. Very often men get erections even when they are not thinking about sex. The reason is increased blood flow. Most men have erections during the night when they are asleep and this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have wet dreams.

Soft Erection Treatment Options

Soft erection refers to a condition where you are not able to attain hard erection when you become sexually aroused. Although it is not impotence or erectile dysfunction, weak erection puts you at risk of becoming impotent. In almost all cases, weak erections is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying health problem. Unlike several years ago when there were no definite treatments for weak erection, advances made in the field of medical technology has made available a number of soft erection treatment options, depending on ascertained cause.

You may develop soft erection because of psychological problems. Weak erection due to psychological problems is in most cases sudden, meaning that you lose interest in sex with your libido hitting rock bottom. Psychological problems that can make you have weak erection include high stress level over time, unstable relationship, worries about your finances, job loss, depression and worries about your sexual performance. You however need to note that like with any other man, you are most likely to have weak erection at one time or another, which is perfectly normal. It is when you continuously have weak erection that you need to seek medical attention.

You can also develop soft erection due to physical injury. Unlike weak erection brought about by psychological problems, weak erection due to physical injury develops over time. Physical injury can be on your pelvic area or on your penis itself. Note that physical injury can also be caused by such diseases as diabetes, substance abuse, prescription medications and surgery.

Cause of weak erection is not limited to psychological and physical injury. You can also develop weak erection depending on your regular diet. It may be that your regular diet is made up of foodstuffs that not only interfere with hormonal balance in your body but foodstuffs that are otherwise not healthy.

There are several soft erection treatment options available. These include:

Counseling – Counseling is employed as soft erection treatment in case yours is caused by psychological factors.

Hormonal therapy – Your physician may recommend hormonal therapy in case your weal erection is caused by hormonal imbalance in your body, which can be abnormal levels of prolactin, estrogen or testosterone.

Vacuum devices – There are a number of vacuum devices designed to treat weak erection, which your physician can recommend. In most cases, physicians recommend vacuum devices in cases where physical injury has been ascertained to be the cause of weak erection.

Injection therapy – Automatic injector devices are available that inject special medication into your penis. It is the medication that enhances flow of blood into your penis, allowing you to attain hard erection just before sexual intercourse.

Suppositories – Although not very common, suppositories are available for use as soft erection treatment. You are obligated to insert a suppository (medication) inside your penis using a plastic applicator. Once the medication is deposited in the urethra, it is absorbed by the surrounding tissue, causing erection.

Oral medications – Oral medications are probably the most common soft erection treatment option available. They include such medications as Viagra. Although sold over the counter, it is highly recommended that you consult you physician before buying because there are instances when you cannot use Viagra.

These are just a few soft erection treatment options available. The choice of the best option that is suitable for you will no doubt depend on diagnosis, cause and your physician’s informed opinion. One thing you must avoid when you experience weak erection is to involve yourself in self medication. You may simply make your case worse.

Maintain Hard Erection

Do you find it baffling, shocking and very difficult to maintain a hard erection? If this is true, do not despair. Believe us when we say you are not alone as millions of men suffer from the same sexual problems across the planet.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem that is widespread and not only men that are at an advanced age suffer from Ed, unfortunately an even larger number of young men suffer from Ed. That said however, there is in existence, effective and safe ways that you can result to if you want to learn how to retain hard erections naturally.

Please not prescription medicine such as Viagra and other drugs are not the only solution which will help you deal with the erectile problem. There are other things such as herbal medications which are more than perfect and are a much safer solution.

The reason being, they are natural products that show no side effects. Then again, they help you achieve rock solid erections and also provide a plethora of sexual benefits which cannot be achieved by using prescription medicine.

One of the benefits includes the increment of libido/sex drive.  Natural/herbal ingredients act as an aphrodisiac therefore boosting one’s sexual appetite. Furthermore, these are ingredients that increase the blood flow to the penis and this is an important aspect that allows one to maintain a rock solid erection.

Soft Erections Treatment

Reduction of blood flow to the penis is one of the main reasons why people suffer from erectile problems. Natural herbs such as tongkat ali and ginseng are blended together to effectively increase blood flow to the penis.

Additionally, there are ingredients that are also effective in increasing nitric oxide synthesis allowing muscles in your penis to relax allowing the blood vessels to effectively dilate allowing more blood to flow in the erectile tissue allowing you to experience firmer and harder erections.

Pomegranate 70% ellagen is an ingredient that increases nitric oxide synthesis. This means pills that are rich in this ingredient work rapidly fast and within no time, your erection turns from soft to hard allowing you to perform without delays.

The pill also works on the testosterone production. The good news is that the level of your testosterone are boosted naturally. Please not that testosterone low levels in your body only reduce the sex drive thus causing you to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Tongat ali and tribulus terrestris are natural herbs that help by boosting production of testosterone in your body without causing you to suffer from any side effects or have to undergo hormone replacement therapy.

These are pills that make sure that you have strong and rock solid erections and also aid in the increment of sexual stamina and a staying power making it possible for you and your partner to enjoy the sexual intercourse.

Common sexual issues a teenage girl faces

Teenage days look good, but come with its set of problems. Teenagers have to deal with the hormonal imbalances in their body which forces them to look good to the opposite sex and some other sexual problems. Teenaged girls have to deal with their sexual problems, but their mum can help them in dealing with it. Not all moms are free to talk to their daughters about sex and sexual issues.

Psychologists, time and again suggest that talking about sex and sexual habits to their teenage son and daughter would only do well than bad. Parents must understand that you are their first teacher and if you fail to educate them, they may end up screwing their lives or resort to internet to get their dose of information. Internet is a wide world in itself, so teenagers start finding something there and end with totally different page. Below are the few sexual problems and issues which teenaged girls usually face:

First time sex:

According to a survey, young girls have their first time when they are in their early teens. The results of this survey must have disappointing for many parents, but that’s not a big deal. World has become more modern and people are open about sex. The thing that parents must be concerned is to educate their young ones with the pros and cons of healthy sex life and the need to use protection.


If you are unlucky and not educated in sex then you end up having an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can be devastating. This is one major problem which gets sticky to deal with. Abortion is the only option left if you are very young, but it would have a bad impact on your body in the longer run. Parents must educate their kids with safe sex advices and young girls should insist on condoms if they are having sex.

Sexually transmitted diseases:

When the hormones are at their highest peak, it becomes really difficult to control those desires to have sex. Some young girls end up having sex with infected strangers unknowing the consequences. Every young girl must know what sexually transmitted diseases are and how painful they are. Some sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and some are life threatening as well. Teenagers can refer to the internet to know some of the worst STD’s and also precautions that they must ensure while having sex.


Teenagers must be educated on different precaution methods so that they keep themselves safe from unwanted STD’s and pregnancies. It is important that the parents talk to their little ones on their own or seek the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist.

Teenage is a crucial age in life where the hormones control their lives. You cannot stop or control your young ones at this stage. They become rebellious and that could worsen the condition and also break the bond that you share with them. It is important to educate them so that they care of themselves. Teach them the right ways to keep them safe.