Tag Archives: erogenous zone

The role of Nipples in Sex Excitement

Nipples are present in both men and women. But yet showing women’s nipples in public is considered something morally wrong. Isn’t it a little bit funny when we see a video or image in which the nipples are crossed with black tape? We were all raised by our mothers and most of us were breastfeed so this is a little bit awkward. We all know what’s behind the censored area and we have all had them in our mouth and sucking on them when we were babies.

It is an interesting fact that most women dislike or simply they are not satisfied with the look of their nipples. Some of them think they are too small or too big while some of them think that they are too light or too dark. When they link the appearance of their nipples with the beauty of their breasts in general some women become worried and in extreme cases they feel like they need to go on a surgery and solve the problem.

The truth is that nipples come in different forms – big, small, fat, pointy etc. There are women that have nipples turned inward but that should not be a reason for panic. This occurrence should be gone before the woman gets pregnant and it is almost always gone when she gives birth. The occurrence of milk discharge on the other hand is a clear sign that a woman needs to take care of her hygiene. This discharge is also a common occurrence in women that use birth control pills. If the discharge occurs irregularly you don’t have to go to the doctor because it is usually gone in one week. According to some legends Casanova was such a good lover that he caused women’s breast to produce milk but he was obviously dealing with this type of discharge.

When it comes to nipples and sex excitement it is good to know that the nipples together with the dark ring around them (areola) are the most sensitive part of the breast. But, not all women experience the same intensity of pleasure when they are touched or stimulated in some other way. Nipples tend to swell when the woman is sexually aroused. In some cases, this is not a sign of sexual desire but rather a reaction to the cold weather or excitement in general. That’s why you should not always think about sex when you see that your partner partner’s nipples have a reaction. Some women during puberty or when they take birth control pills notice that long hair grow around the areola. This is not a reason for panicking. This hair has a function but it can be easily removed. This hair is there for the infants that need guidance to reach the breasts. Remember that this is something completely natural and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

All the things we’ve mentioned apply for men too (except for mammary glands). Nipples in men don’t have absolutely any function but they act as an erogenous zones in men too.