Tag Archives: anorgasmia

Understanding Female Orgasm Difficulties

Many women cannot reach orgasm because of the simple fact that they don’t know what causes excitement in them. Despite the fact that modern women are fully sexually emancipated, many women still have trouble reaching proper orgasm. This condition is often medically described as anorgasmia and the reasons that lead to this state are virtually endless. The two main types of anorgasmic causes are physical and psychological causes. In this article we will try to talk about a cause that can be listed in both categories. With all those psychological and health causes there is a possibility that women cannot reach orgasm because they simply don’t know what turns them on. The reason behind this is their prejudices regarding sex or maybe they have not explored their body in a proper way yet.

A woman can become a good doctor for her own body if she finds the necessary time and courage to explore her own body and the reaction of the body to different types of stimulations. Of course, you can always consult your doctor but if you are already looking for help from qualified individuals then it is better to consult a sex therapist or a sexologist. These experts can lead individuals step by step until they reach their final goal. Of course, this means that women might have to answer some straightforward and unpleasant questions that need completely honest answers but this is the only for the expert to explore his patient’s sexuality. Sex therapist very often stand up for masturbation because one of the biggest advantages of masturbation is that the person practicing it will explore her body. Another specialist that can help you with this process is a bioenergetic therapist.

In order for one individual to get familiar with all the properties of sexuality he or she must explore the body in details, especially how the body reacts onerotic stimulations. Women can determine this by testing if they test which type of stimulation suits them the best – clitoral, vaginal stimulation or maybe direct penetration in the vagina. Some women need two types of stimulation in order to achieve orgasm. Some women need long foreplay while others find long foreplay boring and useless. Sex therapist suggest that women should explore their vaginas in details without any embarrassment. They can even masturbate in front of a mirror in order to see how the vagina reacts on different stimulations. A lot of celebrities are encouraging women to explore their bodies and love their reproductive system.

Finally, every woman should talk with her partner about the things that she finds stimulating. She should also talk about the things that make her reach an orgasm fast. In this way you can make the shyness, fears and all the unpleasant feelings that burden your sexuality go away. In these cases it is good to have a partner that knows when he needs to listen and a partner who is ready to explore your sexuality with your help.

What Is Orgasmic Dysfunction?

Difficulties in reaching orgasm are called orgasmic dysfunction. This usually means that we cannot experience orgasm at all or we need very long time in order to achieve it. This condition has different symptoms and causes in men and women. When it comes to men, this usually means that they will ejaculate early; this of course prevents normal sexual intercourse. This term can also be used for situations when our orgasms are not that intensive and powerful like they used to be or when orgasms are accompanied by pain. Male and female orgasmic disorders have some similarities but they are very different in certain aspects.

Let’s start with orgasmic disorders in women. Orgasms experienced by women have been an interesting subject for years. Although in the past male orgasm was more important because of the ability to allow fertilization and reproduction, female orgasm was explored because it was thought that it can help with conception. Another fact about female orgasm is that women are usually less aware of their bodies, they don’t explore it when they are younger like many men do and that’s why they usually have troubles finding out what turns them on and what can lead them to real orgasm. The erogenous zones, like the clitoris or the well known G spot, are more hidden and women must make some efforts in order to find them and stimulate them. However, when we talk about orgasmic dysfunction in women, that doesn’t mean that the woman and her partner don’t stimulate the erogenous zone right, it means that despite all the efforts she can’t reach orgasm. This is called anorgasmia and it means that the woman has never experienced orgasm or that she can experience orgasm only with masturbation but not with her partner. The causes of all types of anorgasmia are mostly of psychological nature and rarely physical. They can be linked with negative experiences with sexuality and they can be solved with self-exploration of the body and better communication with the partner.

When it comes to male orgasmic dysfunctions, we should point out that these dysfunctions come in two types. The first one is when the man can’t reach orgasm despite the long stimulation and the second one is when he is experiencing early orgasms. This means that ejaculation occurred very early and made further sexual intercourse impossible. Some experts divide premature ejaculation in two groups – primary and secondary. The primary is a problem that lasts for the whole life while the secondary develops at some point in the life because of various reasons. Whatever the reason is this premature ejaculation or having trouble reaching orgasm affects men even more seriously because they feel less manly. However, in some cases inability to reach orgasm comes as a result of taking certain medications, overstimulation and other physical and psychological factors that can be solved. In these cases removing the factors will solve the problem immediately.

It is good for both women and men to try to figure out what might be the cause for their orgasmic dysfunction. If the cause is some physical disorder, consulting a doctor is a must.

Sex after a Heart Attack

If you or your partner have recently experienced a heart attack it is very likely that you are dealing with fear about how sexual intercourse can affect the heart health. Usually people who survive a heart attack have to go for heart surgery or have angina pectoris and sex problems are on the raise.

The sexual desire remains but people are afraid to do it. They are afraid to practice sex because they think that this act could lead to another heart attack with potentially fatal consequences.

Of course this fear is very logical. Your doctor will probably recommend that you do not have sex for a while. And even if you can get permission from a doctor, it does not mean that you will feel ready to do it.

When we talk about men, any concern about possible problems can cause difficulties in achieving an erection. In fact heart attack is one of the main reasons for impotency. As for women, they experience anorgasmia, a type of sexual dysfunction in which they cannot achieve orgasm.

The easiest and most effective way to deal with fear is to consult with a doctor (the best option is a cardiologist). You should consider this immediately after the surgery while you are at the hospital. Sexual performance is almost always a concern of people who survived a heart attack.

Feel free to make some examinations in order to find what can or what you can’t do. Doctors know how important sex is and they will do their best to give you proper advice.

In order to overcome fear experts usually suggest practicing masturbation. The good thing is that you can do this together with your partner so he or she won’t feel frustrated.

Fear is not the only reason for impotence or anorgasmia. A heart attack is a signal that something is wrong with our body too. It is directly linked with the health of the blood vessels and their ability to transfer blood (including blood transfer to the genitalia).

If you experience sharp pain in the chest, shortness of breath and or rapid hearbeat consult with your doctor. Don’t be embarrassed because these things are normal. Your doctor is there to help you have a normal sex life so there is nothing wrong if you ask.

So what can you do in order to have normal sex once again? If you are suffering from a heart disease, don’t practice sex while you are feeling angry or under pressure. Your heart already works rapidly and sex will only put more pressure on it.

Consult your doctor about taking medications that can lower the blood pressure. Using medications can help your heart deal easier with the arousal during sex.

A lot of people take their heart pills before having sex but keep in mind that those pills usually need to be taken in certain period of the day so stick to the instructions.

Medications that are prescribed for heart problems may reduce sexual performance. There are alternative medications that can work better so try to find the ones that are best for your sex life of course by consulting your doctor.