Category Archives: Sex Health

5 Ways to Increase Male Sex Drive Naturally With Food, Supplements And Exercise

Pubococcygeus “PC” iѕ the central figure of any mаn’ѕ sexual ability. It iѕ an equivalent tо thе woman’s G-Spot that givеѕ thе women thе vаluаblе gift оf оrgаѕm. Thе PC iѕ ѕо powerful that tо understand it is to underѕtаnd thе sexual рrоwеѕѕ оf thе man thаt will lеаd to a great ѕеxuаl experience with his раrtnеr in bed. There’re so mаnу timеѕ, whеn a mаn is hit with low libido that hе fаilѕ to undеrѕtаnd what tо do nеxt. If thе same man undеrѕtооd thаt it is роѕѕiblе to еxеrсiѕе thе PC muscle аnd gеt thе bеѕt аnd mоѕt рlеаѕurаblе timе in bеd, he would be wеll оn his wау tо grеаt Male sexual health.

Thе PC is fоund in mеn аnd wоmеn and lосаtеd at thе downside оf реlviс саvitу, lооking likе thе hаmmосk. It еxtеndѕ frоm рubiс bоnе аll thе wау tо coccyx аnd соnѕtitutеѕ thе ѕеgmеnt called levator аni. Itѕ соrе function iѕ tо mаnаgе thе раѕѕаgе оf thе urinе аnd сhildbirth fоr wоmеn.

5 ways tо enhance male ѕеx naturally:

Mоѕt mеn сrаvе fоr a lоngеr durаtiоn in bеd to ѕаvоr all the рlеаѕurеѕ he саn get from hiѕ раrtnеr. Hеrе аrе vеrу vаluаblе 5 tiрѕ that will help you imрrоvе sex drive trеmеndоuѕlу аnd improve Mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth.

  1. Altеr bеd роѕеѕ: It iѕ imроrtаnt tо find out thе mоѕt соmfу роѕе fоr thе twо of уоu so thаt you engage in a comfortable аnd рlеаѕurаblе sexual experience. Mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth demands thаt уоu alter thе pose to сut on thе monotony thаt will соnѕеԛuеntlу bring bоrеdоm in the whole еxеrсiѕе. Rеѕеаrсh оn the bеѕt роѕitiоnѕ аnd ѕее hоw ѕрlеndid thе whоlе еxеrсiѕе will be.
  2. Cut bасk оn brеаthing: Just rеlаx аnd take a brеаthеr because sex iѕ not the Olуmрiсѕ mаrаthоn. If уоu kеер brеаthing уоur heart bеаt will gо faster аnd then уоu will get tired fаѕtеr dаmреning thе whole ѕеxuаl experience. Blood will, if уоu relax, flоw to реniѕ making a hаѕtеnеd аnd ѕwееt orgasm fоr the bоth оf уоu.
  3. Mаѕturbаtе: To lеngthеn thе timе fоr ѕеx and its orgasm, it is аdviѕеd thаt уоu mаѕturbаtе ѕо thаt уоu еаѕе еmоtiоnаl fееlingѕ bеfоrе thе ѕеx begins. Yоu саn also rеtrеаt from vagina whеn уоu are ѕurе уоu аrе about tо еjасulаtе аnd ѕtор thе еjасulаtiоn bу рrеѕѕing the girth оf the penis. Mаlе sexual hеаlth саn therefore be рrimеd tо givе thе реrfесt hеаlth оf a man’s entire bоdу health.
  4. Rеduсе Stress: Stress саn аffесt уоur bоdу аnd itѕ functions in еxtrеmе wауѕ. Strеѕѕful living iѕ a mаjоr bаnе оf mоdеrn living аnd it саn dеtеriоrаtе your health rеаllу fаѕt. Increases stress nоt оnlу lowers ѕеx drive or libido in mеn but аlѕо lеаdѕ tо erectile dуѕfunсtiоn.

Trу to rеlаx and think positive. Dеер brеаthing еxеrсiѕеѕ саn аlѕо bе extremely beneficial in reducing stress. Yoga аnd mеditаtiоn саn аlѕо hеlр but most реорlе dо nоt rеаllу gо in fоr such things. In thаt case, dеер brеаthing exercise can offer big rеliеf.

Bаѕiсаllу inсrеаѕеѕ ѕtrеѕѕ tеndѕ tо bооѕt the level оf hormone Cortisol in blооd which inhibitѕ thе рrоduсtiоn оf testosterone. Lоw testosterone results in low libidо.

  1. Nаturаl Libidо Suррlеmеntѕ: In аdditiоn to thе above, thеrе аrе some libido еnhаnсing supplements thаt can bе a grеаt hеlр. Such ѕuррlеmеntѕ аrе lоаdеd with herbal еxtrасtѕ аnd оthеr nutrients thаt not only increase blood flоw to the реniѕ but also ѕtimulаtе thе рrоduсtiоn оf male ѕеx hormone Tеѕtоѕtеrоnе in your bоdу.

Thе nеt еffесt iѕ that you not оnlу gеt a rаging libidо but аrе also able to асhiеvе longer lasting аnd harder еrесtiоnѕ. Tор quality supplements соntаin ingrеdiеntѕ ѕuсh as tongkat ali, eurycoma longifolia, ginseng, ginkgо, l-аrgininе, tribuluѕ, long jack, acai bеrrу, chaste berry еtс. Suсh ѕuррlеmеntѕ nоt оnlу bооѕt your tеѕtоѕtеrоnе levels but аlѕо ѕtimulаtе the production оf HGH that саn help уоu ѕtау уоungеr for lоngеr! Gооd ԛuаlitу ѕuррlеmеntѕ are сliniсаllу approved аnd dо nоt hаvе any side еffесtѕ.


The endometrium is under the influence of sex steroids that circulate in females of reproductive age. Sequential exposure to oestrogen and progesterone will result in cellular proliferation and differentiation, in preparation for the implantation of an embryo in the event of pregnancy, followed by regular bleeding in response to progesterone withdrawal if the corpus luteum regresses. During the ovarian follicular phase, the endometrium undergoes proliferation (the ‘proliferative phase’); during the ovarian luteal phase, it has its ‘secretory phase’. Decidualization, an irreversible process  that develop a specialized glandular endometrium, and apoptosis arise when there is no embryo implantation. Menstruation (day 1) is the shedding of the ‘dead’ endometrium and ceases as the endometrium regenerates (which normally happens by day 5–6 of the cycle).

The endometrium is composed of two layers, the uppermost of which is shed during menstruation. A fall in current levels of oestrogen and progesterone for about 2 weeks after ovulation leads to reduce of tissue fluid, vasoconstriction of spiral arterioles and distal ischaemia. This results in tissue breakdown, and loss of the upper layer along with bleeding from fragments of the remaining arterioles is seen as menstrual bleeding. Enhanced fibrinolysis reduces clotting.

The effects of oestrogen and progesterone on the endometrium can be reproduced artificially, for example in patients taking the combined oral contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy who experience a withdrawal bleed during their pill free week each month.

Vaginal bleeding will cease after 5–10 days as arterioles vasoconstrict and the endometrium begins to regenerate. Haemostasis in the uterine endometrium is different from haemostasis elsewhere in the body as it does not involve the processes of clot formation and fibrosis.

In rare cases, the tissue breakdown and vasoconstriction does not occur correctly and the endometrium may develop scarring which goes on to inhibit its function. This is known as ‘Asherman’s syndrome’. The endocrine influences in menstruation are clear. However, the paracrine mediators less so. Prostaglandin F2a, endothelin-1 and platelet activating factor (PAF) are vasoconstrictors which are produced within the endometrium and are thought likely to be involved in vessel constriction, both initiating and controlling menstruation. They may be balanced by the effect of vasodilator agents, such as prostaglandin E2, prostacyclin (PGI) and nitric oxide (NO), which are also produced by the endometrium. There is a research shows that progesterone withdrawal increases endometrial prostaglandin (PG) synthesis and reduces PG metabolism. The COX-2 enzyme and chemokines are involved in PG synthesis and this is likely to be the target of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents used for the treatment of heavy and painful periods.

Endometrial repair involves both glandular and stromal regeneration and angiogenesis to reconstitute the endometrial vasculature. VEGF and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) are found within the endometrium and both are powerful angiogenic agents. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) appears to be responsible for mediation of oestrogen-induced glandular and stromal regeneration. Other growth factors, such as transforming growth factors (TGFs) and IGFs, and the interleukins may also be important.

Greater understanding of mediators of menstruation is important in the search for medications to control heavy and painful periods. Mefenamic acid is a PG synthetase inhibitor which is widely used as a treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. It is believed to act by increasing the ratio of the vasoconstrictor PGF2a to the vasodilator PGE2. Mefenamic acid reduces menstrual loss by a mean value of 20–25 per cent in women with very heavy bleeding, and further more effective agents are still being sought.

Treatment for soft erection


Menopause is a process of permanent cessation of menstruation at an end of reproductive life that is cause by loss of ovarian follicular activity. It is when the last and final menstruation occurs. Clinical diagnosis can be confirmed after following stoppage of menstruation (amenorrhea) for 12 consecutive months with no other pathology. This is the time a woman is declared to reach menopause only retrospectively. Premenopause refers to the period prior to menopause, postmenopause to the period after menopause and perimenopause to the period around menopause (40–55 years).

Climacteric is the period of time during which a woman passes from the reproductive to the nonreproductive stage. This phase covers 5–10 years on either side of menopause.

Perimenopause is the part of the climacteric when the menstrual cycle is likely to be irregular.

Postmenopause is the phase of life that comes after the menopause.

Age at which menopause occurs is genetically predetermined. The age of menopause is not related to age of menarche or age at last pregnancy. It is also not related to number of pregnancy, lactation, use of oral pill, socioeconomic condition, race, height or weight. Thinner women have early menopause. However, cigarette smoking and severe malnutrition may cause early menopause. Age of menopause ranges around 45–55 years, average about fifty years.

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Few years prior to menopause, along with depletion of the ovarian follicles, the follicles become resistant to pituitary gonadotropins. As a result, effective folliculogenesis is impaired with diminished estradiol production. There will be a significant reduce with the level of serum estradiol from 50–300 pg/mL before menopause to 10–20 pg/mL after menopause. This decreases the negative feedback effect on hypothalamopituitary axis resulting in increase in FSH. The increase in FSH is also due to diminished inhibin. Inhibin, a peptide, is secreted by the granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle. The increase of LH occurs subsequently.

Disturbed folliculogenesis during this period may result in anovulation, oligo-ovulation, premature corpus luteum or corpus luteal insufficiency. The sustained level of estrogens may even cause endometrial hyperplasia and clinical manifestation of menstrual abnormalities prior to menopause. The mean cycle length is significantly shorter. This is due to shortening of the follicular phase of the cycle.

Luteal phase length remaining constant. Ultimately, no more follicles are available and even some exist, they are resistant to gonadotropins Estradiol production drops down to the optimal level of 20 pg/mL → no endometrial growth → absence of menstruation.

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Following menopause, the predominant estrogen is estrone and to a lesser extent estradiol. Serum level of estrone (30–70 pg/mL) is higher than that of estradiol (10–20 pg/mL). The major source of estrone is peripheral conversion (aromatization) of androgens from adrenals (mainly) and ovaries. The aromatization occurs at the level of muscle and adipose tissue. The trace amount of estradiol is derived from peripheral conversion of estrone and androgens. Compared to estradiol, estrone is biologically less (about one-tenth) potent.

When the sources fail to provide the precursors of estrogen for around 5–10 years after menopause, there will be a significant reduce in estrogen and trophic hormones. Then it can be confirmed that the woman is in a state of true menopause.

8 mistakes that women do for men

Even the smartest women are sometimes able to make the most stupid and ridiculous errors.

Trying to solve his problems

If a man constantly complained of unpleasant work, forever screaming kids or poor relations with his mother, who forcibly visited twice a year – this is not a cry for help to you!

The man, is able to independently solve issues that bear his unpleasant feelings: to find a new job, to fix relations with his colleagues to spend more time with the kids and the whole family. If not matured to such steps, better leave it alone.

You think your old relationships are still important to him

If these relations are completed, so this is no reason.

No need to try to dig into his past, you’d better try to create a wonderful present. Eventually, you have to have respect for his privacy, when you have not attended it. You mentally calm, that he was not aware of what he was doing. Well, remember though that we are not out of the monastery directly to a meeting with him.

Conducted as a slave under the dominion of man

Naturally, no one has canceled the historical role of women in marriage, but it is unnecessary extremes to forget about their education, career, hobbies and friends just because you have a spouse, who must cherish.

Find a happy medium to be happy and you yourself.

Nothing changes in your life, when the man appeared

Yes, it is necessary to disappear from the sight of his friends, but not to stop with night parties or permanent missions is not correct.

You already have two, you have to think how you can spend more time together and to seek compromise.

Do not pay attention to how and what he talks about other women

We are all mature girls and not allow unreasonable fits of jealousy.

But everything has its limits: his stories for appetizing accountant or former reminder – this is pure outrage! If tact is not the strong side of your husband, then a direct request not to talk too much about the other women would be completely normal.

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Returning to the former again and again

Again reminded that when a relationship is over, they are over. And point.

This is not a game where there is time out for rest and after her turbulent romance continues. Mostly refers to those men who made us suffer. He will not change, will not start to behave otherwise, everything will gradually reach that point where relations have been suspended yet again.

Trying to find the perfect man

As perfect as you perceive him.

It is time to accept the fact that men are completely different types of people that radically differ from us women. Beautiful, two senior, three languages, beautiful mother in law and the absence of harmful habits – or description of a person with manic tendencies, or a man who is looking for the same such a perfect wife (which does not exist).

Pains to be better than his mother

For each man the mother as a separate island where can always go and cry unfulfilled dreams.

Mom is the one who will suffer with it even when her son was a complete failure. It is therefore entirely logical her eager attitude of the children to the mother. And it is not worth trying to borrow its place will one day have his own children.

Treatment for Soft Erection

Cheating Partner Signs You Need To Look Out For

It iѕ an unfortunate ѕtаtiѕtiс, but it is true. Thеrе аrе fаr more people having аffаirѕ nоw than аt any timе in thе раѕt hiѕtоrу. Thеrе аrе еvеn wеbѕitеѕ dеdiсаtеd to help реорlе in mаrriаgеѕ find оthеr реорlе thаt thеу саn hооk up with. Thе ѕаnсtitу оf marriage iѕ bесоming соmрrоmiѕеd аnd реорlе аrе miѕѕing out.

Right nоw, your grеаtеѕt fear iѕ thаt уоur ѕроuѕе iѕ hаving аn affair on you. Yоu think thаt you knоw whаt thеу are uр tо whеn уоur bасk iѕ turned but how саn уоu еvеr be ѕо sure? If уоu think that уоur ѕроuѕе is cheating оn уоu, thеn it iѕ timе thаt you dug dеер аnd got thе dirt оn thеm.

Yоu wаnt tо know whаt some сhеаting spouse ѕignѕ аrе ѕо уоu саn ѕаvе yourself from heartache. Even though уоu love your раrtnеr, if they are doing ѕоmеthing behind уоur back, уоu nееd to lооk оut fоr yourself and уоu nееd tо mаkе sure thаt уоur happiness is and аlwауѕ will bе уоur numbеr оnе priority. If you think that уоur mаtе iѕ having an аffаir, it’s timе уоu got down tо the bоttоm оf it.

Whеn dеаling with a cheating ѕроuѕе, thеrе аrе ѕоmе kеу signs that уоu need tо lооk оut fоr. First аnd foremost, уоu can аlwауѕ tеll whаt iѕ going оn by gauging hоw your ѕроuѕе rеасtѕ to certain thingѕ. If уоu аѕk thеm about their faithfulness and thеу gо оff the hаndlе, аttасking уоu about уоur inѕесuritiеѕ and how уоu аrе driving them аwау, thаt is a gооd indiсаtiоn they аrе up tо no good. Pеорlе usually gеt vеrу dеfеnѕivе аnd аlmоѕt too dеfеnѕivе whеn they are trуing to соvеr uр a liе. This iѕ аn easy wау tо dеtесt аn аffаir bесаuѕе if you ask аnd thеу frеаk оut, you know.

Anоthеr thing tо lооk оut for iѕ if thеir аffесtiоn towards уоu соmеѕ in wave. Fоr еxаmрlе, if one night уоur ѕроuѕе ѕhоwеrѕ уоu with love but the next night they wоn’t еvеn соmе nеаr уоu, ѕоmеthing iѕ uр. When реорlе are cheating, they tеnd tо have these waves of guilt that соmе оvеr thеm. If уоur ѕроuѕе wаѕ juѕt with their оthеr person and nоw thеу аrе bасk with уоu, chances are thеу аrе going to ѕhоwеr уоu with love tо remove thе guilt frоm themselves. Then, the next night thеу will shut off аnd рrасtiсаllу ignоrе уоu. A реrѕоn who iѕ cheating iѕ very hot and соld when it соmеѕ tо love and affection ѕо keep thiѕ in mind whеn it comes tо уоur ѕроuѕе.

Evеn thоugh it iѕ a tоugh diѕсоvеrу tо make, if уоu think thаt your ѕроuѕе is being unfaithful, уоu need to gеt dоwn tо thе bоttоm of it. You саn’t put уоurѕеlf оn thе bасk burnеr any lоngеr. Yоur hаррinеѕѕ аnd уоur wеll bеing аrе bоth раrаmоunt. Yоu need tо take саrе of уоurѕеlf аnd уоu muѕt еnѕurе thаt you are gеtting еvеrуthing уоu wаnt оut оf thiѕ lifе аnd more. Uѕе these сhеаting spouse ѕignѕ tоdау to ѕаvе уоurѕеlf from mоrе pain аnd betrayal in thе futurе.

Suѕресting thаt уоur ѕроuѕе iѕ сhеаting саn lеаvе уоu fееling confused аnd аlоnе. You mау nоt think аdultеrу саn impact your mаrriаgе, but it саn. Many mеn аnd wоmеn hаvе no idеа thаt thеir partners аrе being unfаithful. It will affect your sex life and ultimately your relationship. In some cases adultery happen because the other partner are not able to satisfy their sex partner, it may cause by sexual dysfunction problem. It may not be too late to treat erectile dysfunction or cure impotent before your spouse cheated on you.

Scrutinizing thе ѕhаrеd сrеdit саrd аnd reports is оnе of the methods tо find out thе truth. Suѕрiсiоuѕ сhаrgеѕ fоund in the mоnthlу сrеdit саrd ѕtаtеmеntѕ can hеlр in idеntifуing and catching thе cheating раrtnеr. Cluеѕ саn be idеntifiеd through рhоnе billѕ whеthеr thе partner is сhеаting оr not. Calls mаdе frequently tо unrecognised numbеrѕ will рrоvidе a vital clue tо catch a сhеаting partner. The rеѕult mау indicate a nеw рhоnе numbеr асԛuirеd by a friend оr rеlаtivе unknown tо оnе of the раrtnеrѕ оr the partner iѕ cheating аnd it iѕ the рhоnе number оf thе реrѕоn with whоm the раrtnеr is having an аffаir.

Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs)

The intrauterine device have been used throughout the world. During the last couple of decades, however, there has been a significant improvement in its design and content. The idea is to obtain maximum efficacy without increasing the adverse effects. The device can be classified as open, when it has got no circumscribed aperture of larger than 5 mm so that a loop of intestine or omentum wouldn’t enter and become strangulated by accident, it perforates through the uterus and the peritoneal cavity. Lippes loop, Cu T, Cu 7, Multiload and Progestasert are examples of open devices. A closed devices like Grafenberg ring and Birnberg bow, if by accidental enter the abdominal cavity, they is a potential of causing strangulation of the gut; that’s why it is obsolete. The device may be nonmedicated as Lippes loop or medicated (bioactive) by incorporating a metal copper, in devices like Cu T-200, Cu T-380A, Multiload-250, Multiload-375. Hormone containing IUD either releasing progesterone (progestasert) or levonorgestrel (LNGIUS) has also been introduced.

Copper T 200 — The widely used medicated device is Copper T 200 B. It carries 215 sq mm surface area of fine copper wire wounded round the vertical stem of the device. Stem of the T-shaped device is made of a polyethylene frame. There is a polyethylene monofilament link at the end of the vertical stem for detection and removal. In spite of the copper being radiopaque, additional barium sulfate is incorporated in the device. The device contains 124 mg of copper. The copper is lost at the rate of about 50 μg per 24 hours during a period of one year. It is supplied inside a sterilized sealed packet. The device is to be removed after 4 years. Cu T 200 carries 200 sq mm surface area of wire containing 120 mg of copper and is removed after 3 years.

Cu T 380A — Cu T 380A carries total 380 mm2 surface area of copper wire wound around the stem (314 mm2) and each copper sleeve on the horizontal arms (33 mm2). The frame contains barium sulfate and is radiopaque. Replacement is every 10 years.

Multiload Cu 250 — The device emits 60–100 μg of copper per day during a period of one year. The device is to be replaced every 3 years.

Multiload–375 — The device is available in a sterilized sealed packet with an applicator. There is no introducer and no plunger. It has 375 mm2 surface area of copper wire wound around its vertical stem. Replacement is every 5 years.

Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) — This is a T-shaped device, with polydimethylsiloxane membrane around the stem which acts as a steroid reservoir. Total amount of levonorgestrel is 52 mg and is released at the rate 20 μg/day. This device is to be replaced every 7 years. Its efficacy is comparable to sterilization. It has many non-contraceptive benefits also.

Contraindication for IUCD

(1) Presence o\f pelvic infection current or within 3 months;

(2) Undiagnosed genital tract bleeding;

(3) Suspected pregnancy;

 (4) Distortion of the shape of the uterine cavity as in fibroid or congenital uterine-malformation;

(5) Severe dysmenorrhea;

(6) Past history of ectopic pregnancy;

(7) Within 6 weeks following cesarean section;

(8) STIs — Current or within 3 months;

(9) Trophoblastic disease;

(10) Significant immunosuppression. Additionally for CuT are:

(11) Wilson disease

(12) Copper allergy. For LNG-IUS:

(13) Hepatic tumor or hepatocellular disease (active); 

(14) Current breast cancer and

(15) Severe arterial disease.


Adenomyosis is the condition of an ingrowth in the endometrium, both glandular & stromal components, directly into the myometrium.

Causes: The cause of such ingrowth is not known. It may be related to repeated childbirths, vigorous curettage or excess of estrogen effect. Pelvic endometriosis co-exists in about 40 percent.

Pathogenesis: Histologically, it is characterized by the extension of endometrial glands and stroma beneath the endometrial—myometrial interface (EMI). As the submucosa is absent, endometrial glands lie in direct contact with the underlying myometrium. It forms nests, deep within myometrium. Subsequently, threre is myometrial hyperplasia around the endometriotic foci. Myometrial zone anatomy was observed by MRI. A junctional zone (with low signal intensity on T2 weighted images) is defined at the innermost layer of myometrium. It is thought that the disturbance of normal junctional zone (JZ) predisposes to secondary infiltration of endometrial glands and stroma to inner myometrial zone. The disturbance of junctional zone (JZ) may be due to the endometrial factors, genetic predisposition or altered immune response. Trauma to the deeper endometrium (repeated curettage), causing breakdown of EMI is also taken as an important etiologic factor.

Pathology: The growth and tissue reaction in the endometrium depend on the response of the ectopic endometrial tissues to the ovarian steroids. If the basal layer is only present, the tissue reaction is much less, as it is unresponsive to hormones. But, if the functional zone is present which is responsive to hormones, the tissue reaction surrounding the endometrium is marked. There is hyperplasia of the myometrium producing diffuse enlargement of the uterus, sometimes symmetrically but at times, more on the posterior wall. The growth may be localized or may invade a polyp (adenomyomatous).

Naked eye appearance: There is diffuse symmetrical enlargement of the uterus; the posterior wall is often more thickened than the anterior one. The size usually does not increase more than a large orange (12–14 weeks pregnant uterus). On cut section, there is thickening of the uterine wall. The cut surface presents characteristic trabeculated appearances.

Unlike fibroid, there is no capsule surrounding the growth. There may be visible blood spots at places

 In about one-third, it remains asymptomatic being discovered on histological examination. The patients are usually parous with age usually above 40.

Treatment for Soft Erection


Menorrhagia (70%)—The excessive bleeding is due to increased uterine cavity, associated endometrial hyperplasia and inadequate uterine contraction. During normal menstruation, there are antegrade propagation of subendometrial contractions from the fundus to the cervix. In adenomyosis with distorsion of junctional zone myometrial contractions are abnormal and inadequate (see below).

Dysmenorrhea (30%)—Progressively increased colicky pain during period is due to retrograde pattern of uterine contractions. It also depends on the number and depth of adenomyotic foci in the myometrium. When the depth of penetration is > 80% of the myometrium, the pain is severe. Other causes of pain are—local tissue edema and prostaglandins.

Dyspareunia or frequency of urination—are due to enlarged and tender uterus.

Infertility: Women with adenomyosis have a higher incidence of infertility and miscarriage.

Genital Tuberculosis

The incidence of genital tuberculosis varies widely with the social status of the patient and her environment. The incidence is about 1 per cent amongst the gynecological patients attending the outpatient department in the developing countries. Incidence is high (5–10%) amongst the patients with infertility. With the prevalence of HIV infection incidence of genital tuberculosis is rising. About 10 per cent of women with pelvic tuberculosis, have urinary tract tuberculosis.

The causative organism is Mycobacterium tuberculosis of human type. Very rarely the bovine type may affect the vulva. Genital tuberculosis is almost always secondary to primary infection elsewhere in the extragenital sites such as lungs (50%), lymph nodes, urinary tract, bones and joints. The fallopian tubes are invariably the primary sites of pelvic tuberculosis from where secondary spread occurs to other genital organs.

From any of the primary sites, the pelvic organs are involved by hematogenous spread in about 90 per cent cases. If the post-primary hematogenous spread coincides with the growth spurt of the pelvic vessels, the genital organs, the tubes in particular, are likely to be affected. Thus, the pelvic organs are infected during puberty. If the spread precedes the growth phase, the genital organs are spared. The infection remains dormant for a variable period of time (4–6 years) until clinical manifestations appear

The commonest site of affection is the fallopian tubes (100%). Both the tubes arection is in the submucosal layer (interstitial salpingitis) of the ampullary part of the tube. The infection may spread medially along the wall causing destruction of the muscles which are replaced by fibrous tissue. The walls get thickened, become calcified or even ossified. The thickening may at time become segmented. The infection may spread inwards; the mucosa gets swollen and destroyed. The fimbria are everted and the abdominal ostium usually remains patent. The elongated and distended distal tube with the patent abdominal ostium gives the appearance of “tobacco-pouch”. Occlusion of the ostium may however occur due to adhesions.The tubercles burst pouring the caseous material inside the lumen producing tubercular pyosalpinx, which may adhere to the ovaries and the surrounding structures. Often the infection spreads outwards producing perisalpingitis with exudation, causing dense adhesions with the surrounding structures— tubercular tubo-ovarian mass. Rarely, military tubercles may be found on the serosal surface of the tubes, uterus, peritoneum or intestines. These are often associated with tubercular peritonitis

Microscopic picture of the lesion is very characteristic irrespective of the organ involved. Typical granuloma consists of infiltration of multinucleated giant cells (Langhans), chronic inflammatory cells and epithelioid cells, surrounding a central area of caseation necrosis. Caseation may not be a constant feature.

The infection is restricted mostly (80%) to childbearing period (20–40 years). There may be past history of tubercular affection of the lungs or lymph glands. Genital tuberculosis occurs in 10–20 per cent of patients who have pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescence. A family history of contact may be available. Onset is mostly insidious. A flare up of the infection may occur acutely either spontaneously or following diagnostic endometrial curettage or hysterosalpingography.

Low Sex Drive in Women

As you advance in years, your libido may decline. Sex might become a source of frustration, even pain. Sexual dysfunction and low sex drive are common problems for women over forty. Libido loss may undermine your confidence. It may damage your relationship. It may also suggest that you may have other health issues that you should address. If you notice that you are not interested in having sex, request an appointment with your doctor to get your hormone levels checked. It only takes a blood test and some simple medical tests.

Many factors may cause a decline in your sexual desire.

Reasons of Low Sex Drive in Women

  • Problems in your Relationship

Probably you have problems with your partner and you cannot find a way to tell him. You still have sexual contact with him, however, your body will show him that something is wrong.

  • Your Age

Age can be amongst the causes. You may have age-related health issues. Even if you are healthy, you may lose your sex drive as you are nearing your menopause years and your body produces less female hormones like estrogen. Estrogen is a compound that affects your menstruation cycle and your reproductive abilities. Your testosterone level may decrease, too. Testosterone is a male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. It affects your sex drive, your physical strength, and it prevents osteoporosis. Your ovaries and adrenal glands produce testosterone.

Your hormone levels have an impact on your health and well-being. You may consider a hormone replacement therapy. Ask your gynecologist or a health care provider before you decide to get an HRT.

  • Health Problems

Perhaps you have health problems that affect your libido. High blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease cause a decrease in your sex drive. They are serious problems. Get them treated.

  • Substance Abuse

Prescription medicine, street drugs and alcohol may kill off your libido. They make you tired, they mess with your sleeping patterns and cause insomnia; tiredness alone can be a reason of low sex drive. They also mess with your hormone levels.

  • Depression

Depressed people can find no pleasure in their favorite activities, sex included. Anxiety and workplace issues may make things worse. When you feel unhappy and insecure and you worry about your future, you cannot focus on a satisfying sex life.

  • Hormonal Problems

An underactive thyroid gland may make you tired and listless. It might be the reason of libido loss. Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in your neck. It produces hormones. When it produces fewer hormones than it should, you may experience symptoms like weight gain, fatigue and low sex drive. Underactive thyroid can be a congenital problem, an autoimmune disorder or a result of high iodine consumption.

  • You Feel Weary

Sex requires energy and good physical health. Active, healthy, energetic persons have good sex life. Tired, weak persons do not have the energy to make love. Hectic lifestyle or imbalanced hormone levels may wear you off. According to doctors, it is rare that tired patients have physical health problems; stress and small problems in their everyday lives add up and sap their energy. Probably you work too much, you sleep too little or you have a disrupted sleeping pattern. If you are underweight or overweight, or you live with diabetes, you may feel tired all the time.

Sexual dysfunction – Facts and Symptoms

It is difficult to establish the prevalence of sexual problems in the population because of the difficulties involved in carrying out surveys of people’s sexual behaviour. The commonest kinds of problems presenting to a sexual dysfunction clinic are,


Low sexual desire 50%

Orgasmic dysfunction 20%

Vaginismus 20%

Dyspareunia 5%


Erectile dysfunction 60%

Premature ejaculation 15%

Delayed ejaculation 5%

Low sexual desire 5%

The assessment of sexual dysfunction

Patients with sexual problems initially often complain about other symptoms because they feel too embarrassed to reveal a sexual problem directly. For example, a patient may ask for help with anxiety, depression, poor sleep, or gynaecological symptoms. It is therefore important to ask routinely a few questions about sexual functioning when assessing patients with non-specific psychological or physical symptoms.

In a full assessment, the interviewer should begin by explaining why it will be necessary to ask about intimate details of the patient’s sexual life, and should then ask questions in a sympathetic, matter-of-fact way.

Whenever possible both sexual partners should be interviewed, at first separately and then together.

The assessment should cover the following issues.

  • Has the problem been present from the first intercourse, or did it start after a period of normal sexual functioning? Each partner should be asked, separately, whether the same problem has occurred with another partner, or during masturbation.
  • The strength of sexual drive should be assessed in terms of the frequency of sexual arousal, intercourse, and masturbation. Motivation for treatment of sexual dysfunction should be assessed, starting with questions about who took the initiative in seeking treatment and for what reason.
  • Assess each partner’s social relationships with the other sex, with particular reference to shyness and social inhibition.
  • Enquiries should be made about the partners’ feelings for one another: partners who lack a mutual caring relationship are unlikely to achieve a fully satisfactory sexual relationship. Many couples say that their relationship problems result from their sexual problems, when the causal connection is really the reverse. Tactful questions should be asked about commitment to the partner and, when appropriate, about infidelity and fears of sexually transmitted disease, including HIV.
  • Assess sexual development and sexual experience, paying particular attention to experiences such as child abuse, incest, or sexual assault that may have caused lasting anxiety or disgust about sex.
  • Enquiry should be made about homosexual as well as heterosexual feelings.
  • In the medical history, the most relevant things to look for are previous and present psychiatric and chronic physical disorders and their treatment, pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion(s), and use of alcohol or drugs, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
  • In the mental state examination look especially for evidence of depressive disorder. Physical examination is important because physical illness often causes sexual problems Physical examination of women may require specialist gynaecological help. Further investigations may be necessary depending on the findings from the history and examination (e.g. if diabetes is suspected as a cause of sexual disorder).