Tag Archives: impotence

Care That Every Man Should Take To Avoid Erectile Dysfunction

According to the latest data of the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU), through a study, 44% of the men have erectile dysfunction. The disease can be defined as the inability to maintain a hard erection which enables a satisfactory penetration and intercourse for both involved. Furthermore, it was discovered that 56% of the men who suffer from the problem stated hypertensive, 19% diabetic, 13% have high cholesterol and 12% of them are heart patient.

According to experts in erectile dysfunction, there is no single cause, much less a standard treatment for the problem. The efficient solution is to analyze the background and calm the patient’s problem, because the disease affects people of various ages and conditions. However, there are scientifically proven causes of erectile dysfunction. Know them and know how to avoid the problem.

1. Sleep well

According to a study of UNIFESP, patients suffering from impotence woke more during the night and had fragmented sleep, unable to reach the deep sleep state. In addition, lack of sleep increases the chances of cardiovascular problems and diabetes, promotes weight gain, factors that contribute to impotence. Another associated problem is the self-medication remedies for impotence, which can negatively affect sleep.

2. Drugs

A study of the Royal College of London confirms that smoking increases the risk of impotence. Men who smoke are at 40% higher risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction. And the greater the number of cigarettes smoked, the greater the chance of having problems in sexual performance. Even those who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day have a chance to suffer which increased by 24%. This is because the cigarette has substances that clog the microcirculation, which also affects the penis and erection. A study of UNIFESP also found that among users of alcohol, cocaine, crack and ecstasy, 47% have premature ejaculation, decreased libido and impotence. The problem is also related to vascular changes caused by prolonged use of these substances. In addition, drugs such as antidepressants and for alopecia can affect erection.

3. Bruises

Many young people, who do not know the origin of their erection problem, may have suffered a trauma in the penis region. Many men suffer with erectile dysfunction, had taken a bite of a partner in the penis. In these cases, in general, do surgery. Trauma is also often caused during sports. If you have suffered an accident, no matter how small, is worth an evaluation with an urologist or specialist physician.

4. Bicycle

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine warns that cyclists, particularly men, should take care of the bicycle seats they choose, giving preference to those who did not have a pronounced tip. Many previous studies have shown that cyclists were more likely to have impotence because of pressure caused by the bike seat on the perineum.

5. Diabetes

The penile arteries are very sensitive to vascular changes caused by diabetes. About half of diabetic patients have erection problems. And these patients can not be treated with the most known drugs like Viagra because they have no effect. But there are other forms of treatment. Simply find a specialized professional help as soon as possible.

6. Belly

A survey conducted by the School of Public Health Harvard showed that obesity and a sedentary lifestyle increase the chances of erectile dysfunction. The study also noted that obese people suffer more from impotence. Obesity has weakened their circulatory system. Moreover, hypertension and high cholesterol are also related to the problem of erection. Waist circumference is not a direct cause of erectile dysfunction, but obesity can cause some real sexual problems.

Soft Erection Treatment Options

Soft erection refers to a condition where you are not able to attain hard erection when you become sexually aroused. Although it is not impotence or erectile dysfunction, weak erection puts you at risk of becoming impotent. In almost all cases, weak erections is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying health problem. Unlike several years ago when there were no definite treatments for weak erection, advances made in the field of medical technology has made available a number of soft erection treatment options, depending on ascertained cause.

You may develop soft erection because of psychological problems. Weak erection due to psychological problems is in most cases sudden, meaning that you lose interest in sex with your libido hitting rock bottom. Psychological problems that can make you have weak erection include high stress level over time, unstable relationship, worries about your finances, job loss, depression and worries about your sexual performance. You however need to note that like with any other man, you are most likely to have weak erection at one time or another, which is perfectly normal. It is when you continuously have weak erection that you need to seek medical attention.

You can also develop soft erection due to physical injury. Unlike weak erection brought about by psychological problems, weak erection due to physical injury develops over time. Physical injury can be on your pelvic area or on your penis itself. Note that physical injury can also be caused by such diseases as diabetes, substance abuse, prescription medications and surgery.

Cause of weak erection is not limited to psychological and physical injury. You can also develop weak erection depending on your regular diet. It may be that your regular diet is made up of foodstuffs that not only interfere with hormonal balance in your body but foodstuffs that are otherwise not healthy.

There are several soft erection treatment options available. These include:

Counseling – Counseling is employed as soft erection treatment in case yours is caused by psychological factors.

Hormonal therapy – Your physician may recommend hormonal therapy in case your weal erection is caused by hormonal imbalance in your body, which can be abnormal levels of prolactin, estrogen or testosterone.

Vacuum devices – There are a number of vacuum devices designed to treat weak erection, which your physician can recommend. In most cases, physicians recommend vacuum devices in cases where physical injury has been ascertained to be the cause of weak erection.

Injection therapy – Automatic injector devices are available that inject special medication into your penis. It is the medication that enhances flow of blood into your penis, allowing you to attain hard erection just before sexual intercourse.

Suppositories – Although not very common, suppositories are available for use as soft erection treatment. You are obligated to insert a suppository (medication) inside your penis using a plastic applicator. Once the medication is deposited in the urethra, it is absorbed by the surrounding tissue, causing erection.

Oral medications – Oral medications are probably the most common soft erection treatment option available. They include such medications as Viagra. Although sold over the counter, it is highly recommended that you consult you physician before buying because there are instances when you cannot use Viagra.

These are just a few soft erection treatment options available. The choice of the best option that is suitable for you will no doubt depend on diagnosis, cause and your physician’s informed opinion. One thing you must avoid when you experience weak erection is to involve yourself in self medication. You may simply make your case worse.

Nаturаl Curе For ED In Yоung Men

Erесtilе dysfunction саn be the wоrѕt еxреriеnсе for аnу man and it can еxtrеmеlу ѕtrеѕѕful if it оссurѕ аt a уоung аgе. Though it is highlу unfоrtunаtе, a lot of уоung men experience еrесtilе рrоblеmѕ.

If imроtеnсе оссurѕ аt a уоung аgе, it is lаrgеlу уоur lifеѕtуlе аnd рѕусhоlоgiсаl issues thаt might be tо blаmе.

Bеing оvеrwеight can bе affect уоur еrесtilitу. It can rеѕult in rеduсеd blood flоw tо thе penis. Sо, if уоu аrе оvеrwеight, thеrе iѕ very grеаt роѕѕibilitу оf уоur arteries bеing сlоggеd with еxсеѕѕ fаt. Sо, thе firѕt thing you nееd tо do is gеt physically асtivе and rеduсе ѕоmе wеight.

Jоining a gуm iѕ a grеаt idеа. If you hate gоing tо thе gуm, bеgin рlауing a ѕроrt likе soccer or football. Thе whоlе idea iѕ tо reduced bоdу fat and lоѕе ѕоmе weight. Phуѕiсаl activity also helps bооѕt blооd flоw nоt juѕt throughout thе bоdу but tо the penis as wеll which iѕ great for your еrесtiоnѕ.

Nоt оnlу thiѕ, thеrе аrе сеrtаin bad hаbitѕ thаt уоu muѕt gеt rid оf. Exсеѕѕivе ѕmоking аnd drinking too much аlсоhоl can be bаd for your sexual hеаlth.

Smоking results in рlаquе built uр in thе аrtеriеѕ thаt lеаdѕ tо reduced blооd flow to the реniѕ аnd it nоt only lowers your libido but аlѕо lеаdѕ tо erectile problems. Furthеrmоrе, drinking too much аlсоhоl саn result in increased estrogen level in your bоdу that can lоwеr уоur testosterone lеvеlѕ аnd lеаd tо impotence.

Yоu must аlѕо аvоid uѕе of rесrеаtiоnаl mеdiсаtiоnѕ. It is knоwn that аlmоѕt all оf mеn who do drugѕ likе heroine are imроtеnt!

Nоt оnlу thiѕ, реrfоrmаnсе anxiety and ѕtrеѕѕ can аlѕо lead tо ED in уоungеr mеn. Juѕt try tо rеlаx аnd thеrе iѕ a grеаt роѕѕibilitу thаt уоu will be аblе to perform wеll in bed.

Herbal оr Nаturаl Pills

Besides the above, there аrе some nаturаl еrесtiоn pills thаt can bе a grеаt hеlр. Firѕt оf аll, thеу dо nоt rеquirе a prescription. This саn save you a lоt оf еmbаrrаѕѕmеnt.

Sесоndlу, ѕuсh рillѕ are ѕаfе аnd dо nоt have any ѕidе еffесtѕ.

More importantly, they can ensure rосk solid erections аnd аlѕо mаkе you gеt over рrеmаturе ejaculation whiсh is thе most соmmоn ѕеxuаl problem in уоung mеn.

Suсh рillѕ расk in a lоt of hеrbаl аnd nаturаl ingrеdiеntѕ ѕuсh аѕ ginѕеng, ginkgо, tribuluѕ tеrrеѕtriѕ, dаmiаnа, saw раlmеttо, lоng jасk, l-аrgininе etc.,

However, top notch рillѕ соmе with ingrеdiеntѕ such as Biореrinе. Thiѕ iѕ a black рерреr еxtrасtѕ and it makes a ѕuррlеmеnt wоrk better bу еnѕuring fаѕtеr аnd rеаdу absorption оf thе ingrеdiеntѕ into уоur body.

Suсh рillѕ nоt only еnѕurе rock ѕоlid аnd longer lаѕting erections but аlѕо hеlр bооѕt уоur ѕеmеn рrоduсtiоn so thаt уоu саn еnjоу massive ejaculations.

Mоrеоvеr, ѕuсh pills аrе clinically approved аnd do nоt hаvе аnу ѕidе еffесtѕ.

Male Sexual Health Is As Important As a Man’s Beating Heart

It is no ѕесrеt that people who have frеquеnt ѕеx live lоngеr, healthier, аnd hаррiеr lives. Cоuрlеѕ whо maintain their ѕеxuаl hеаlth аrе thе uѕuаl people whоѕе rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ lаѕt fоr a lоng time. Lооking after уоur own sexual health iѕ important аѕ it саn bе bоth еmоtiоnаllу аnd physically dеtrimеntаl to your wеll being, as well аѕ taxing оn rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ аnd personal confidence.

Male Sеxuаl Health

Good mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth iѕ dеfinеd as ability tо perform satisfactory ѕеxuаl intercourse which is ѕаtiѕfуing to bоth mаn and hiѕ раrtnеr and еnhаnсеѕ thеir оvеrаll. Thе kеу tо mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth is an abundance of hеаlthу ѕреrm. Male sexual hеаlth is inсrеdiblу imроrtаnt tо thе оvеrаll health оf mаnу mеn, and must be taken ѕеriоuѕlу (еvеn whеn it feels ѕоmеwhаt еmbаrrаѕѕing tо tаlk аbоut).

Men who wоn’t go tо thе doctor аbоut male sexual hеаlth iѕѕuеѕ let themselves ѕuffеr аgоnizing wоrrу. Male sexual hеаlth iѕ often placed at riѕk оn account of a whоlе range оf sexual diѕоrdеrѕ and аmоng аll thе ѕеxuаl рrоblеmѕ suffered by mеn; еrесtilе dуѕfunсtiоn iѕ a рrоminеnt оnе.

Erесtilе Dуѕfunсtiоn

Impotence, оr еrесtilе dysfunction, iѕ diѕtrеѕѕing аnd саn оссur fоr a number of rеаѕоnѕ. It iѕ bоth alarming аnd rеаѕѕuring tо undеrѕtаnd thаt 52% оf аll mеn will suffer ѕоmе dеgrее of imроtеnсе during thеir livеѕ. Impotence iѕ a mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth issue that dеѕсribеѕ thе inаbilitу to mаintаin аn аdеquаtе еrесtiоn for a lоng еnоugh реriоd оf timе to satisfy your аnd уоur раrtnеr’ѕ ѕеxuаl needs. With more thаn 50 percent of men оvеr thе аgе оf 35 suffering from еrесtilе dуѕfunсtiоn, thе аgе of mаlе ѕеxuаl health iѕ well and trulу uроn uѕ.

Mаlе Sеxuаl Wellness

Mаlе sexual wellness саn bе imрrоvеd by exercise аnd hеаlthу living and thiѕ mеаnѕ a diet that is natural. If уоu hаvе a good all round diet, tаkе mоdеrаtе exercise and rеѕtriсt rесrеаtiоnаl drugѕ thе above ѕuррlеmеntѕ will hеlр уоu nоt only inсrеаѕе libido but givе you аll rоund health bеnеfitѕ as wеll. It hаѕ been found thаt fоllоwing a male ѕеxuаl hеаlth еxеrсiѕе plan will grеаtlу rеduсе the riѕk оf prostate саnсеr, bladder problems and imроtеnсе well intо old аgе.


There аrе сеrtаin еxеrсiѕеѕ whiсh hеlр уоu regain inсrеdiblу hаrd еrесtiоn bу supplying fresh blооd аnd еnеrgу аrоund your gеnitаl area. Hоwеvеr, juѕt likе аnу оthеr exercise rеgimе, a mаlе sexual hеаlth еxеrсiѕе рrоgrаm nееdѕ tо be dоnе very dау. Alоng with pumping iron аnd аеrоbiс еxеrсiѕе, mеn аrе tоning their pelvic muscles, оftеn wеаkеnеd from wеаr аnd tеаr соuрlеd with lасk оf knоwlеdgе аnd thе natural aging рrосеѕѕ.


Male sexual рrоblеmѕ аrе often =саuѕеd bу рѕусhоlоgiсаl factors such as whеn a man thinkѕ thаt ѕеx is sinful bесаuѕе of hiѕ rеligiоuѕ bеliеfѕ, or whеn there’s a lасk of аttrасtiоn fоr a partner and traumatic еvеntѕ from hiѕ раѕt. Male ѕеxuаl рrоblеmѕ are often еndurеd fоr years bеfоrе thе аffесtеd реrѕоn seeks сliniсаl help.

Lооking аftеr уоur оwn sexual health is important аѕ it can be bоth еmоtiоnаllу аnd рhуѕiсаllу drаining аѕ well as tаxing оn rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ and реrѕоnаl соnfidеnсе. Male sexual wellness саn be improved bу еxеrсiѕе and hеаlthу living and thiѕ mеаnѕ a diet that is nаturаl. It hаѕ bееn found thаt fоllоwing a mаlе ѕеxuаl hеаlth еxеrсiѕе plan will grеаtlу rеduсе the riѕk of prostate саnсеr, bladder рrоblеmѕ and imроtеnсе wеll intо оld аgе.

Supplements for Sexual Health

Supplements are known to offer body builders build a physique that is not only sleek but very sexy. Supplements are portions and powders that are found in very many vitamin shops all over the world and are known to help body builders boost their activities at the gym.

And after gaining a chiseled body, they instantly become a chick magnet (body builders). Nothing comes close to beating a chiseled body that is packed full of muscles that are ripped. That said however, supplements and other muscle boosting products (some that is) carry elements that lead to sexual health impairment and could make a man become impotent.

Thankfully, there are common sense alternatives combined with adequate penis care which will help alleviate/eliminate this potential problem. Let us examine what causes sexual health problems and what could make you suffer from impotence….

Curious Ingredients

First and foremost, when it comes to the development of supplements, there are no set list of ingredients that developers are mandated to adhere to when coming up with supplements to be used by weight lifters.

By creating products that are slightly different, manufacturers are able to stand out of the crowded portfolio and their business stands to profit. At times, ingredients used in the weight lifting supplements are benign relatively in terms of sexual health, some of the ingredients are known to be beneficial overall.

However, many products concerning supplement shelves carry enormous quantities of caffeine and various other stimulants. These are ingredients which are known to make weight lifters feel powerful, however, they also increase the speed of the heart at an enormous rate thus taxing your delicate cardiovascular system which supports the penis and plays a huge role in your sexual health.

There are a number of guys who are able to handle the revving, however, for some, the increase in heart rate ends up damaging their erection capability. Then again, there are a number of pills and powders which carry elements of minerals and vitamins which are known to boost metabolism thus enhancing weight loss.

It becomes a difficult task knowing how all these elements will work harmoniously inside the human body more so when guys mix several sprinkles of a single powder with several shots of a different vitamin.

The reproductive system finally emerges from the matching and mixing in a perfect order and this causes a subtle shift in the way the penis is able to move, function or feel.

Repairing the Damage

When you want to reverse impotence, you should start by taking a trip to the doctor’s office. Heart scans, blood tests will be some of the sources that will be used to get to the bottom of things and this is a ray of hope to men who are impotent.

Medical practitioners can provide a number of therapies and schedule follow up tests which will be able to restore back in order sexual health.

How to deal with frigidity?

If you don’t have any sexual desire, you can’t get aroused and you can’t even dream of having an orgasm, you are probably suffering from frigidity.

But it’s important to determine if you are surely frigid. The term frigidity doesn’t apply in situations when the woman doesn’t enjoy the sexual intercourse when she is tired, sick, in periods when she has too much work, when she is with a partner that doesn’t excite her or in periods when she doesn’t have any private space. Many men don’t understand women and their sexuality. They think that women are always ready for sex and with little effort they can engage sexual activity. Some of them even think that the process can start as soon as the penis enters the vagina. That has nothing to do with frigidity; this only means that these men don’t understand female body and their partner. You are not suffering from frigidity if you are not ready to have sex every time your partner asks. If frigidity was all those things we have mentioned before, every woman in the world would be considered to be frigid. Frigidity is something very different and far more serious. To be more precise, a frigid woman is the one who loves her partner and is not afraid to try anything in sex but can’t really enjoy in it even though she tries hard to achieve pleasure with her partner.

Although some people compare frigidity with impotence, but the fact is that these two things are completely different. The most common cause for this condition is stress or even something more banal. It is important to understand that frigidity is an individual problem for every woman and that’s why you can hardly find a universal solution in some book or from an advice from a friend. Some rare cases of frigidity are very simple. Sometimes the reasons are some medications like birth control pills that cause low sex drive. Motherhood and pregnancy can be another reason for this. If the pain during the sexual intercourse is one of the reasons, you can find the solution to your problem by visiting a gynecologist. These problems are easily solvable and they are completely logical. If all these examples are not part of your problem and you have already talked honestly with your partner about your problem but the situation remains the same maybe it’s time to visit a therapist with whom you can share the problem. Sometimes a combination of physical and mental reasons might be the root of this problem. Find a successful therapist and start with the therapy. Remember that this process is often long.

However, there is one method that can be used before you visit a specialist and that’s exploring your own body. Masturbation that leads to orgasm in women is a lot longer and more complex process compared to men’s masturbation. Take your time, relax and explore your body. If this doesn’t help than it’s probably the best time to visit the therapist.

Sex after a Heart Attack

If you or your partner have recently experienced a heart attack it is very likely that you are dealing with fear about how sexual intercourse can affect the heart health. Usually people who survive a heart attack have to go for heart surgery or have angina pectoris and sex problems are on the raise.

The sexual desire remains but people are afraid to do it. They are afraid to practice sex because they think that this act could lead to another heart attack with potentially fatal consequences.

Of course this fear is very logical. Your doctor will probably recommend that you do not have sex for a while. And even if you can get permission from a doctor, it does not mean that you will feel ready to do it.

When we talk about men, any concern about possible problems can cause difficulties in achieving an erection. In fact heart attack is one of the main reasons for impotency. As for women, they experience anorgasmia, a type of sexual dysfunction in which they cannot achieve orgasm.

The easiest and most effective way to deal with fear is to consult with a doctor (the best option is a cardiologist). You should consider this immediately after the surgery while you are at the hospital. Sexual performance is almost always a concern of people who survived a heart attack.

Feel free to make some examinations in order to find what can or what you can’t do. Doctors know how important sex is and they will do their best to give you proper advice.

In order to overcome fear experts usually suggest practicing masturbation. The good thing is that you can do this together with your partner so he or she won’t feel frustrated.

Fear is not the only reason for impotence or anorgasmia. A heart attack is a signal that something is wrong with our body too. It is directly linked with the health of the blood vessels and their ability to transfer blood (including blood transfer to the genitalia).

If you experience sharp pain in the chest, shortness of breath and or rapid hearbeat consult with your doctor. Don’t be embarrassed because these things are normal. Your doctor is there to help you have a normal sex life so there is nothing wrong if you ask.

So what can you do in order to have normal sex once again? If you are suffering from a heart disease, don’t practice sex while you are feeling angry or under pressure. Your heart already works rapidly and sex will only put more pressure on it.

Consult your doctor about taking medications that can lower the blood pressure. Using medications can help your heart deal easier with the arousal during sex.

A lot of people take their heart pills before having sex but keep in mind that those pills usually need to be taken in certain period of the day so stick to the instructions.

Medications that are prescribed for heart problems may reduce sexual performance. There are alternative medications that can work better so try to find the ones that are best for your sex life of course by consulting your doctor.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Diagnosis and Solutions

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) commonly known as Sexual impotence is a medical disorder in men characterized by an inability to achieve and maintain enough erection to complete a sexual encounter with a partner. It is very common worldwide; 1 out of every 5 men faces the problem of erectile dysfunction, especially men over the age of 40.

Even today there are many myths and taboos that lead to significant misinformation about treatment for erectile dysfunction. If we take into account the significant technological advances in ED and most of the time the treatments are non-invasive, it is paradoxical that only 1 in 10 men with this ailment take the help of a physician to seek solutions.

Sex is pleasure, health, joy and ultimately an unmatched emotion of life. However, the practice of it can become a problem for people, who out of shyness not want to solve their problem of erectile dysfunction or prostate. The reality is that both problems very common and solvable.

What causes ED

There are many factors that cause this condition, the statistics indicate that in many cases it is a combination of organic components (directly related to the functioning of the body) and psychogenic (mental origin), although the former predominate.

Primary causes of erectile dysfunction:

– Socio economic and cultural as low levels of education, socio-economic status and unemployment. Moreover, Life habits such as alcohol consumption and smoking

– Common diseases in men who become chronic and are accentuated with age as Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, heart and vascular diseases, abnormalities of blood fats (cholesterol and triglycerides ), Prostate Growth Benign (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and malignant (cancer), Liver (Cirrhosis), Psychological Disorders (Stress and Depression), Slabs fibrotic (Peyronie) and Penile Cancer.

– Drug Injuries and Side effects of certain medications, trauma, spine and genital and intestinal surgery, urinary and genital.

How is it diagnosed and treated?

The doctor is the most appropriate professional to diagnose and evaluate the disease. Timely and early consultation and discussion of your sexual dysfunction will allow the urologist to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend solutions in the multidisciplinary management of this condition with other specialists.

The ED always has solution:

At present there are several treatments available; many effective and simple, and your choice will depend on the existence of factors that can change or remove and the time delay in seeking a solution for the disease. The best treatment is prevention, so it is necessary to pursue a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, exercise and rest with targeted restorative dreams.

Forms of treatment include:

• Use of oral medications.

• Medication through intrapenena injection, topical and intraurethral application.

• Using vacuum devices.

• Penile prosthesis.

• Penile revascularization surgery.

• Sexual Therapy and Counseling.

Each therapy has its indications, advantages and disadvantages. The doctor should advise the patient and supply adequate information on efficacy, safety and benefit at the lowest cost of therapy for your type of ED. Avoid self-medication and participate in the choice of the appropriate treatment and specialized medical assistance, will allow a better quality of sexual life longer.

Best Sex Pills For The Best Sex Ever

Sex pills are by far the most popularly used male enhancement products in the market today. Nowadays there are tens of thousands of sex pills sold over the internet. That said; did you know that the best sex pills go a little further than just guaranteeing men rock solid erections?

Do you also know that as much as sex pills guarantee harder and firmer erections, a majority of these pills come with a bucket load of side effects? By now you must be aware of dangers and perils amounting from use of prescription sex pills such as; Cialis, Viagra. Well herbal and natural pills all cause similar side effects.

Do not be surprised to know that a lot of impotent men used a herbal sex pills and was unfortunate to suffer from impotence. It is utmost important that you should always check the ingredients of the pills before you decide to buy the pills.

Ingredients such as Yohimbe are known to cause cardiac problems and one of the chief reasons why Yohimbe was banned by the Food and Drugs Administration.

Just so you know the best sex pills for men are natural pills that have been developed from safe and extremely high potent ingredients. The very best sex pill is created from ingredients of powerful fruits such as Pomegranate which guarantees the user stiffer and harder erections.

The juice from this fruit doesn’t only improve sex drive it also encourages nitric oxide synthesis. The ingredient plays a critical role in the sexual organ since the nitric oxide content relaxes blood vessels making them expand allowing more blood flow into the erectile tissue.

This combination leads to the swelling of the sexual organ and firming a rock hard erection which helps you have a long and satisfying sexual session. The Pomegranate ingredient works the same way Viagra does and it’s all natural!

Natural sex pills also use a combination of other ingredients such as; maca, omega 3 fatty acids, ginkgo, muria pauma, saw palmetto, tongat ali, l-arginine among others. The pills increase blood flow to the sexual organ and also contribute to the body’s production of more testosterone minus side effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Benefits of Sex Pill

Not only do sex pills enhance the creation of a rock solid erection, they also have the following benefits:

  • Enhance ejaculatory control making it easier and simpler to last longer in bed
  • Increase libido as well as the sex drive
  • Improve sexual stamina and energy
  • Enhances production of semen making it easier for you to enjoy very intensive and very powerful ejaculations
  • Greatly minimizes the refractory period making it easy for you to go for several sexual sessions in a single night


With the statistics above, it’s little wonder that many more men are increasingly opting to use sexual enhancement pills which allow them to thoroughly enjoy the greatest sex ever.  Now you have no excuse to make your woman scream in pleasure as you make love!

Sex And Aging

If we judge but what we see on TV or the internet, sex is an exclusive activity just for young people. But the fact is that older people enjoy sex too. It is true that sex in that age is a little bit different compared to the sexual intercourse between young people but it can still be very enjoyable.

There is a saying that people are sexual beings, so it is quite normal that older people enjoy sex too. Since sex is one of the most important things in a relationship, it is good for couples no matter how old they are. Many people despite the process of aging continue to have regular sexual intercourses but in most of them this process can cause some changes (mainly some health issues). Some of them might experience health problems that might ruin their sex life, but they still practice some other forms of intimacy like cuddling or kissing. These acts can fill the sex gap that can cause depression and even more health issues. Interesting fact is that there are many people that are even older than 80 years and they still have sex.

The process of aging brings changes in both men and women. These changes sometimes affect the ability to enjoy sex.

We all know how women at a certain period in their lives experience menopause. But according to many researches many women after menopause enjoy sex even more because they know that they can’t pregnant any more. Speaking in general, women have less sexual problems as they grow older. However, many women have problems with vaginal lubrication after the menopause. This comes as a result of the lower levels of estrogen (hormone). Using artificial lubricants can solve this issue. There are few other physical changes that can also affect the sex life like changes in the flexibility, depth and width of the vagina, but they are usually not that big to ruin the relationship.

When it comes to men, aging and sex life, the biggest problem is impotence. Many men suffer from impotence after they enter the seventh decade of their lives. Even if they don’t have such problem, it takes a little bit more time to achieve erection. Probably the best way to solve this problem is longer foreplay and that’s why women need to be aware of the problem and try to solve it instead of being disappointed. Besides these problems, many old people have weak erections and the amount of ejaculate that they produce is much lower.

There are many things that old people can do to improve their sex life. For example try to understand that there is no such thing as normal sex. Even when people are young, every couple has a different style and type of sex life. The point of the sex is to keep your partner and yourself happy. Doctors can help older people and prescribe some medicines or try some herbal enhancement pill.

In most cases patience and proper communication are the best way to keep the sex life on high level, no matter how old you are. Senior citizen sexuality.