What is Psychological Erectile Dysfunction and how to overcome them?

The psychological reasons for the problem of erectile dysfunction are responsible for about 10-20% of cases of erectile dysfunction. In most cases it is a secondary reaction to a primary cause. Psychological causes may be due to child abuse or related to bad sexual experiences and traumas. The main factors of psychological erectile dysfunction are the following:

Stress: It may be related to stress from work, stress for financial reasons, or even because of marital problems and discussions.

Anxiety: From the time that erectile dysfunction occurs first, the man is very worried that it may happen again. Thinking so will lead to “performance anxiety” – the fear of not satisfying your partner which causes erectile dysfunction almost without fail.

Feeling guilty: The man may feel guilty for not satisfying his partner.

Depression: The most common cause for erectile dysfunction is depression that affects a man both physically and psychologically. Depression can be the cause of erectile dysfunction even when a person feels comfortable in sexual situations. The medications and drugs that are prescribed to treat depression may also cause male impotence.

Low self-esteem: Self-esteem may be due to a previous episode of erectile dysfunction that makes men feel inadequate or due to other non-sexual trauma.

Indifference: Indifference may be the result of an age or diminished interest in sex, which may be the result of medications or due to marital problems between the couple.

Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency, has the problem for many years. This problem can worsen over time because psychological factors may begin to increase. In these cases, there is a strong tendency to avoid sexual contact and create feelings of anger, helplessness or disillusionment with the companion fails to inspire.

However, there are some exercises that the person suffering from this problem can do for his or her partner. These are divided into three steps:

a) First step: In order to rediscover, the couple should bet on strokes in different parts of the body except the genital region, to arouse the desires of the partners. This stage can last as long as necessary for the couple.

b) Second step: In this step, make more intimate contacts, being allowed to touch the genital region. This step can also last as long as necessary for the couple feel at ease.

c) Third stage: In this stage the penetration can occur, but must respect the time and mode of each partner.

When it comes to the conclusion that the patient is suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction, it is recommended a consultation with a sexologist should be done as quickly as possible for the person to start the treatments.

How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction Performance Anxiety?

The sexual performance anxiety is a widespread psychological distress among most men, who are subject to an increasingly competitive and less tolerant cultural pressure with sexual failure.

Female sexual emancipation and the complaint by women the right to a fulfilling sex life, encumbrances men in relation to the expectations of the sexual act, which has been developing an anxiety in relation to their performance.

Male sexuality is very sensitive to disturbances and psychological component as performance anxiety which may affect the ability to live a satisfying sexual relationship, which results in sexual dysfunction such as impotency, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

How to overcome the problem of performance anxiety?

It is reported that performance anxiety can be resolved through yoga, meditation and various relaxation techniques.

The truth, unfortunately, is that anxiety about sexual performance decreases only when man begins to have positive sexual experiences, able to regain confidence and self-esteem necessary to take control again.

This can happen in young patients naturally, as more experience is gained. If, however, performance anxiety has deeper emotions which cause psychological problems, a therapy may require in order eliminating psychological barriers that prevent full sexual life.

However, it remains self-evident that satisfactory sexual occurrences are the basis of positive experience; so that more and more doctors recommend the use of medication to treat erectile dysfunction to increase sexual self-esteem and reduce performance anxiety right from the first dose.

What is the relationship between performance anxiety and premature ejaculation?

During intercourse man suffers an increase of tension when it reaches the muscles of the penis it leads to climax – leading to contraction of the penis and ejaculation. Like all other muscles of the human body, the penis is also subject to pressure in case of stress or anxiety performance.

This means that men who face a sexual relationship in a state of anxiety have a greater tension in the muscles of the penis from the beginning, which leads them to ejaculate sooner than intended.

Unfortunately, performance anxiety is a psychological disorder that increasingly experiences the sexual life negatively, causing the man to fall into a vicious cycle, leading to unsatisfactory results.

Only young people feel performance anxiety?

Young men are more likely to feel anxious about sexual performance, since they have less experience and control over their sexuality.

However, the fear of being judged by your sexual performance, fear of physical pleasure or doubt about not meeting the expectations of the partner, may make performance anxiety a serious problem in older men.

Healthy Ways of Having Greater Sex

SEX is an activity that has the potential of involving each and every sense and muscles in your body. An activity that grants us the chance to receive and give pleasure beyond our wildest dreams. Unfortunately, for many men, sex isn’t the connection that they need to enjoy a fulfilling experience.

Pain and discomfort are the culprits. There are times however which common problems/mistakes result to issues such as:

  • Stress
  • Thoughts that are bashing
  • Anxiety

But with some adjustments, sex is an act that can once again make people feel better and awesome about themselves. Many sex coaches deal with people that are finding it difficult to maintain hard erection to find out exactly what they require to enhance their sexual prowess.

Mentioned below are excellent soft erection treatment solutions that will help you experience more sexual pleasure in your life….

Zero Mind Reading

As a man you shouldn’t expect your partner to read your mind. It is important that you know what you really want, desirer and require. Communication is one avenue that is linked to your pleasure potential.

What is the solution to better sex then? Simple, start by learning your erogenous area. If you have no clue of what really turns you on, find time to get started on a solo act to explore every area of your body.

You will get the feel good areas this way, you will know how to direct your partner next time you are with her to help you with arousal. If you are stressed out, and you are unable to rise to the occasion, talk this through with your partner and allow her to help you do an activity that will help you relax.

Do Something Different

At times, the shifting in position or becoming adventurous enough to try something new is an act that will make sex a much more exciting and satisfying experience. Better sexual health, better relationship.

Try and do this; when you are engaging in coitus in a certain position, try and shift either up and down, right or left. These are guaranteed ways that you can use to enhance arousal and your penis will hit your lady’s walls making her feel much more pleasurable and minimize the time she takes to reach orgasm.

Since not many women climax just from penetration, focus on her clitoris and other regions surrounding the vagina. The more you pleasure her the higher and quicker are the chances for her to climax and you will have lengthened your sexual prowess.

You can also try incorporating a penis ring made from soft materials, you will be able to lasting longer in bed than and deliver a brilliant performance in the bedroom.

The Tantric Therapy in the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions

There are a number of dysfunctions that plague men and women in different stages of sexual intercourse. Lack of sexual desire, inability to arousal, premature ejaculation, pain during intercourse, anorgasmia are just some of the evils that arise before, during or after sex. And, although some of these disorders actually have physiological origins, which lack surgical or pharmacological interventions, most of them are the results of traumatic experiences. In these cases, the most common is to recommend a treatment via psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. Continue reading this article and find out a bit more about the tantric therapy.

Tantric therapeutic

What few people know is that there are other forms, called alternative therapies that can help a lot in treating your sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. The Tantric therapy is one of them. Through dynamic meditations, massages, and other practical experiences derived from “Tantra”; this form of therapy has been proved to be very efficient when dealing with such cases.

The mind and sex

There is something that helps the majority of these disorders to manifest; given the lack of education we have about human sexuality, just to transfer the responsibility of the sexual centre of our body to our mind. Even during sex, we get caught imagining, fantasizing about sex, so we are disassociated from the present moment. This influence of the mind in the process makes room for insecurities, fears and hence the dysfunctions we experience.

And that is how the efficiency of Tantra: where these treatments are warranted; with their practices, meditation, massage and other resources. Tantra helps eliminate the influence of the mind, making the thought of less sex and more sense. We all have a chakra – an energy centre – located at the base of the spine that is our true sexual centre, but due to lack of information and wrong condition, it ends up being replaced by the mind. Once we make a reconnection with the energy of this chakra, we relearned to feel it, the body assumes responsibility for conducting this energy, leaving quiet mind to contemplate the relationship with consciousness and even keener perception. And in developing this process, various concepts and paradigms that we had ingrained in our head begin to fall apart. The breastplates that repress us, catching our body begin to dissolve and everything is more fluid. Thus, the confidence increases, the fear goes away and it is possible to experience another level of sexual intercourse.

Deprogramming concepts

A Tantric therapy helps deprogram all these concepts that our mind imposes on our body. That touch that caused discomfort, shame of nakedness that we own, all this will, little by little, crumbling in that delve into these practices. Thus, it is possible to learn a new way of pleasure which does not depend on our mental stimuli, but which integrates our entire body. And the best: without contraindications or side effects.