A Few Widely Believed Myths about Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, it is a far more common problem than we all think. Throughout their lives, most men experience certain problems with their erection which may negatively affect their self-esteem and relationships.

In the past, people thought that emotional problems are the sole cause of erectile dysfunction, but recent medical research has shown than the causes can be both physical and psychological. Unfortunately, this is a taboo in many societies. This is exactly why there are many people who don’t understand the nature of this problem completely, and there are so many myths surrounding this topic. In order to understand what’s true and what’s fantasy, we are here presenting you few widely believed myths about this unpleasant condition.

  1. Erectile dysfunction is a basic element of the aging process

Whilst it is true that erectile dysfunction is quite common in the elderly, this dysfunction is not part of the normal aging process. This is a health problem that can have serious impact on the overall health of men, no matter how old they are. Besides that, this dysfunction can be a sign of other hidden health problems. That’s why you need to find a way to cure erectile dysfunction regardless of your age.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects men only

Without any doubts, erectile dysfunction is bad for both partners. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, depression, low self-respect and self-esteem. Due to the occurrence of this problem, many relationships are going through rough times. If the problem remains, this situation can affect all relationship in man’s life – work, family friends etc.

  1. Tight underwear leads to ED

Wearing tight underwear is often associated with male infertility, because this type of underwear increases the temperature in the testicles and prevents proper creation of sperm. However, there is still no valid medical research that can confirm the thesis that wearing tight underwear is related to erectile dysfunction.

  1. Erectile dysfunction can be related to problems in the relationship

Problems related to the relationship can certainly affect the sex drive in both men and women, but most causes of erectile dysfunction are physical not psychological. On the other hand, untreated erectile dysfunction can often lead to further complication of these problems in the relationship, which is just another reason to approach this problem with the necessary seriousness and attention.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects older men only

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but the fact is that it can appear in any men regardless of their age. Certain medical issues like diabetes, obesity, heart disease or high blood pressure that can increase the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Smoking and abusing alcohol can also increase the chances.

  1. Using drugs (like Cialis or Viagra) is the only way to treat erectile dysfunction

Cialis, Viagra and few other drugs can be very successful with the process of treatment, but changing lifestyle can be very effective too. So, try to make a combination of these two activities for faster and permanent results.

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction without Pills

Although apparently there are dozens of different cures available to treat male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction. This condition may not require medications or special treatments. Depending on the cause of the problem, it is possible that few changes to the lifestyle of a man are all you need to solve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

Of course, there may be many factors, both physical and psychological that are the root of impotence. Studies have shown that a large number of cases are caused by factors that can be treated quite simply. Three of the main causes of erectile dysfunction are the snuff, alcohol and drugs.

One of the primary and worst effects of smoking on the body is reducing the ability of the vasculature (blood vessels) to circulate blood throughout the body. Because male potency requires a good supply of blood to the sexual organ of a man, smoking can be a contributing factor for impotence. If that is the case, quitting smoking is likely to resolve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

The reason why alcohol can contribute to erectile dysfunction is because prolonged beverage can lead to reduced level of testosterone in man. Without a high enough amount of this important male hormone in your system, it may lead to decrease in libido and sexual stamina.  Once again, the symptoms can be alleviated by an alteration in lifestyle as simple as a change in the habits of drinking.

Intake of some other medicines may also be a factor causing impotence, especially if you are taking certain drugs for conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or depression. If you fall into either category, a consultation with your doctor may be all it takes to solve the problem of impotence.

Other factors of impotence

Even if you do not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol in excess or use drugs, poor diet, physical inactivity and other unhealthy living conditions may be causing your impotence.

For good health in general, especially for those who approach middle age; it is important to take a vitamin supplement and do at least thirty minutes of exercise three times a week. This will not only help combat erectile dysfunction, but also reduce potential health risks. Ever heard of a good heart equals to a good erection? A hard erection needs a good blood flow to ‘support’ it, so a good heart condition is important.

It is only after all of the above factors have been ruled out; one could resort to opting for herbal products or medicines to cure erectile dysfunction.

Criticism in a Relationship

Constant criticism makes you unhappy and bitter. Nobody could feel confident and satisfied when someone – a loved one at that – humiliates them.

Everybody receives negative remarks now and then. Your family members, your boss, your clients may say something unpleasant about your skills or your approach. It is particularly hurtful when a partner criticizes you. It has a deteriorating effect on your love life.

Healthy Critics vs. Criticism in Relationships

Criticism is not about positive, constructive criticism that helps you make your life better. When your partner makes snide remarks, he lets you know that you are not good enough for him. It makes you upset, insecure, sad or angry. Probably all of the above.

In a good relationship, you feel safe and happy. You trust your partner. You feel peaceful and relaxed, and you do not feel compelled to live up to someone else’s requirements. You feel comfortable while being yourself when your partner is around.

Moving in together or getting married is a difficult period for a couple. You will have to adapt to another person’s lifestyle and habits, however, you already have your own habits. It is not easy to compromise. People often underestimate such issues. The first weeks are always hard. You may receive hurtful remarks. Your partner expects you to accept his opinion in everything: household habits, daily schedule, choice of hobbies or friends. Most certainly, his way is not the only right way. When you point it out, your partner feels offended or frustrated. He starts judge upon you. This is when you get snide remarks.

What Is Behind His Criticism?

Probably your partner has too high expectations. He should learn that no partner is perfect.

Perhaps your partner has self-esteem issues or he does not feel safe in the relationship. He might think that you are going to ditch him. Men have difficulties with communication. Their criticism might be their way of saying that they are afraid of losing you.

Probably you have a hot-headed partner, a choleric type. Your partner might be tactless. They say things, without thinking about the consequences. Before they know it, they already hurt you. Moreover, they are not particularly sensitive, so they do not even understand why you find their remarks offensive.

Your Issues

If you have self-esteem issues, you will put up with his behavior. You might think that your partner is right and you are flawed. You might be afraid that he will easily find a better, brighter, hotter woman than you. Perhaps deep down you are afraid that you stay alone, and you dread the possibility. This is a big problem. If you are not confident, you are in for a bitter life and much disappointment. Do your best to research your self-esteem issues and get rid of them. Seek a therapist if needed; psychotherapy can help you build confidence. At least seek resources, forums, or support groups.

Perhaps you have confidence, but you still think that you could get rid of some of your bad habits. You agree with some of his remarks, because you want to change, too.

Change his Critical Ways

If your partner’s criticism disturbs you, you should not accept it. How long can you deal with it? Give yourself and your partner one month, two months etc. to change. If things do not change now, they will not change years later. You should consider counseling therapy for couples, or you should think about a breakup.

5 Keys to Maintain a Stronger Erection

Stress, obesity, depression and economic problems are just some of the causes of sexual dysfunction in men, as trying to maintain an erection stronger and longer. However, some changes in lifestyle can be a key both to maintain a harder erection and to reverse the process of erectile dysfunction in men under 50 who suffer from it to some degree.

5 Keys to maintain a stronger erection

  1. Lose weight

Weight loss can eliminate excess estrogen and improve sexual life. A study published in Journal of American Medical Association found that one third of the clinically obese men with erectile dysfunction, showed improvement after losing ten percent of their body weight. Losing weight is the main thing in maintain a stronger erection.

  1. Kegel exercises

A study by the University of the West of England in Bristol shows that pelvic floor or kegel exercises should be considered as the first treatment for men with problems of erection as it strengthens the muscles of the bladder and around, so you have better and controlled erections.

  1. Chocolate

Considered an aphrodisiac, helps erections because it contains epicatechin flavonoids that help dilate the arteries. A study by the University of California found that those who ate a bar of 45 grams of dark chocolate a day increased their dilation of blood vessels in more than 10%.

  1. Antioxidants

The black fruits such as blackberries, blueberries and elder berries contain high levels of anthocyanins, antioxidants that are beneficial extremely powerful for erections, according to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition.

  1. Nitric Oxide

According to experts of Boston University, nitric oxide is one of the key substances in the body for the erection because they can repair the veins and arteries that administer blood to the penis. It can be obtained through exercise, a good rest and certain foods, such as garlic, walnuts and almonds.

Also, consider seeking relaxation, try to leave behind the stress. Stress can have consequences as failing to maintain a firm erection, since it frees epinephrine, a type of adrenaline that goes directly to the arteries and damages it.

Erectile Dysfunction and Vascular Disease

In medicine, erectile dysfunction is defined as “lack of man’s ability to obtain or maintain hard erection sufficient for sexual intercourse”. The erection of the penis requires orchestrated operation of vascular, nervous and hormonal region. The message of sexual stimulation triggered by the brain is transmitted through the spinal cord to nerve endings that reach the corpora cavernosa – spongy consistency of structures to fill with blood causing the penis erection.

When receiving the message, endothelial cells (lining of the inner wall of the arteries) of the penile arteries release neurotransmitters which will relax the smooth muscle of the blood vessels supplying the corpus cavernosum, facilitating their filling.

Chief among these is the neurotransmitter nitric oxide. The accumulation of this substance facilitates the relaxation of the trabeculae which constitute the corpora cavernosa to increase the inflow of blood. Most drugs used for treatment of erectile dysfunction, exerts its action by increasing concentrations of dopamine in the vessels of the penis.

As men do not like to admit they suffer from erectile dysfunction, it is not always easy to estimate the prevalence of the problem. In one of the most respected studies on the subject, the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, conducted with 1290 men between 40 and 70 years, it was shown that 52% had some degree of dysfunction and 10% had complete absence of erection.

The erectile dysfunction can be classified as psychogenic, organic or mixed. The organic cause can be of vascular origin, neurogenic, hormonal, and drug-induced or be associated with anatomical changes in the corpus cavernosum.

Contrary to what many think, the organic causes are the most common: they are about 80% of cases. Important among them are vascular causes:

1) Atherosclerosis:

It is the most common of all causes. In the mechanism of formation of atherosclerotic plaques occurs to induce endothelial injury with consequent reduction of the internal diameter of the vessel and difficulty maintaining blood flow. Aging also changes the endothelium nitric oxide levels, damaging the blood into the corpora cavernosa.

2) Cigarette:

Smoking for many years is one of the biggest risk factors for the development of erectile dysfunction vascular cause. Toxic substances present in cigarette cause damage to the endothelium and reduce the levels of nitric oxide in the penis. In addition, nicotine itself causes contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels that irrigate the corpora cavernosa, reducing the blood supply to the site.

3) Diabetes:

In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 28% of diabetic patients had erectile dysfunction, compared to 9.6% of non-diabetics (prevalence three times). The causes are linked to more accelerated atherosclerosis, changes in the tissues of the corpora cavernosa and diabetic neuropathy.

4) Hypertension:

It is a major cause of erectile dysfunction as American study cited above made clear. Would it be caused by hypertension itself or was related to the anti-hypertensive medication? This controversy was clarified by a recent study: both drugs as hypertension itself can be held responsible for erection difficulties.

5) Hyperlipidemia:

The presence of high blood levels of LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and fibrinogen are associated with erectile dysfunction in both smokers and non-smokers.

The listing above shows that the factors erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases share similar risk factors. Erection difficulty may be the first symptom of coronary disease, since both are linked to impairment of the endothelium, an essential framework for the regulation of the circulatory functions.

Since the risk factors mentioned act synergistically on the vascular endothelium, the extent and severity of cardiovascular involvement is often proportional to the degree of difficulty of erection.

Attract the Right Life Partner

There are lots of people who want to find a loving partner. However, they do not know what they are looking for. They have shallow expectations: nice looks, sexual attraction, flirting skills, good social skills. In new relationships, parties may misunderstand each other. In the end, they feel disappointed and bitter.

In a good relationship, parties are equal. They rate the same at the attractive, smart, rich scales. A healthy relationship makes your life brighter, better.

You should know what you want. Do you want a long-term relationship with a devoted, serious partner? Do you plan on getting married? Do you want to have fun for your college years and do you want lots of fans from the opposite gender? Know your own expectations. If you want a long-term relationship, you do not want to fall for the exciting bad guy.

Always consider what your partner expects from you. Is your partner looking for fun and a good time, a short-lived adventure? If you consider marriage and kids while your partner hates commitment, you have a problem.

Have realistic expectations. You might want to pick up the perfect partner, a great looking, intelligent, sophisticated, motivated, successful person – who would not? You may have a list of their ideal traits. However, do you have these qualities, too? Partners should be more or less equal in the said departments. If you are a high school drop-out, you do not have much chance with a math professor. If you are shy and lonely, do not try to seduce the most popular guy at your workplace.

Appearances count. A lot. This is what Meryl Streep says. In a sense, she is right. Never let yourself go! Look your best: well-tended and put-together. It will show the world – and potential partners – that you are a composed, satisfied, well-balanced person. Good looks make good impression on everyone.

Attitude counts more than looks. No great looks in the world can help you if you come across as bitter, insecure or needy. If you want to seem attractive, be happy, relaxed, satisfied. You should be whole, complete. You should already have a good life where you can get everything what you want. This attitude will lure the right person to you. If you have a good life, others may want to be part of it.

Do not complain. Do not advertise your weaknesses wide and far. You should not show the world the things that can make you seem unattractive. Your issues or insecurities do not make you a bad person, but others should not see them, most of all, not at first sight.

Mutual attraction, trust and respect are more important than looks.

Listen to the other. Do not talk a lot about yourself. Plenty of information may make your partner feel dizzy. Too much talk can be a red flag and your future partner may want to flee. Ask about your partner and listen to the answers. Become a good listener. Be responsive. If you listen to your partner and observe his or her reactions, you will clearly see their positive traits as well as the warning signs. You will not get unpleasant surprises later.


The Reason You Fail To Maintain Hard Erection

At some point in life; a majority of men experience episodes where they are unable to get and sustain an erection. Well; if you are at this point; do not be alarmed. Some of the reasons why you are unable to maintain hard erection include:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Tiredness

That said, however; if you have problems with your erection; it’s time you went for a check-up for erectile dysfunction (ED) which is also known as being impotent.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the irregularity of achieve and maintain hard erection. Maybe when you masturbate, you achieve an erection; however, when you are with your partner you fail to keep it.

It is crucial to recall that ED is a symptom and not an illness. The best way to get rid of it is by establishing what may be causing it, in the first place.

Who and When Suffers Impotence (ED)?

Impotence affects men at any given age. Erectile dysfunction, on the other hand; is a common symptom in men especially when growing older. Research approximates that half of all menfolk of the ages 40-70 to some extent have ED symptom.

Erectile Dysfunction causes both physical and psychological causes. At times; it is a combination of these two things.

Some physical causes of ED include:

  • Prescription medicine and drug use
  • Hormonal conditions including thyroid problems
  • Blood vessels in the penile region contracting; the narrowing is linked to cardiovascular, diabetes and high blood pressure

Some Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction include:

  • Fear of failing during sex
  • Depression
  • Mental health problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Anxiety

Soft Erection Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction treatment is administered to counter the leading cause of ED. Should ED arise from a medical condition; treating the condition is likely to resolve the problem.

ED symptoms are often improved by making significant changes to your lifestyle. Some of the changes that are known to help revert ED include:

  • Losing Weight and matching your BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Steering clear of all kinds of drugs unless prescribed to you
  • Drinking moderately
  • Regular exercises

Medical Advice

If you suspicions that you may have ED related symptoms; book an appointment with your general practitioner. You may also visit a genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM). The staff at the hospital will evaluate you and find out whether you require any treatment.

Do not be embarrassed to talk about the medical condition with your doctor. ED is a significant problem for more than half the population of men world over. Kindly remember the importance of identifying the cause of your symptoms.

Remember, ED is at times diagnosed as an early sign of another medical condition such as cardiovascular disease.

5 Emotional Causes That Trigger Erectile Dysfunction

Most men reported at least one episode of erectile dysfunction in their life. Although many of them are completely healthy, there are many emotional factors as well that can affect them and consequently leads to the problem of erectile dysfunction. The depression and anxiety are two of them. This article will help you figure out the emotional causes that triggers the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.

  1. Problems amongst couple

Fights, anger, sadness, lack of trust, are some of the factors that directly influence the problem of erectile dysfunction. It is difficult to have sex when you’re not in good terms with your partner, as this reduces the attraction towards another person.

  1. Depression

Taking into account that the main sex organ is the brain in our body, it is understood that if you have depression, chemicals in the brain that send messages of sexual response to your genitals fails to work properly. For this reason many men with depression lose sexual desire. Adding to this, most antidepressant drugs also promote erectile dysfunction.

  1. Low self-esteem

Having a negative image of yourself, doubt your own abilities affect your sexual performance. Learn to value yourself and love yourself, this way you will be at ease with yourself and that will be reflected when making love. Many sexologists have found that men with high self-image tend to perform better in the bed.

  1. Stress

Stress is another common emotional cause that activates the problem of erectile dysfunction. Stress often is inevitable; however, to have satisfying sex one must disconnect from all the problems of the office, home, money, etc.

  1. Anxiety

Most men worry about their sexual performance in bed and this causes them anxiety. This feeling completely inhibits erection. Men who take the pressure of performing better during sex always invariably underperform.

The erectile dysfunction is not only a physical but also emotional issue. Remember that to have a full and satisfying sex life, you should relax and enjoy the sexual intimacy time with your partner. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to go immediately to your doctor to get appropriate treatment.

Rules To Follow For Stronger Erections

Most men are alarmed when they fail to maintain hard erection. They believe that they have been struck by the Erectile Dysfunction bus. Well, sometimes it doesn’t mean that since you wake up with a soft erection that you are suffering from ED. It could mean something else.

But if you are interested in stronger erections without having to pop the blue pill (Soft erection treatment), then it’s time you got on board with the following rules for stronger erections.

Blackberry Jam on Toast

Elderberries, blackberries and bilberries have high ultra-powerful anthocyanin antioxidants that ensure you have a hard erection. Why blackberry jam? The ability of your penis to rise and shine is dependent on nitric oxide availability.

When your body has a lot of free radicals gallivanting around in the bloodstream, the level of nitric oxide subsides. Your penis goes down too. Anthocyanin, on the other hand, is a potent antioxidant that attacks the free radicals before they get the chance to lower nitric oxide levels.

Research to Back It Up: Researchers from Indiana University found out that arteries treated with anthocyanin have a higher nitric oxide level even if there is a substantial presence of free radicals.

Lead Study Author “David Bell Ph.D.) notes that the Antioxidants keep free radicals under control allowing nitric levels to rise up. The higher the nitric acid level, the more blood is pumped into your penis and the stronger the erection!

Quite Smoking

If you are a diehard smoker, but now you have accepted an increase in; lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and bladder cancer risk. Well, what you may have forgotten is the fact that smoking makes you impotent!

A study by the Urology Journal establishes that smoking leads to arterial damage that doubles the risk of suffering from wholesome erectile dysfunction. But if you quit smoking in your late forties or your early fifties, it’s possible to reverse the damage says Lahey Clinic for Sexual Function M.D., Director Andre Guay.

His research (Dr Guay’s) found out that in ten impotent smokers (aged 49-52) night-time erection, there was a 40% erection improvement when they skipped a day without smoking.

The Sensitive Guy

We all know how stress is likened to a cold shower psychologically. Untamed tension  works in a rather treacherous way. It releases an adrenaline type known as epinephrine that shoots direct to your arteries. The epinephrine slowly causes havoc in your arteries.

The author (Dr Jones) of Overcoming Impotence: A Leading Urologist Tells You Everything You Need to Know, suggests that long-term high-stress levels harden your arteries thus softening your erection. The higher the stress levels, the more epinephrine is produced.

Engage in activities that lower your stress levels, and you will have a stronger, stiffer penis!

Maintain A Hard Erection With The Following Ways

A limp erection is capable of either complicating or destroying your relationship, especially if it is a repetitive occurrence. As the man; you naturally see your girl assuming that you don’t consider her as being attractive to you anymore.

Instead of making things better, your situation ends up leaving you feeling frustrated and pissed off. Without warning; the two of you begin getting annoyed at each other and eventually, your relationship falls apart.

Fortunately; there are ways that you can result to and see to it that you manage to get an erection and keep it for longer. Let us go through the ways that we can use to keep an erection up and running.

Fantasy review: shift your thinking from your little head and into the central head. Indulge your significant other in dirty talk and fantasies. These are actions that reignite sexual pleasure for the two of you.

Kinkiness galore: Discuss your secret fantasies and fetishes. Take them to the next level and indulge them. These are new sexual experiences that will get your little man up and running at full throttle!

Comfort in bed: When you are on top, refrain from carrying your weight on your arms for long. Relax yourself and keep away from incidences that you sweat too much, engage in sexual pleasure when you are too tired or overeat before you engage in sexual pleasure.

Innovation: Something that is good but in excess becomes dull. You may have the sexiest girl on earth; however, without creating new ways that you thoroughly enjoy at bed, may cause one or both you to get bored. Boredom leads to less satisfaction and reduced sexual appetite.

Don’t Rush, Take Your Time: Unfortunately, most men just dash in and don’t care to take a breather. Foreplay helps men hold longer. Engaging in fifteen minutes of foreplay before penetration helps you warm up your penis for prolonged action.

Do not think of your erection till when it’s time to penetrate. When time comes, your guy will be ready!

Take your mind off him: shift your’ thought from your little man and focus on sexually satisfying and pleasuring your sexual partner. The more you spend time pondering over the level of your erection, you kill the fun and thus kill the erection itself.

Breathe: Take deep breathes in the mornings. These are simple ways that increase oxygen levels in your blood flow and keeps you calm when you are under stress. The regular the breathing exercise, the better it is for you as you can maintain a longer erection.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction & Lasting Longer In Bed