What Is A Penis Fracture?

Penis fracture is defined as rapture of the membrane of the bulging cavernous structures of the penis. Luckily this injury is not that often but when it happens it should be treated seriously and it is no wonder why doctors consider it as a emergency situation. This injury happens while the penis is erected.

There are many reasons why penis fracture happens. Unexpected blunt trauma or abrupt bending of the penis while it is erected, can lead to rupture of the membrane that surrounds the cavernous bodies of the penis. The injury might be even worse if both cavernous bodies are broken and the urinary tube too. In most cases this injury happens during the sexual intercourse while the female is on top of her partner. Of course there are other reasons for this injury to happen like masturbation, mechanical injuries or any other shock on an erected penis. In extremely rare cases this injury can happen while sleeping, because unconsciously people can have an erected penis and try to turn around in their sleep.

In order to understand the injury better we should look at the structure of the penis. The penis consists of three parts – root, body and head. All these parts are growing when they are aroused due to increased flow of blood. The penis is innervated by left and right dorsal nerves and pudendal nerves. Blood supply comes from the inner pudendal arteries.

When the penis is not erected there are almost no chances for injury of this kind because of its flexibility. When the penis gets hard erection and its elasticity is much lower. For example, during the transition from normal state to erection, the membrane gets a lot tighter (from 2 mm it goes to 0,25 mm) practically loosing almost all of its flexibility. Due to this thinning and inelasticity, blunt trauma or bending of an erected penis can cause penis injury much easier. A sudden increase in pressure in the corpus cavernosum in these cases can quickly destroy the membrane.

Penis fracture can be easily spotted because it has clear symptoms. Like we have said before, in most cases men get injured when they pull the penis out the vagina during the sexual intercourse while the women are in a dominant position. On the way out the penis can hit the tailbone and this is why penis fracture happens. Penis fracture is always painful but depending on the seriousness of the injury the pain can vary from mild to extremely strong. Penis fracture can be noticed by the appearance of the penis which is usually swollen, deformed, unusually bended and discolored.  Many doctors suggest early surgical intervention for treatment of penis fractures. The patient stays at the hospital for at least 10 days and after that can proceed with the treatment from the comfort of his home. Usually antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed.  The penis should be healthy after a while but erectile dysfunction and penis bending are possible.

New Age Sexual Health And Relationship

Do you often wonder what relevance sex has to relationships? Do you often wonder why we are asked to make our partners wait before having sex? Do you shudder at the idea of having sex with someone and it turns out and becomes a serious relationship?

Well these are some of the many questions mostly women ask themselves when they deliberate upon having sex or not having sex with someone. These are questions that have specific answers depending on the relationship status.

Thankfully below are a few tips that will help either gender answer the above questions and more…

The New Age

The first thing you should comprehend is the way times have changed. Nowadays having sex doesn’t automatically mean that you are now destined to get hitched and now you’ll spend a lifetime with the person you sleep with.

If you opt to wait till marriage to have sex, this is nowadays a sole decision and not one made by the society. It can be a good and at times bad decision. For one having sex too soon will ruin a relationship and at times it can be the beginning of a relationship where one wasn’t wanted.

The best thing to do before you engage in sexual activity is setting boundaries and discussing with your partner what significant meaning there is to having sex. For a majority of men, sex and relationships are two separate issues and one is not really dependent on the other’s presence.

That said however; it’s necessary that you talk with your partner about the decision to wait and just because you have decided to sleep with him doesn’t automatically qualify the two of you to start a relationship.

The decision to wait before having sex can at times be a good decision because you will be able to gauge whether your partner is coming into a relationship for you and not from the thing he stands to achieve from you.

However, it doesn’t mean that you should wait till you get married. It only means that you should withhold sex until when you feel comfortable and most secure about the relationship of you are looking to have.

Guys are different and for some, women who start having sex too early in the relationship are women they don’t want to be in a relationship with for the rest of their lives. Why? Simply because the guy will believe that you were too easy and thus this disqualifies you from being wife or mother material.

By waiting to sleep with him it shows him that you have self-respect and you value sex as a big step and a huge decision that needs proper evaluation. Whether or not this is always true, this is how most men feel towards sex!

But on the other hand waiting for too long will make him lose interest some people believe, if a lady or a man is true to you and is committed to a relationship the sex will not only be frequent but enticing and there will be an emotional connection.

Sexual enhance

Open Relationship and Mutual Benefit Relationship

Issues to do with sex and relationship are indeed many to a point that it may seem difficult to understand all the issues involved. While there are relationships where sex is considered a normal feature, there are those relationships where sex is considered not right. This obviously depends on such issues as religion, culture and one’s moral believes among other issues. The best way to understand sex and relationship can however be easily understood by looking at the different types of relationships where sex is “legally” permitted.

Open Relationship

This is the first relationship that everyone establishes. It is a relationship where a young boy and girl who are not related for some unknown reason (although reasons have been given elsewhere) get fond of each other. Although both have nothing in their mind anything to do with sex, they are in the know that they are of the opposite sex. This type of relationship is in most cases established by some (not all) boys and girls in the 6 – 12 age bracket. This type of relationship is usually based on love, fun, trust and connection. However, the element of jealousy is usually evident when another boy or girl enters the picture.

Open relationship is however not limited to children. There are sexually mature teenagers, young adults and adults who are known to establish open relationships devoid of sex. Such is a platonic relationship usually based on fun, emotional connection and sincere attraction without any sexual desires. Like with children, element of jealousy is usually evident when a third party comes into the picture. While some sexually mature adults in this type of relationship end up dating and marrying, some simply let it go.

Mutual Benefit Relationship

This is referred to as mutual benefit relationship for lack of a better name. It is the most common type of relationship established by sexually mature adults. Although similar to open relationship in some respect, sex is usually the force behind mutual benefit relationship. Involved partners may also get involved in other social activities where they participate together.

Mutual benefit type of relationship is one of the most dangerous types of relationships, especially when those involved do not take any precautions. This is so because incidents of unwanted pregnancies due to unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS/HIV) infections are usually common. Jealousy and cheating is usually a common feature of this type of relationship. Indeed, most mutual benefit relationships are usually painful experiences with many ending up in serious disagreements.

Dating Relationship

This is what many consider as a serious and responsible relationship because of the likelihood of both partners settling down in marriage. The purpose of dating is usually for each partner to know the other better. A common feature of this type of relationship is going out together on a regular basis. Common outing locations do include theatres, restaurants, open parks and entertainment joints. Those dating are usually those who have made up their mind and need to understand their partners better before marriage proposal. Although some dating partners do endeavour to avoid sex as much as possible, some do indulge in sex.

Marriage Relationship

This is the type of relationship that most of those dating look forward to. This is a long-term relationship full of commitments and responsibilities. Although sex in this type of relationship is a right to both partners, that is normally not the case for most married partners. This is because of the many challenges that most couples experience, challenges that impact negatively on their sex life. However, couples that address their challenges do have a fulfilling sex life.

Although different cultures, religions and individuals at their personal level have different views regarding sex and relationship, there is always a common understanding; sex is sacred and is only permitted in a responsible relationship such as marriage relationship.

Few Forms of Long-Term Contraception

There are few forms of long-term contraception that can prevent women, which already gave birth, from another unexpected pregnancy. As we all know there are various types of contraception, which are suitable for different periods of our lives. For example young women and girls that are sexually active, short-term forms of contraception that usually don’t affect the reproductive system like condoms or birth control pills. Unlike them, older women who have decided to take a break between each delivery or maybe they have decided that they don’t want children any more can use forms of long-term contraception.


This is a radical form of long-term (definite) contraception and every woman that considers this option should understand that there is no turning back after the procedure is done. Sterilization is good because it doesn’t affect the sexual life at all and there is no need for other contraceptive measures. Women should remember that attempt to reverse this process by trying to re-establish the patency of fallopian tubes is very risky and complicated surgical procedure that is not always successful. That’s why doctors suggest that women who want to take this procedure should be well informed about other long-term methods of contraception, that can be also very effective but unlike sterilization they are not permanent.

Hormonal intrauterine systems

These systems contain a reservoir with progestogen hormone, which releases a small dosage of the hormone in the womb every day. With the help of this hormone, the mucus in the cervix is thickened so the passage of sperm into the uterus is blocked. Even if some of the sperm has managed to get inside the uterus the normal movement will be difficult. Due to its local affect on the uterus it also reduces the overgrowth of the lining of the uterus. Furthermore this makes the menstruation milder, shorter and even less painful and in some cases women using this type of contraception don’t have menstruation at all. Besides that this systems can prevent infections in the pelvic area and occurrence of endometrial cancer. Because it acts locally the hormonal balance in the body is preserved and there are no side effects. These hormonal systems can be implanted six weeks after birth and mothers who are breast feeding their babies should not be worried because these hormones don’t affect the milk. Hormonal intrauterine systems are almost 100% effective, they last for five years and they can be easily removed if needed.

Copper-based intrauterine devices

These devices are similar to the hormonal systems in their appearance and they are a well known and recognized method of long-term contraception. They are made of copper and plastics and what makes them different from the previously mentioned devices is that they do not contain hormones. They work in a simple way by disabling sperm on their way to the fallopian tubes and make the connection between sperm and eggs impossible. They can last from three to ten years, depending on the type of the device. These devices are more than 99% effective. They are not recommended for women that have not yet given birth or anemic women because sometimes they cause longer and more intensive menstruations.

The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease In Men

Despite enormous progress in understanding and controlling sexually transmitted diseases, they are still present. This is a list of the most common sexually transmitted diseases:


This complicated disease is one of the most common in the world and second in the USA. The numbers of reported cases are high and as we know there are lots of people who do not report their diseases so the situation is very serious.

Gonorrhea has distinctive signs like a burning sensation while urinating and purulent discharge at the end on the urination. If it is not treated properly, this disease can lead to epididymitis which affects the testicles and can cause infertility. Gonorrhea in women can lead to other diseases like Chlamydia, which can also cause infertility. Besides that, having gonorrhea can increase the risk of getting HIV.

Antibiotics are the most common treatment of gonorrhea. Unfortunately, gonorrhea mutates and there are various types of this disease and some of them are developing resistance to antibiotics. This makes the treatment more difficult and unpredictable which of course is another reason to be more careful.


Syphilis is a very serious disease that caused a lot of fatalities in the past. Fortunately, with the development of medicine today we have several successful methods to treat syphilis without many problems. The rates of people that are suffering from syphilis is getting lower every year, especially in the developed countries.

However if syphilis is left untreated it can produce serious damages to the brain, cardiovascular system and many other organs in the body. Just like gonorrhea, syphilis increases the risk of infection with HIV.


According to some statistics there are more than 30 million people around the world that carry Chlamydia. Although this disease is usually more visible in women, men can also have some symptoms like inflammation of the urinary tract, prostate and testicles. Chlamydia can cause a lot more damage in women because untreated Chlamydia infections can lead to inflammatory diseases and even infertility. Thanks to the public awareness, more people are performing tests and treat this disease timely with antibiotics. Antibiotics help reduce the spreading of Chlamydia. Because symptoms are less visible in men, they should take medical examinations more frequently before this infection makes more damage to their health and before they spread this infection to other women and in some cases men.


HPV can cause cervical cancer in women and colon cancer and prostate cancer in men. There are literally millions of male carriers of this virus that transmit it to their sexual partner without even knowing. Luckily there is a new vaccine that was invented few years ago and that has proven to be very effective. Because it is advised that young girls even at the age of 9 to take this vaccine, this method has caused a lot of controversy.


This is definitely the most lethal sexually transmitted diseases. But thanks to the increased public awareness the number of people infected with these diseases is getting lower in the past few years. Early signs of infection with HIV / AIDS may include symptoms like the ones that appear with flu, fungal infections of the throat and a feeling of inexplicable fatigue. The medicine is able to produce antivirus cocktails that have proven to be very effective in treating of this disease.

Sexual Health

Premature ejaculation is a problem that can be classified as sticky and affects over 66% of all men. Unfortunately, this is a problem that doesn’t have a single cause. Men affected by premature ejaculation aggravate the situation by over obsessing over the issue.

On the bright side however, understanding the potential causes and knowing how and when to get help are some of the grandest ways that can help you create a natural path for better sexual health for the affected man and his partner.

But before we get to the help, let’s define what premature ejaculation is and how it affects your sexual health.


Premature Ejaculation What is It?

This is a problem that happens every time a man ejaculates before him and his partner are ready. Medically, doctors define premature ejaculation as an activity that takes effect in less than a minute of penetration.

When an occasional slip may be not much to worry about, if premature ejaculation happens continuously should be a matter of concern since it can make you impotent. Unfortunately a lot of men get too embarrassed to talk about this condition with their doctors.

So What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

Like stated above, there is no sole reason and for a majority of men, it is a condition that can be related to a waft of factors that are both physical and psychological. Some of the document reasons include:

  • A previous history of trying to ejaculate too fast all the while trying to avoid getting caught in the act
  • Problems in the relationship
  • Guilt or anxiety that is related to the sex act
  • Performance anxiety
  • Biological issues pertaining to things such as hormonal levels, heredity and problems with the thyroid
  • Physiological issues that include things such as withdrawal symptoms from some types of medication and nerve damage

Types of Treatments Available

Treating premature ejaculation is purely dependent on the principal cause. To avoid becoming impotent, you and your partner should work together with a doctor to come up with the best mode of treatment.

In most cases a plethora of self-help practices, medications and therapy may do the trick. Some of the treatment procedures may include:

Masturbating either an hour or two before you have sex

Using the squeeze technique and you practice with drawing from your partner whenever you feel like the ejaculation is almost reaching a point of no return, then squeeze the end of your penis.

Going for counselling sessions together with your partner and facing any issues in the relationships that might be the cause of this predicament.

Using topical anaesthetic creams that are sold over the counter. Some of these creams provide you with a numbing effect that gradually slows down premature ejaculation. However when purchasing these kinds of treatments you should be very cautious and only buy the treatments that will not cause you any skin irritation.

Exercise and diet

Sometimes, it’s all about the foods we eat and the lifestyle we lead. If you want to get rid of impotency and premature ejaculation and improve your sexual health, you have to commit yourself to exercises and eating a well-balanced and healthy diet.

This is a sure way of getting rid of excess fats in your body that might be slowing down during the romping session and eliminating impotency naturally and generally having a perfect sexual health.

Sex And Relationship From A woman’s Perspective

Women certainly differ from men in perceiving sex and relationship. Women are emotionally connected to sex and relationship while men view sex as a physical aspect. Women can give in totally and enjoy sex only when she feels emotionally safe and secure. They do not need it as often as men do on a comparative basis. By nature, women can go for longer time without sex unlike men. This basic differentiation in their natural instincts has proven to be the main cause for many broken relationships.

However there could be various factors influencing sexual drive of women.  Every woman has her own sexual fantasies. An introverted housewife might feel less confident and comfortable in a bed room when compared to a woman who goes out. This confidence and comfort may be boosted up by allowing them to be the in charge. They should be allowed to feel that they are doing it out of their own wish without any force. A woman cannot even imagine sleeping with her man when their relationship is not in good terms. It is because sex is purely an emotional phenomenon for a woman. Thus sex is not a high priority for a woman while it is the top priority for a man. Women essentially need to be connected to their partners mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Generally women are completely occupied with their never ending house hold tasks and responsibilities round the clock. While on the other hand men look out for relaxation after a tiring day. Women might finally not find time at all or completely get exhausted by the end of the day and eventually, will not be able to think of anything else other than to sleep. As a result most of the women overlook the basic needs of their men and put their relation at risk. Men can probably help her with small house hold works in such situations so that she can make some leisure time to spend with you. Woman also should prioritize her husband’s needs over the other list of duties. One more thing to mention here is that women can get easily distracted during the course unlike men. Her to-do lists and responsibilities would be continuously running through her brain. Thus women should realize that being with her man is the utmost important responsibility to preserve her relationship.

Women might feel very tired and lose interest in sex post pregnancy. They undergo psychological, emotional, mental and physical pressure during this period. It’s natural for them to lose all the interest after going through such pain. Few women come out of this trauma quickly and naturally while few others cannot. They need lot of emotional support and love to come out of this situation and become normal. Men will have to act with patience during such times. At the end women only look for pure love and emotional bondage in a trusted relationship. For a relationship to be long lasting both the partners need to understand and support each other’s needs and abilities.

How To Last Longer In Bed

Premature ejaculation is an act of achieving orgasm the moment you penetrate a vagina start thrusting and on the third or fifth thrust you cum without having planned for the orgasm to come that quick. Up to 60% of men who engage in sexual encounters suffer from premature ejaculation.

If you are among the 60%, you need not worry because there are natural things you can do and have better sex. All you have to remember is, when it comes to sex and stop premature ejaculation, you are the person in control and only you can control, monitor and plan the time you’ll have your orgasm. Below are a few tips to prevent premature ejaculation and having better sex.


As teenagers and the early youthful stages, it’s usually very easy to get excited and at times the excitement becomes way too much to a point where our emotions run amuck. Immediately we start losing control over our emotions, we are only seconds away from achieving an orgasm.

At this juncture, the right thing to do to stop premature ejaculation is to keep our emotions in check. But since it is something that is easily said than done, below are a few tricks that will help you have better sex and prevent premature ejaculation.

The Pre-Fire

It’s common knowledge that every one of us lasts longer on the second round that we did last in the first round. If you can achieve a hard-on timely, you can work yourself on the first time and take advantage and ride your girl wild during the second time.

The best way to pre-fire without too much effort is during foreplay, as you work on your lady friend, rub one out without her noticing and by the time you are done with foreplay make-sure you regain your energy in full and make her dreams come true.

NB: Never try rushing through sex as this only causes you to re-load. Just take a chill pill, relax don’t overthink it and put all your concentration on her and this will help you last longer naturally without having to use artificial methods.

The Wonderful World of Condoms

There are many men that last longer by merely putting on a condom. But do not be fooled and double bag; this will only heighten your ejaculation. If you have to, use numbing lube. Please use the lube inside the condom.

It is a short term solution that will help you ride her like a porn star, unfortunately for you, you will not experience any physical pleasure.

Kegel Exercises

Yes, kegel exercises work on men too. Every day, squeeze the vein that passes below your scrotum and your anus, squeeze it and hold it for 30 seconds and then release it. Keep doing this at intervals of 15 minutes. This strengthens your stopping muscles and you’ll be able to hold back your ejaculation and last longer during sex. Now you can have better sex!

Impotent Prevention

Impotence is one condition that all men dread. Being diagnosed as being impotent does spell doom for most men as such a diagnosis literally means poor sex health. Indeed most men declared with impotence do have their lives disrupted knowing that they are literally not in a position to engage in satisfactory sexual performance and the thought of inability to father their own children normally takes a toll on such men. It is not therefore surprising that most men diagnosed as being impotence do end up suffering from stress and depression. Some men who fail to receive counseling to cope with their condition do end up committing suicide.

Simply put, impotence is an erectile dysfunction (ED) problem that affects a good number of men around the world. Initially common with men above 40 years, more and more younger men are now diagnosed with the problem that is usually characterized by inability for a man to attain a strong penile erection necessary for satisfactory sexual performance. The problem can also manifest itself as premature ejaculation in case of men who experience some for of penile erection.

A number of physical and psychological factors can lead to one being declared impotent. Of all factors however, physical factors are the main causes. There are several ways through which one can avoid being declared impotent, ways that give assurance for good sex health.

Heart Health

A good number of men diagnosed as being impotent have been established to suffer from various types of heart ailments. Medical researchers have established that occurrence of such ailments as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis increase a man’s risk of developing impotence and poor sex health in general. Interestingly, men diagnosed with ED are also at high risk of suffering from such heart ailments. Prevention of such heart ailments is therefore a very effective way to prevent impotence.

Hormonal Balance

Apart from neurological problems that have been linked to ED and poor sex health in general, hormonal imbalance has also been established to cause ED. Reduced level of testosterone and increased level of prolactin in particular is a major cause of impotence. Every man needs to ensure that his hormones are properly balanced to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Injury Prevention

Specific physical trauma and injuries that affect the pelvic region of the body and the spinal cord can easily lead to poor sex health and in extreme cases being declared impotent. Every man also needs to avoid certain surgical procedures unless they are very necessary. Such include fistula, orthopedic and prostate/rectal/colon surgical procedures. It must however be pointed out that vasectomy has never been linked to ED or poor sex health.


According to the USA’s national Institute of Health (NIH), long-term use of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines and hypertension medications put a man at a high risk of suffering from poor sex life, which can also lead to impotence.

Mental Health

It is generally appreciated that poor mental health leads to poor sex health. Every man needs to avoid such conditions as high stress levels, depression and anxiety at all costs to be assured of a healthy sex life.

These are definitely just a few of the ways through which every man can prevent being diagnosed as impotent. The fact that younger men are now also diagnosed with ED makes it very necessary for younger men in particular to take necessary precautions.

Types Of Contraception

Contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy by preventing the fertilized eggs to enter the uterus or preventing the eggs to be fertilized in first place.

There are several types of contraception and choosing the right one depends on several factors including current state of health, convenience and ease of use of contraception, side effects, risk factors and sometimes price. It is best to consult your doctor before you decide to use any kind of contraception.

It is good to remember that you can change the method of contraception any time you want. When you are trying to choose the type of contraception that is best for you take these things into consideration – how often do you have sexual intercourses, do you have a stable relationship, are you ready to make plans when it comes to sexual activity or do you want to use a type of contraception that does not depend on planning. Whatever your choice is you should use it properly in order to have good results.

Birth Control pills

Some birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin (so-called combined pills) while others contain only progestin.

Combined pills prevent ovulation. These pills are taken daily no matter how sexually active the woman is.

Progestin pills prevent pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus making the eggs unreachable for the sperm. These pills have to be consumed daily just like combined pills.

Hormonal Injections

There are two types of hormonal injections that can be used as contraception.

Injection with progesterone is injected once every three months and prevents pregnancy in three ways: by preventing ovulation, stops the sperm from reaching the egg and prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. The method is almost 100 percent effective. It is injected into the muscle in the first five days of menstruation while the rest of the injections are given over a period of three months. Side effects include irregular bleeding, headaches and weight gain.

Injection with progesterone and estrogen is injected once a month. This method is also highly effective. Possible side effects include changes in menstrual cycle and weight gain.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

This device looks like a plastic box with a floss attached on it and it is inserted into the uterus with the help of a doctor. It prevents the entry of sperm inside the fallopian tubes. After insertion, the copper IUD (small plastic device with copper wrapped around its grounds) can remain in place for up to 10 year. All intrauterine devices must be removed by a doctor. Keep in mind that IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Possible side effects include cramps, pelvic inflammatory disease, bleeding and infertility.

Male Condom

The male condom is applied on erected penis before entering the vagina. Male condom creates a physical barrier between the vagina and the penis and prevents pregnancy and diseases.

Female Condom

A female condom is one that you inserted into the vagina instead of penis. It surrounds the penis during the intercourse and serves as protection for vaginal and cervical infections and of course – preventing pregnancy. The female condom can be inserted up to 24 hours before intercourse and can be used only once. The female condom is stronger than the male condom and should not be used together with a male condom.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction & Lasting Longer In Bed