Tag Archives: sexual health

How to Talk to Your Teen about Sex?

Talking about sex with a teenager has never been and will probably never be easy. However, the good thing is that the times are changed and this topic is slowly becoming something that is not so unpleasant to talk about and it is no longer considered to be a taboo in the modern family.

Probably the biggest reason or this is the advance of media (especially the internet). Young people today have almost limitless access to various information regarding sexual life and sexual health. However, if you are a parent you can’t skip talking about this topic with your teenage children just because they can learn about it on the internet. It is very important that you point out to your children that you are the first person that they should talk with if they have any questions, dilemmas and problems related to sex. Regardless of the strength of the relationship between you and your children and the trust you have in each other, sex is a topic that is very serious and intimate so you should be very careful about how you start this conversation.

Before making this conversation you should be prepared about the possible questions that your child may ask. Take your time and don’t make this conversation in a hurry. It’s probably the best to ask your teen what he or she already knows about sex. This will lead to a more pleasant atmosphere and you might be surprised how many or maybe little things about sex your kid knows. Use straight language when you talk about sexual organs and other terms related to sex to avoid confusion and make the conversation more serious. Besides the physical aspect you must also talk about the emotional side of sex. This is the biggest problems in today’s teenagers because even though some of them understand almost everything about the physical aspect of sex they don’t understand that sex is much more than that. It is important to point out that you support them and you know how mature they are and that your advice to them is to wait until they turn 18. Starting sexual life just because your friends are starting too is wrong and this is what they need to know.

Although this conversation should not be intimidating you must mention topics such as sexually transmitted diseases (std) and pregnancy because these two things are very often linked with sex. Explain the importance of being a parent and the responsibility that parenting brings. You should also explain how unprotected sex can cause various sexually transmitted diseases and how using protection (condoms) can help. Throughout the conversation encourage your kid to ask questions and make sure he understands what you are talking about. In order to bond closer, you can tell him about your first sexual experience.

Finally, this conversation with your teenage daughter or son should be friendly and a talk between equal individuals and it should certainly not look like a lecture!

Vulvodynia – Causes and Treatment

Vulvodynia is a rare disease that is still being researched by many experts. The burning sensation and pain in the vagina can be clear signs of vulvodynia.

Vulvodynia is actually a very long-lasting feeling of discomfort in the vagina, which is usually accompanied by pain, burning sensation and itching. Of course, the intensity of pain and the symptoms is different in each woman; the feeling of strong burning sensation is the most common symptom of all. Besides the intensity, the pain is different in its duration and location in each woman. The occurrence of vulvodynia can certainly affect a woman’s sex life, but it can also affect her everyday life. Vulvodynia has not been researched very well so far because it occurs very rarely. This is also the reason why there is no medication on the market that is specialized in treating vulvodynia.

The reasons for appearance of vulvodynia are not yet well researched, but experts that work in this field are convinced that vulvodynia is caused by a variety of diseases and injuries of the vagina and the consequences of those injuries/diseases. A very common cause is irritation of the outer parts of the genitalia, allergy, yeast infection or muscle spasms. In rare cases vulvodynia can be caused by the presence of oxalate crystals in the urine. So far there is no evidence that this disease can be transmitted (it is not a STD), although this option is still opened because as we have mentioned before vulvodynia is still not researched very well. There are few signs that can point to vulvodynia like red and swollen skin of the vagina. In order to confirm the presence of vulvodynia, the gynecologist must remove fungal diseases, bacterial infections and genital herpes from the list of possible causes. Only after these medical conditions are excluded, the gynecologist can suspect vulvodynia presence.

Treating vulvodynia is not easy because there is no specialized medication on the market that deals with it. There aren’t any separate therapies for this disease either. Some doctors suggest taking standard measures in cases of similar infections. For example, using special soap, wearing underwear made of pure cotton and using lubricants based on water. In order to ease the pain, women can use cooling gel. Some pills can also be helpful in these cases but they should be taken only with prescription. According to some experts vulvodynia can be treated with a surgery too. Women suffering from vulvodynia should undergo surgery only after all other methods are exhausted and they didn’t provide any positive effects.

There are also few measures that every women can take in order to prevent appearance of this rare and very unpleasant disease. For example, using underwear that doesn’t irritate the skin is always a good idea. Although underwear made of synthetic materials might look more appealing, cotton underwear keeps the hygiene on a higher level and it doesn’t irritate the skin. Take care of your vagina by having occasional baths with some herbs that can improve your sexual health like chamomile. You can also use a soap with neutral pH value and remember that you should never use the soap inside your vagina.

Supplements for Sexual Health

Supplements are known to offer body builders build a physique that is not only sleek but very sexy. Supplements are portions and powders that are found in very many vitamin shops all over the world and are known to help body builders boost their activities at the gym.

And after gaining a chiseled body, they instantly become a chick magnet (body builders). Nothing comes close to beating a chiseled body that is packed full of muscles that are ripped. That said however, supplements and other muscle boosting products (some that is) carry elements that lead to sexual health impairment and could make a man become impotent.

Thankfully, there are common sense alternatives combined with adequate penis care which will help alleviate/eliminate this potential problem. Let us examine what causes sexual health problems and what could make you suffer from impotence….

Curious Ingredients

First and foremost, when it comes to the development of supplements, there are no set list of ingredients that developers are mandated to adhere to when coming up with supplements to be used by weight lifters.

By creating products that are slightly different, manufacturers are able to stand out of the crowded portfolio and their business stands to profit. At times, ingredients used in the weight lifting supplements are benign relatively in terms of sexual health, some of the ingredients are known to be beneficial overall.

However, many products concerning supplement shelves carry enormous quantities of caffeine and various other stimulants. These are ingredients which are known to make weight lifters feel powerful, however, they also increase the speed of the heart at an enormous rate thus taxing your delicate cardiovascular system which supports the penis and plays a huge role in your sexual health.

There are a number of guys who are able to handle the revving, however, for some, the increase in heart rate ends up damaging their erection capability. Then again, there are a number of pills and powders which carry elements of minerals and vitamins which are known to boost metabolism thus enhancing weight loss.

It becomes a difficult task knowing how all these elements will work harmoniously inside the human body more so when guys mix several sprinkles of a single powder with several shots of a different vitamin.

The reproductive system finally emerges from the matching and mixing in a perfect order and this causes a subtle shift in the way the penis is able to move, function or feel.

Repairing the Damage

When you want to reverse impotence, you should start by taking a trip to the doctor’s office. Heart scans, blood tests will be some of the sources that will be used to get to the bottom of things and this is a ray of hope to men who are impotent.

Medical practitioners can provide a number of therapies and schedule follow up tests which will be able to restore back in order sexual health.

Sex Toys and Sexual Health

Many people consider sex toys to be potentially hazardous for our sexual and our general health too. Those who are strictly against sex toys usually point out few things about sex toys and claim that sex toys are not good, that they are not good for our sexual health, sex life and of course that they are not very moral. The truth is that there aren’t really any reasons for this attitude and a lot of experts have proved that sex toys are not dangerous for our health. However, there are some situations in which sex toys can bring potential problems and dangers. After all they are physical products and just like any other product if they are not fulfilling some standards or if they are not used in a proper way they can cause certain problems.

The first concern of those who oppose sex toys is that they can cause physical injuries. However, there is no evidence that regular sex toys can cause this kind of injuries. The injuries might occur if the sex toys are used in an improper way or used for something that they were not intended for. If you are using the sex toy by following instructions there is almost no way to end up injured.

Another concern is that these sex toys are toxic or that they are made of toxic materials to be more precise. This concern is objective because some manufacturers use a material called phthalate to produce various sex toys. This material is very useful because it serves as a softener for the plastic making these toys very flexible. However, these phthalates (plasticizers) can bring negative effects to newborn children especially male newborns and these effects have already been confirmed by many researches. That’s why you should check the materials used for the sex toy and avoid those who have phthalates in them.

We can often read or hear about how using sex toys can lead to practicing unnatural and unsafe sex acts. Furthermore, according to these moralists, people who use sex toys are usually perverts who have odd view on sexuality and sexual relationships and they are prone to violence in sex. This is simply not true and those who say that have a view based on prejudices. Sex toys were used even in ancient times and there was nothing unusual about this practice.

Using sex toys can provide great pleasure but overusing them can bring some problems. If you notice that because of the increased use of sex toys your relationship is starting to fall apart or if you notice that you are getting distant from your partner it is the best time to leave the sex toys for a while. A lot of people that overuse sex toys cannot achieve orgasm without them.

For example, vibrators can cause using the feeling of pleasure in arousal with lower intensity compared to those of the vibrations cause by the vibrator. That’s why you should take pause of using the vibrator every once in a while. Besides these few things that we have mentioned there are no other negative effects of using sex toys. Improve your sexual health may give you and your partner better sexual relationship.

How can acupuncture improve your sex life?

We have all heard about the health benefits of acupuncture but little is known about the fact that acupuncture can improve sexual life too.

Acupuncture is a well known ancient Chinese method used to improve better blood circulation and balancing your life energy in your body. As Chinese acupuncturist like to say – acupuncture is trying to find the perfect balance between yin and yang (in this case – male and female energies). An experienced acupuncturist can easily determine a possible imbalance in the body and by placing needles in higher energetic lines (called meridians) he can stimulate the flow of the energy throughout the body.

Acupuncture can help a lot of people. For example, pregnant women can benefit a lot from this practice. The body of a pregnant woman is dealing with a lot of changes during this period. Almost every woman is suffering from some kind of problems during this period; some of them can deal with them easily while others find that difficult. Acupuncture can be very helpful when it comes to morning sickness, reducing the pain in the perineum and some experts recommend acupuncture as an alternative method against pain during labor. This comes as a result of the release of the endorphins thanks to the acupuncture. These endorphins serve as a natural remedy against pain. They also encourage positive thoughts and every persona generally feels better thanks to these hormones.

Acupuncture can also be very helpful for those are entering menopause and even andropause. It can be very useful for women that have problems with vaginal dryness and infertility. Men who are suffering from premature ejaculation and impotence can also try this method.

When it comes to sexual health acupuncture is a known remedy for low libido in both men and women. The acupuncturists focus on certain spots on our bodies like the liver or the kidneys in order to solve these problems. This is very logical if we know that these organs are considered as filters for the body and if they are not working properly this situation can affect the whole body including our sexual organs. Even people who are suffering from sex addiction can benefit from acupuncture. As we have mentioned before acupuncture brings back the balance and sex addiction is an obvious case of body imbalance.

But how exactly does acupuncture work when we talk about sex? First of all, it is not recommended to have sex three hours after and three hours before acupuncture session. The effects of acupuncture can be significantly reduced if you are emotionally distracted and also if you have used some drugs or maybe you’ve had too much food and alcohol.

What makes acupuncture great is that there are almost no side effects. In order to avoid the possibility of side effects find an experienced acupuncturist. Besides that, this alternative method of improve your sexual health is that it doesn’t only affect your sexual health but it also improves your overall health.

Why You Need Good Sexual Health?

Contrary to popular view, sexual health is not restricted to health issues relating to the reproductive system. It is a much wider subject that addresses the mental/emotional, physical and social well-being of each and every individual person. Indeed, World Health Organization (WTO) defines sexual health as “a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality’ it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity”. This definition aptly covers all the issues that address the core of your sexuality; sex.

Sex is no doubt a natural biological necessity that you are bound to engage in once you become sexually mature and responsible. However, it is not enough to merely engage in sex. You need to engage in better sex in order to realize the benefits that the same provides. You may look at better sex as quality sex or improve sexual performance where your performance and satisfaction exceeds the performance and satisfaction you derive from what you may call “normal sex”.

From WHO’s definition, it turns out that your mental/emotional, social and physical health must be at their optimum in order to have a quality sex life.

Mental/Emotional Health

Your mental health refers to your level of psychological well-being. It includes such health conditions and disorders as depression, anxiety, stress and mood disorder. These conditions/disorders have a negative effect on your sexual health, which ultimately leads to below “normal” sex performance not only to you but to your partner as well.

Social Health

This refers to your ability to interact with others without any problems. You can easily determine whether or not you have good social health by simply analyzing how well you thrive in social settings. Apart from mental and physical health, your social health is the other vital form of health that contributes to good sexual health and therefore quality sex life.

Physical Health

Physical health refers to your overall physical wellness. Your physical health covers your body as a physical entity, in which case it determines the level of physical activities you can engage in. Poor physical health brought about by diseases and injuries definitely impact negatively on your ability to perform better sex.

The benefits that you derive from engaging in quality sex are simply many. From the onset, quality has been proven to aid in relieving stress, lowering of high blood pressure, boosting your immunity, improving your intimacy, boosting your self-esteem, aiding in quality sleep and in reducing the risk of prostate cancer (in men). Better sex is also a good way of exercising as it strengthens muscles located in the pelvic floor.

There are several factors that determine your level of sexual health for quality sex. They include diseases, health conditions, injuries, diet and lifestyle. Although some diseases and health conditions may be out of your control, you can definitely take measures to prevent injuries that can affect negatively on your physical health. Your diet and lifestyle is also in your control. You seriously need to stick to a healthy diet regime and avoid such unhealthy lifestyle habits as smoking and excess alcohol intake in order to have better sex life.

A Guide to Enhanced Sexual Health

Sexuality is an integral part of your life and in particular in your relationship with the opposite sex. Because such relationship issues as love, affection and sexual intimacy determine the strength or weakness of your relationship, it is very necessary that you not only ensure that you have good sexual health but enhance it as well. Whether you are in a marriage relationship or otherwise, you need to take care of your sexual health as one way of preventing impotence.

Impotence is a form of sexual dysfunction. It is actually erectile dysfunction characterized by inability to attain erection necessary for sexual performance. In case of an erection, you do not attain full erection. There are men diagnosed as being impotent in which case they are incapable or can no longer engage in sexual performance as they did before. Although there are several impotent treatment methods, you may not perform sex satisfactorily as you did before.

There are several ways through which you can enhance your sexual health. Some of these include:

Prevention of Diseases

Diseases have the capacity to affect you body to a point that your body organs do not function as is required. There are those diseases that are unique to your reproductive system that must prevent at all costs. This is so because some reproductive system diseases can easily make you impotent if not addressed in good time. Of all diseases that affect the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections are some that can easily cause impotence. They are transmitted through sexual activities involving the penis, vagina, anus and mouth. Some STDs can be transmitted by simply using a towel used by an infected partner. It is therefore very important to prevent development of Diabetes and such STD diseases as human papilloma virus (HPV), Hepatitis B, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis among others.


Performing exercises on a regular basis is generally good for your body. Exercising leaves your body muscles toned and eliminates some waste in the body through sweat. Performing Kegel exercises has the positive effect of strengthening your pelvic region and organs therein. This goes a long way in enhancing your sexual health and to degree treat impotent.

Healthy Lifestyle

Impotence can be caused by various diseases and other factors one of which is poor lifestyle. Indeed, most men diagnosed as being impotent have been noted to have lived a poor lifestyle that involves long-term use of hard drugs, cigarette smoking and excess alcohol intake among others. Such poor lifestyle habits introduce into the body dangerous chemicals and other substances that do not only interfere with smooth cell division but hinder smooth function of body organs including sexual health organs.

Healthy Diet

Sticking to a healthy diet provides for a lot of health benefits in your body. A healthy diet composed of whole grains, vegetables and fruits/nuts introduces into your body vital nutrients that your body requires for continued good health. These include minerals, vitamins, amino acids (fatty acids), water and energy. In particular, consuming such food stuffs as red pepper, bananas, onions and tomatoes goes a long way in enhancing your sexual health.

These are just some of the ways you can enhance your sexual health and possibly prevent being diagnosed as being impotent.

Learn more about andropause – male menopause

If you are interested in sexual health and even if you are not, you have probably read something about female menopause. But articles about male menopause or andropause are very rare. Here are some of the things that you should know about andropause.

As you can see the word andropause sounds very similar to menopause and it comes from the Greek words Andros which means Man and Pausis which means End while menopause means end of the menstrual periods. It is worth mentioning that the term andropause is not widely accepted and there are still discussions if it should be used or not.

Whether the term is accepted or not, doesn’t change the fact that there are around 40% of men around 45 to 55 years old that have to deal with andropause. The first signs can be noticed when a man turns 30 years. It is a hormonal change that affects the sensitivity. During the process of aging, men produce less androgen. It is interesting that male and female menopauses have a lot in common and the main difference is that female menopause is a lot more researched. The reason might be the sense of loss of manhood that men feel during this period.

There are some clear symptoms that point to andropause and some of them include – loss or decrease of erection, lack of libido, fatigue, lethargy, depression, irritability, loss of bone mass, nervousness, muscle and joint aches, night sweats, frequent urination, osteoporosis, stress, cardiac arrhythmias, weight gain etc. Some men also feel more maternal, they become more sensitive and kinder.

Mend find very hard to deal with these things and their loss of manhood and that’s why they don’t want to talk about it. However, conversation is one of the most efficient methods for those who want to overcome the problems that andropause brings. You can talk with your friends, partner or doctor or talk with all of them. Just like in any other situation physical activity can be very helpful. And avoiding alcohol and tobacco can be useful too.

It often happens that both partners go through perimenopause simultaneously. This can be very stressful and in some cases devastating for the relationship. The changes in sexuality are very obvious – the erections are not that neither frequent nor predictable/powerful so the man can feel especially embarrassed especially if the woman becomes more imaginative or sexually active in the bed. The feeling of inability to satisfy the partner is constantly present. This situation can be resolved only through conversations. If they are having difficulties, a visit to a therapist is a must. After all they are experts and they have various methods that can help you. All these methods bring changes that can even strengthen the relationship.

Andropause should not be confused with midlife crisis which has its roots in sensibility and it is caused by emotions. Furthermore, midlife crisis usually occurs between 35 and 45 years while andropause usually occurs between 50 and 55 years.

How to Increase Libido?

Decreased libido in women or men can cause a lot of problems in a marriage or in any kind of romantic relationship. These problems are often very complex and they are not easy to resolve because they appear from different reasons. The good news is that, no matter how difficult this problems look they can be solved if there is will between the partners to solve them using their mutual understanding and trust. Of course, the basic thing to start with this process is to talk about it, silence is the worst thing. Once you start with this process you will see how easy it is to solve it and you won’t have any problems like that in the future. The following is a list of things that can help us with low sex drive, both in men and women.

Stop worrying about time. We all know that we live in a fast paced world but we don’t have to think all the time about deadlines, lack of time, appointments etc. So try to separate your work from your home duties. Make room for family time and once you are at home stop thinking about your job. Ty to silence the cell phone and stop worrying, take care of your family and your partner. Find a way to relax and it will increase your sex drive.

What you eat is what you are, so try to monitor your diet. Make it healthy because there is definitely a direct link between food and sexual health. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drunk some natural juices. Avoid spicy food, food that contains high levels of fats, alcohol, tobacco etc. Try adding some supplements in your diet; supplements that include vitamins and minerals in them.

Don’t forget the power of the nature. Certain herbal teas like the ones made of chamomile, nettle, licorice, cinnamon etc. ca help you relax and last longer in bed. You can consult with some experts to find the right teas for you.

If you are suffering from some chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease you probably know that your sex drive and desire for sex is probably lower. That’s why you need to follow the therapy and listen to doctors’ advice. Try different medications if the ones that you are using cause you to suffer from low libido.

Even if you have children you and your partner should have a time exclusively for you two. Take a walk together, go to a dinner or go to the cinema at least once a week. After these intimate moments it will increase sexual desire.

If you notice that you are lack of sexual desire, you should consider changing your lifestyle. Increase your physical activity, change your diet, rest more, make some changes and you will feel the difference. Get out of the routine that cause your low libido.

Going on a vacation is always a good idea. Spend a week or two alone with your partner out of your town. You will definitely feel more relaxed and you will have time for better communication with your partner.

Sex Toy Pleasure Balls

Have you ever taken time to think over what the pleasure balls girls insert in themselves are for? Are the pleasure balls meant to make them feel more fulfilled while having sex? Well here is the truth:

The pleasure balls, which girls like inserting in themselves serve a variety of different sexual functions. For starters, pleasure balls, (Kegel Balls and Ben Wa Balls) are circular balls that are inserted in the vagina.

Mostly the balls are either one or two and have hollow chambers and on the inside have weighted balls. When the balls get shaken or stimulated by impact, the smaller weightier balls inside create vibrations.

When you take the sexual health perspective, you will understand that these balls (pleasure) are loved by women for their Kegel exercises practice.

Kegel Exercises, Whatever Do You Mean?

Kegel are muscular contraction exercises done by both men and women but for the women they help them in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles together with the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. These exercise routines help women develop tight vaginas, help their bodies become more orgasmic and when they achieve orgasm it comes out stronger and extremely powerful.

Ben Wa Balls

When you look at these balls from a point of pleasure, you will see that they have been designed to help in the increased sensation inside the lady’s vagina and G-spot when sexing exercises go on. Foreplay moves such as; padding, spanking and flogging makes the balls provide desired pleasure.

There are other women who on the other hand enjoy the insertion and the removal and also the feeling of fullness inside their vaginas.

Men and Pleasure Balls

There is one problem that as men we always fail to understand, passion and sex, you might have mastered a lot of sexual routines and introduced these routines in your sexual escapades with your lady. As much as it is all good and dandy, there shall come a time when the sexual positions will become routine and somehow mundane for your woman.

Sad but true, so to help your woman always experience satisfaction every time you guys have sex, concentrate on the oral sex and not necessarily penetration. Having learnt the use of pleasure balls above, you are now in the perfect spot to help your woman experience orgasm and great orgasm that will make her open wider and invite you deep inside more.

Introduce the topic of pleasure balls and if she’s into it she start busing these balls to experience great and wonderful sexual sessions that will bring you two closer together than before!